My grandparents on my dad’s side do Thanksgiving dinner on the Sunday before Thanksgiving every year. I’ve never attended one of these (at least not that I can remember) and this year was our first, since we live 5 minutes away. It was nice to see everyone, especially my cousins. Here are a few pictures, okay, well tons of pictures LOL. First off, we decided to take some family pictures and these are the ones that my cousin got of us

If you look in the background of my pictures that’s my grandparent’s property. It is the most beautiful, peaceful place I’ve ever been. I love to just sit on their front porch admiring the beauty that leaves me breathless with every glimpse. It’s a safe feeling being there, a place where I remember running all over and playing like Jayden gets to do now
This is a picture of my cousin Jill. I wouldn’t even call her my c
ousin. She’s more like my sister. I love this girl so much and she’s due to have a baby girl in March. Isn’t she gorgeous? I cannot believe that she is going to be a Mommy!!!

This is the three girls. My cousin Jill, my cousin Autumn and I w/our baby girls ~ well, Jill’s is in her belly, but it’s so cool that us girls that are so close have baby girls that will be just as close as us 3!!
My Grandpa wanted a picture of all of his Great-Grandkids, so the only one missin
g out of this picture is the one in Jill’s belly. Jayden’s so darn big compared to these babies. I love the look on Ella’s face… she’s like I am done with all this picture taking, Mom! The little boy on the left is my cousin Jeremy’s little boy Ethan, and then there’s Gweneviere who is my cousin Autumn’s baby girl and then of course my cuties Jayden and Ella. Jayden will be the one looking after all them later on in life.
And here’s a picture of Ella with her Daddy and Ella with her Mama. We couldn’t get Jayden to sit still for very long to take pics, because there was a whole new world for him outside to discover.