Ella’s First Foods

Technically she’s not 4 months until Friday, but I figured a few days wouldn’t hurt…she needs the practice and it’s really helping w/the acid reflux she has. And that’s awesome! Here’s some cute pictures ~ the first ones were her last night. I gave her a couple licks of Cookies and Cream ice cream – I know, I know, I’m a bad mom LOL.

EASY Schedule

The EASY Schedule for your baby ~

I have done this with Jayden and Ella. I got the idea from Tracy Hogg’s book The Baby Whisperer My Grandma bought me this book when I was pregnant with Jayden and tried her tactics and THEY WORKED!! Here’s how the EASY Schedule works:

E stands for Eat
A stands for Activity Time
S stands for Sleep
Y stands for You Time

So, here’s why this schedule works WONDERS with me. Your baby wakes up from a nap and you instantly feed him/her. You do not let them fall asleep while eating. After they finish their bottle you give them activity time. For a newborn this can be a bath, staring into the wondrous world before them. Just time for them to be awake and not be sleeping. Then when they get fussy, guess what! They’re not hungry!!! You instantly know what the deal is. They’re tired. So you wrap them up, rock them and put them to sleep….then you get YOU TIME (time where you can sit and hear the peace, that is if you don’t have other children or the other children are in school!!) You can even schedule out what you’re going to do for each You Time!!! Ella’s at the age that during activity time she likes to get in her jumparoo and jump jump jump and that’s my internet time. My You Time is USUALLY spent working or doing my housework.

This schedule has not failed me through 2 kids now and I love it. I always know what’s next and so does Ella (she’s my current baby) I’m a WAHM and it’s nice to know that things are not out of control. It’s easy for us and I know that I can tell someone when I will be calling them back, because according to Ella’s schedule I know when she’s going to be tired.

OH! And w/this schedule, Jayden never relied on a bottle to fall asleep. Therefore, when he turned 1 – I threw all of his bottles away on her b/day and we had NO ISSUES!!! Straight to the sippy cup like a big boy!

And the exciting thing today – she’s sleeping right now, and when she wakes up she gets to eat baby food for the first time!!! Stay tuned for pictures!!!!

Hope this works for you like it’s worked for me!! I highly suggest reading her book 🙂

For other ideas, visit ROCKS IN MY DRIER

Praise Baby

I’ve heard great things about this and if I post their logo on my blog they’re going to send me a free bib and $5.00 off one of their DVDs 🙂 If you’re interested in this as well CLICK HERE But hurry, because it’s only for the first 300 Bloggers!!!

It’s Love

MyHotComments / HotFreeLayouts

There’s something about laying on my husband’s chest and breathing in his breath taking scent. It is of course a Sean John smell ~ Unforgivable I believe it’s called…. but that on him grabs my soul and twists it all up. I really love my husband. Even though we have our days, where everything that comes out of his mouth is like nails scraping dreadfully down the chalk board….yes, I can hate him as much as I love him and that’s marriage. But at the end of a horrible day where we’re not on the same page in any way – he’ll look at me and smile and then before he walks out the door to go to work he leans down and kisses me. I breathe in his delicious scent and it all melts away. Nobody can make me as mad or happy in the way he can, and that’s how I know I love him. We were made for each other – and we make beautiful babies, so that proves even more we were made for each other.

I Have a Crafty Side

I’m crafty. I love to make things. I love to cross-stitch. I have a cross-stitch that I actually started when I was 15 years old and wanted to make it for my mom. It’s called Through a Mother’s Eyes. It’s of a bride in her wedding dress with her mom standing behind her. There’s a mirror in front of them and the reflection of the bride is of a little girl. I never finished it and once a year pick it back up to work on it. My mom has always been waiting for me to finish it, but I never do. She doesn’t know this yet, but something inside of me says it’s not for her. Something inside of me is saying that the reason why I started this cross-stitch is so that I can work on it for 20+ years and have it perfect and be able to give it to my daughter on her wedding day. But, like I said, my mom does not know that’s how I feel yet.

I’m going to try something new. My grandmother makes amazing quilts. I love them. She’s going to teach me how to make quilts. I’ve never sewed before, so this is all going to be new and fun!! I think I’m going to pick one afternoon a week where after I pick up Jayden I will go up to my grandma’s house and learn.

Once I learn how to make these quilts I think I want to make some cross-stitches and put them into a quilt…how special would that be?

Speech Therapy

I met with the Speech Therapist and his teacher at Jayden’s school today. The meeting went great! We all agreed that it would be in Jayden’s best interest to start meeting w/the Speech Therapist 2x/week for a total of 50 minutes/week. Our main goals to work with Jayden are:

1. To get him to structure his sentences correctly. He mixes his words up in sentences.

2. For him to finish one subject before jumping to another. Example: He’ll be in the middle of a sentence and jump to a completely different subject. It’s almost like his mind is going too fast.

3. To complete 1 Step Directions. Example: “Jayden walk to the orange trash can.” Um, he kinda gets off task a little bit LOL.

I will update as things progress, but I think this is going to be a really great thing for him.

He Has a Girlfriend!

Jayden has his first girlfriend. Her name is Alexis and she really is cute. I went to pick up Jayden from school today and him and Alexis walked out holding hands. OMGoodness! It really was cute. But it’s such an eye opener that he’s growing up. So, we get in the car and I asked him, “Is she your girlfriend?” I’ve asked this question before in a teasing manner, and he’s always said, “NO!” This time was different. Jayden replied, “Yes, Mom, and we’re gonna go on a date.” My heart kinda broke a little bit.

I told Gino and you’d think he’d feel all proud of his little boy, but he wasn’t. I’m kinda shocked. He asked him so tell me about your girlfriend and Jayden said, “Yeah, we hold hands and I need a nice shirt for our date.” Gino didn’t really say much to him then told me that it bothers him. So I told Jayden that girlfriends are for teenagers and little boys aren’t supposed to have a girlfriend. He actually told me, “Mom, I do have a girlfriend and we’re going on a date. I’m in love! She’s a Chinese girl and I’m a Chinese boy.” I didn’t know my son was Chinese. She actually looks Filipino maybe half.

She’s a very cute girl, but this isn’t supposed to happen. Little girls are supposed to have cooties. Why doesn’t this little girl have cooties???? Is this normal? I don’t remember having a boyfriend in Kindergarten. It’s one thing to have a little girlfriend, but why’s he talking about buying a nice shirt for a date? Gino used to joke with Jayden about hot chicks. Whenever there’d be a girl on the TV Gino would say, “Jayden, is that a hot chick?” Jayden even asked Gino’s boss at church on Sunday, “Do you like hot chicks? My dad likes hot chicks.” It was funny, we all laughed. Now Gino said he’s never joking with Jayden about hot chicks ever again. I actually do find it funny that Gino is reacting the way he’s reacting. Looks like Ella has no chance at ever having a boyfriend!

Well, everyone, this is history today. My son’s heart belongs to another female. UGH!

It’s All About the Thumb

Within the past couple of days Ella has decided that she is going to be a thumb sucker. It first started out with sucking on her hands like there was no tomorrow, but then a little thumb slipped in and she fell in love. Today she learned how to curl her fingers and just have her thumb in her mouth and I must say it is the cutest thing ever. The negative point about this is I can take away a pacifier, but how do I take away a thumb? I guess we’ll deal with that when the time comes.

Church Day

We had the most wonderful time today. It was Fast Sunday where people get up an tell their testimonies of the gospel and the church and I was a little nervous, but Gino seemed to really enjoy it. There were a couple of testimonies that were pretty powerful and I think he needed to hear them. The Relief Society has a bunch of wonderful girls in it and they really made me feel welcomed. We filled out a survey today of extra activities we’d be interested in. There were so many! Things like Yoga, book clubs, scrapbooking, Gospel Study, Parenting Classes, CPR – all kinda of things I’d love to do. They all loved Ella ~ but who doesn’t? Hehe. When it was all over with and we got in the car Gino told me that he really learned a lot and enjoyed it. I was hoping this is the response I’d get 🙂 So, I’m pretty happy!! Jayden told us he learned about Jesus and got to sing songs and had lots of fun. I was nervous for nothing 🙂