I love Christmas. I have so many wonderful memories from Christmas time as a child and I just came across this photo of Mitch (my brother), Jessica (my sister) & me. You have to admit, the socks are just the coolest things you’ve ever seen.. I know that my kids will have lots to laugh about when they get ahold of pictures of me as a little girl.
I wanted to talk about a couple of memories that I have around Christmas time. Memories that always have stuck with me. My sister and I used to love to twirl around in our dresses and I so wish I had a picture of this, but so did my brother. My brother and sister are only 12 months apart, so he would get dressed up in one of her dresses and twirl with us. As he was twirling you could see little batman underwear under the dress.
Every year for our Christmas tree we’d go behind our house, which was desert, and look for our Christmas tree to cut down. We’d always have to go really late at night when it was really dark, and I never caught on to the truth of the whole charade until my mom told me not too many years ago. My mom and her brother would actually go up in the mountains and find our tree, cut it down and bring it down and prop it up against the little non-Christmas trees behind our house. Somehow, they had us fooled to think that we were actually going in the back, hunting for our perfect, tree. Last week I talked of the trick my mom pulled on me, and she always tried to make things fun and memorable, and I’m lucky to have had a mom like that.
So, I know it’s not Christmas time, but finding this picture brought back so many memories. So, here’s Fro’ Me to You ~ if you wanna join in on this fun carnival of reaching into the depths of your childhood head over to We are THAT Family and join in!! Even if you don’t, she has a great blog so take a look around!!