We sat down last night to watch this movie and I had already fallen in love with these characters as I had read the book. I cried from the beginning til the end. I’ve been having issues with death as it is and I really think I shouldn’t have watched this movie. I think it all started when Robert died. I began dwelling on death. I’m scared of someone I love dieing. I’m scared to die and leave the ones I love. I can’t even fathom the idea of not having my husband next to me. He’s my best friend. When something bad happens, it’s Him I go to. When something good happens, it’s Him I go to. I never want to lose Him. I love Him.
I know that none of us make it out of this world alive. It’s all in God’s hands and I know things will get better for me in this department as my faith is grows. As my testimony grows.
As for the movie, they butchered the book. It was a wonderful movie and I really did love it, but the book is 100 times better – but isn’t that always the case?