My baby girl is 9 months & 2 weeks old and she took her first 2 steps today. She was so determined and it was so EXCITING!!!!!!!! I’m going to try my hardest to get this on video. OMGosh 🙁 she’s growing up so fast!
Monthly Archives: May 2008
Wretched little fire ants!
Ever since we’ve moved to Oregon there’s one thing I have definitely not liked. Fire ants! Those wretched little things make outings not so enjoyable. We love to go on picnics and these pesky little buggers can ruin the whole experience.
I came across a website that can give you some great advice on how to kill fire ants. If you’ve ever been stung by a fire ant there’s treatment advice on this site as well. I love the tactic on their site on pouring boiling water into their colony to get rid of them…. how mean is that! I’ve heard it works though.
Wordless Wednesday – Siblings
9 Month Check Up
Last week Ella had her 9 month check up. The doctors were so happy that they hadn’t seen her since her 6 month check up, because that means that her heart medicine is doing what it’s supposed to be doing! It makes us happy too!!
She was 20lbs 6 oz & I left the paper there that they wrote her length on. So, I don’t have that tidbit of info. She’s healthy and growing normally!! Of course she sat there throughout the doctor’s appointment and wouldn’t show them one thing she was doing. Why do they do that?
Ella said Jayden today. It was clear as day and shocking! Right after she said Jayden she said BuhBye… we were taking him to school. She’s so smart. Sometimes I think she’s too smart for her own good. That scares me. As I watch her grow and grow I get more frightened and excited for what lies ahead.
2 Day Movie Premiere
I have a 6 year old son who love Japanese animation. I think he got this from his Auntie. When my sister used to babysit for me they would watch Japanese animation the entire time. The characters in Japanese manga are always powerful and have names that stand for something. Jayden and I have come up with a Japanese name for him and it is Jeiden. It’s close to Jayden and makes him feel cool!! We pronounce it “Jeedun”.
Jayden is going to having something fun to look forward to on his last day of school. For 2 days and 2 days only, Bleach the Movie will be in theaters!! June 11th & June 12th is when you can go and see this movie in a theater near you. To check the locations that it will be shown, you can go here.
A Scattered Thought
The following is something I wrote earlier and thought I would use it as my Works for me Wednesday post. ~~~
As a parent we make mistakes. It’s what happens and I believe that there is a reason that we as parents make mistakes. Not only for us to learn from so we can do better with the next, but also for our children to learn from them, and apply them to their lives AS THEY SEE FIT.
I’ve been having some thoughts lately that I feel I need to get out. So here it goes, and this is not directed toward any person – it’s just some values I’ve been learning as I’ve been growing. I believe that opinions you have on someone should stay to yourself. I do not believe that pushing your opinions, your values and how you think things should be is going to help. While we all learn from our parents mistakes we have to live life to learn from our own as well.
Marriage is a sacred bond between 2 people. 2 people. Not 3, not 4 and definitely not between all the parents, inlaws, grandparents, aunts, uncles – you get my drift. I believe that if a marriage is in trouble, leave it be. If the married couple wants to split that’s their choice. If the married couple is happy with their troubled marriage, let it be. If they’re happier than anyone you know, let it be. Do not talk about them to others. Let their situation be their situation. If they come to you to cry, to rant, to rave listen. Don’t tell them what you think has to be done, just listen. We all need to cry, rant & rave, but we don’t want to hear negativity of our own situations from others, and we definitely don’t want others to turn around and gossip.
If someone makes a decision for their lives that you believe is stupid or irresponsible, let it be. Keep your opinion to yourself, because it’s their life. It’s their dreams, it’s what they want. Most importantly, don’t go and talk about it with other people. Gossip is not good. Gossip destroys trust. Gossip destroys your soul, and I’m starting to realize this.
If you have an opinion on someone else’s life keep it to yourself, unless they ask for it. If someone calls you and needs someone to talk to, please listen and not judge.
I’m saying these things, because I feel sad when I hear people talking about other people’s marriages. I wouldn’t like that done to me, and I hope it never happens. We have to live life for ourselves and not for others.
Many people have actually suggested that I get my tubes tied since my IUD is going to be taken out. That offends me. That is by far the most personal decision that anyone will ever make and there is no way I’m going to do that. To me, having kids, not having kids and marriage issues are personal and outsiders should not have a say. I know this is all a little scattered, but I’ve grown into a person that is independent. I’ve come a long way and actually used to HAVE to have my mommy close by. If I was sick I was on her door step crying. For me to pick up and move and see how life is when you are by yourself, raising your family I have learned how important it is to not drag others into your situations. That is a huge step for me and I’m proud of myself. I’m happier this way and I hope that our family will be happy with any decisions that we make as a married couple and strong, solid family, because whatever decisions WE make in life is for us and not everyone else.
OK, I feel really good for getting that out.
For other WFMW posts check out Shannon’s Blog
Shoot your own commercial

I talked before about the Dockers contest and even came up with my own little story of ‘If my pants could talk.’ Writing that story alone was lots of fun, I’ve even had thoughts of entering into this contest and using my hilarious 6 year old in it somehow, or maybe I could go back to my original story of ‘If my pants could talk’ and go through all of the events that my dockers go through all day with a 9 month old baby around.
If you haven’t gone to check out this Dockers contest you really should. People have been submitting in their videos that they are hoping win and they’re pretty good!! It would be so exciting to have your video aired as a commercial during The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, don’t you think? You could even make a fun family project out of it.
I really think this is a great opportunity that Dockers is giving to people out there who have always been interested in filming or even acting. This could be the ticket you’ve been waiting for. All it takes is shooting a fun commercial and submitting it in. What do you have to lose?
To get some ideas you could go and see the videos that have been submitted. Personally, my favorite was the one called Dockers Temptation. All the videos are great and I think that yours would probably even be better, so have a little fun.
Baby Steps – This step was great!
I actually don’t feel like I had a very productive week. I was hoping to get the spice cupboard organized and I failed at that. However, I talked about my laundry problem last week and I’m proud to announce that I did continue with my laundry and have about 1 load left. That is by far the most shocking thing ever in my life!!!
Here’s my HUGE tackle of the week and it has nothing to do with housework. I have been talking about one of my sisters from my father that I alienate myself from. You can read about it HERE. She’s 15 and I came to the realization that she’s a really sweet girl and I should try to start a relationship with her. She’s 15 and that’s such a hard time in life and it would be great if I could be a good role model. We both have the same dad and we both didn’t grow up with him, well she kinda did. Anyways…. today I picked her up from school and we went to see a movie together. We had SO MUCH FUN!!! We saw ‘What Happens In Vegas’ and we laughed from the beginning all the way to the end.
It was such a big tackle for me and I feel good about myself for opening up to her and letting her in my life. I hope that this relationship will grow and I will soon feel like she is my sister, since technically she is.
Got Ink?
It seems like I’ve running to the store every couple of weeks to buy ink cartridges lately. With the job I do, at home, I’m printing all the time. Isn’t that what accounting is all about? Reports and more reports and the reports just never end. Don’t get me started on the scrapbooking. I’ve been printing out layouts as an 8×8 and that’s eating up my ink like you wouldn’t believe. Especially when I’m not satisfied with the way it looks, so I have to go back and redo the entire layout then print again. Then once I finally get it the way I like after printing out 10 times just to see I have to reprint for family members. You know they all love scrapbook layouts of my kids all over their homes. I know all my fellow digiscrappers out there hear me!
Let’s face it, ink cartridges aren’t cheap. In fact, the price of ink for me is soon going to start looking like my gas bill every month. Ugly picture isn’t it? Lucky for you and me I have found a company that sells ink cartridges for CHEAP!! We’re talking up to 70% cheaper than you probably normally spend on your ink cartridges. I know, I know! I can hear you now screaming share the info, lady! We want in on this beautiful gold mine that you have found. Patience, I’m getting there!!
I can hear you asking now, do they carry canon ink cartridges? Yes!! What about epson ink cartridges ? They do! They do! Guess what, folks! They even carry dell printer cartridges! Pacific Ink makes purchasing the ink cartridges that you need a walk through the park. You know what makes me like Pacific Ink even more? They have FREE SHIPPING!!!! What if you get your ink cartridge and you’ve changed your mind, well then lucky for you they have a Hassle Free Guarantee. Returns are a breeze.

If you have a busy, busy day ahead of you….
Happy Tuesday everyone!!! It’s Kitchen Tip Tuesday and I thought today I’d share a couple of quickies I do in the kitchen on days that I’m busy or just don’t feel like putting much effort into dinner.
I know that a lot of people love crock pots, and I’m one of them!! There’s a lot of great crock pot recipes out there that call for all these ingredients and sometimes, being a new cooker, it intimidates me.
So, here’s a couple of things I do in my crock pot…..
I throw chicken breasts/thighs in the crockpot and pour over some Four Cheese & Roasted Garlic spaghetti sauce and a ton of Parmesan cheese and cook on high for 4 hours – or low for 6-8 hours. Serve over some fettuccine Alfredo and mmmmmmm mmmmmm!!!
Do you have a whole chicken laying around? Last night I threw a whole chicken in the crock pot and poured some Teriyaki marinade over it, made white rice and steamed some broccoli and mmmmm mmmmm!!!!
Sometimes I just throw whatever I have in there, cross my fingers and say a quick prayer, and so far it’s turned out all good 😉
If you have any easy crock pot recipes that you’d like to share with me please do!! I heart the crock pot!
For other kitchen tips, which are probably a lot better than mine (I’m new in the kitchen! Give me a break here) head over to Tammy’s Recipes!!