Sincerely Fro’ Me to You – Sand Dollar Baller

I am SUPER excited about this carnival that Kristen from “We are THAT Family” you know what, Kristen – we so are too! LOL Anways… it’s called Sincerely, Fro’ Me to You. It’s a carnival on taking a trip down memory lane.

Let me explain why this is the most perfect carnival for me. This blog is my family history. This blog is going to be printed every year and put into a hard cover book for my children and their children and their children to enjoy. I’m so happy that I will have something weekly that will force me to dig into memory lane to share with all the generations to come.

So for my first time ever participating…..

Dear Mom,

Do you remember the summer after Delphi? This particular summer you were in New Orleans. I came to visit and had the summer of a lifetime. We were walking down the French Quarters and there was a door open of some bar and I looked in and there was actually a male stripper and when I looked down there was a ton of guys stuffing money in his thong LOL. Remember the creepy guy that was following us?

There’s one moment in my life that I will never forget as long as I live. I don’t think I’d ever been more mad at you than I was at that moment. You know, the moment that you almost had me walking into a little shop on the beach to sell them the sand dollars I “found” on the beach for $300 each! You know, the sand dollars that you dropped in the sand behind me, just to lead me into thinking I was finding a gold mine and was going to be rich! I’ll never forget that. In fact, I think packed in the garage I still have those sand dollars. I’m glad that you and John had such a hysterical laugh over it. I’ll never forget how mad I was. I was only 12… you tell me anything and I’ll believe it. I had plans for that money, Mom! I was planning on buying one of those Sony Discmans… remember, the yellow ones that supposedly wouldn’t make your CDs skip.

I still wish that you really could take sand dollars in and sell them for $300 each. I’m so happy that you made things so memorable for me, even if at the time I wasn’t really all that happy with the little jokes you’d play on me. I love you, Mom!


Fro’ Me to You, Mom

No more IUD for the sake of my sanity

After having a completely emotional day I think I’ve come to a decision that might just save my sanity. I really have loved the Mirena, but I’m turning into someone I don’t even like. My husband actually said to me today that he doesn’t even like to come home on his lunch break anymore because I’m just snapping at him over everything. He compared me to the sister on the movie Knocked Up… she treats her husband like s*%$ I had a hysterical fit today where I sat in the bathroom sobbing. Over NOTHING. I picked apart everything I could on my husband. That’s not okay. This isn’t me. Of course I have my times of being moody, but this is scary. So as I’m sitting in the bathroom crying it dawns on me that what if these hormones I’m taking are completely screwing up my brain? What happens when I completely lose it? That’s when you draw the line. I’d rather have another kid than feel the way I feel.

I’ve wondered before if maybe it’s PPD, but I don’t think it is. Especially since my hormone levels are so drastically low. I have to have faith that everything will end up back to normal and I will be okay. My kids don’t deserve to have a mom with no patience. Instead of being on anti-anxiety medication and hormones I think I’m going right to the source and having them rip that stupid Mirena out.

If you pray, please pray for me. I’m going to ask the missionaries to come over and give me a blessing on Friday. I also am going to get a massage tomorrow, and that should really help. If you pray, please pray for me. I hate feeling like this. I don’t want to drive my husband away being a naggy wife. I’ve never been naggy. I’ve never been snappy with Jayden and I’m catching myself being like that with him. Jayden is my heart and soul and I’m so over protective over him and here I am being mean. That’s not cool.

I think for birth control I might go back on the ring, which is what I was taking before I got pregnant with Mya. My insurance company is just going to LOVE this. I just fought tooth & nail to get that $850.00 thing paid for. Now I’m taking it out LOL.

**I updated my Book of Mormon Blog

Starting your day out right….

It’s another week of Works for Me Wednesday. I’m sitting here looking around my living room and it looks like a tornado has flipped through it. I’m exhausted and wanting nothing more than to crawl into bed. I look over at my kitchen, and my counters are filled with dishes from dinner and the day since I was busy trying to get work done & dealing with a high maintenance baby, and once again, nobody thought to put THEIR dish in the dishwasher.

My entire house is asleep and I can’t help but sit on my butt and treasure the silence. I don’t want to clean my house and I know that when I wake up in the morning if I walk down those stairs and I get one glimpse of what I’m staring at right now I won’t only have claws for the entire day, but not one thing will go right for me. Instead of spending the beginning of my day being organized and happy, sipping my coffee (YES I STILL DRINK COFFEE) I will be mad. I will not be able to start work, because I will be having to clean up my house. Then, my entire schedule will be completely messed up and then I’ll get depressed, because the things that I actually HAD to do did not get done. All because I woke up to a messy house.

So, what works for me is getting off my butt and making sure that my kitchen and my living room are presentable so that when I wake up and I walk down those stairs I can have a smile on my face.

Now, I have to actually go and do this unfortunately.

To read about what works for other’s go to Shannon’s blog.


Want to be the talk of your social circle?

Then you definitely need to step away from the store bought Brithday Cards that you send out every year and listen to what I have to say. Cards Direct is a website that allows you to customize birthday cards to say anything that you want it to.
I absolutely LOVE the way this card looks. Being able to personalize it into what I want it to say and the fact that it’s half the price that store cards would be ROCKS!! They sell these cards in bulk and I kinda like that. I like how I will be able to have a custom birthday card that I will send out to everyone on their birthdays throughout the year. Plus, you won’t have to worry about putting your return address on the envelopes provided, because they will do it for you!

The process is so incredibly easy! You go through, pick out the card you like and then personalize it to say what YOU want it to say. You could even add your company logo and order in bulk if it’s the “company” birthday card that you give to everyone.

They have so many more things to offer including picture cards, which you could do some cool invitations with. Go check it out and be the talk of your social circle, because you have better, customized cards and they don’t!

My husband thinks I have claws…

Yesterday we went to Jayden’s TBall game and as I was driving the sun was beating into my car. (Mental note – MUST GET WINDOWS TINTED THIS YEAR!) Anyways… the sun made me think about how I forgot the sunscreen. So, I make the comment of “Great! I’m going to look like a tomato by the end of the game.” My ever so loving husband actually had the nerve to say, “Um, I like to use the term lobster. You’ll look like a lobster. You know, because the lobsters have claws.” He looked at me and actually put his fingers up and clamped them together.


I thought this sign was hilarious.

Need To Get Away?

Have you ever been in a situation where there’s an family emergency and you can’t get to where you need to go, because you don’t have the cash? Or how about that unexpected bill that popped up and you need help getting it paid. Or maybe you just can’t deal with life anymore and you NEED TO GET AWAY! Trust me, sometimes I feel like that….. actually, I get that feeling at least once a day. Vacation Loans is a website that will match you with a Payday advance loan company that will guarantee you to be approved for up to a $1,000.00, just as long as you have a job, phone number & a bank account.

So, don’t forget that the next time you’re in a bind and need a little advance, Vacation Loans can even help you buy some new pants!

Zucchini Oatmeal Muffins

I’m participating this week!!! It’s Kitchen Tip Tuesday.

Jayden’s school put together a Family Favorite Recipes book. Sold each little booklet for $10.00 and probably made a killing. It’s a really cute idea though, and the kids got to draw a picture on whatever page they submitted. They also threw in some Kid’s craft ideas, household tips, Measurement charts and all kinds of cool little things. Here’s a recipe that I found in the book ~I wonder if I can trick Jayden with these…..
You will need:

– 2 1/2 cups of all purpose flour
– 1 1/2 cups of sugar
– 1 cup of chopped pecans
– 1/2 cup of quick cooking oats
– 1 tbsp baking powder
– 1 tsp of salt
– 1 tsp of ground cinnamon
-4 Eggs
– 1 Med. zucchini shredded (about 3/4 cup)
– 3/4 cup of vegetable oil

What you do:

In a mixing bowl, combine first seven ingredients. Beat eggs and then combine the eggs with zucchini and oil. Pour over dry ingredients stirring only until moistened. Butter will be lumpy. Fill greased muffin cups 3/4 full. Bake at 400 Degrees for 25 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean. Cool & Enjoy!!

For other Kitchen Tips make sure you head over to Tammy’s Recipes to read other’s tips.


Airing My Dirty Laundry

I’ve been lurking on this carnival for some time now, but I just didn’t have it in me to get to tackling. Well, all that’s over! Most of the times the girls post before & after pictures of what they’ve tackled. I didn’t do that this week. Next week, however, I will definitely have pictures up of the great, amazing things I accomplish! This is everything I’ve tackled………

My entire bottom of my closet was a mound of dirty clothes. I have shelving in my closet that sometimes requires me to grab a chair to reach and I actually could just walk up my mound of dirty clothes to reach what I wanted. Pathetic huh? Well, I spent all day Saturday, part of Sunday & part of today doing laundry. I think I have 4 loads left and they will be done tomorrow. The biggest accomplishment of it all is that I have folded, hung & put away every article of clothing. Socks have been matched and put away. If you are someone who knows me you know laundry is a HUGE issue with me. So, this is by far the best tackling job I’ve EVER done!

I had a huge list of things to get done for work that I have dreadfully been putting off. Today I sat down and read this quote (please go read it, it really is an inspirational quote!!) and started in on it. I didn’t get my kitchen table cleaned off like I had wanted to, but I got some extremely important things done and I’m actually looking forward to tackling more of it tomorrow.

I must thank you for stopping by and make sure that you go to and check out what others are tackling.

Now for the GIVEAWAY!!! CLICK HERE and it will take you to the Giveaway post. Good luck!!

Don’t Let The Bed Bugs Bite

Sweet dream, sleep tight and don’t let the bed bugs bite. This is one phrase we’ve all heard in our lives at one point or another. In my son’s case every single night. I didn’t even know that bed bugs really do exist until a couple of years ago. It made me want to throw out my mattress and get a new one every year!

I just found a website that actually shows you the signs of bedbugs and gives you natural remedies and advice on how to get rid of them. The website’s called Bed Bugs Guide. I think I might have to go and buy a zipping mattress cover, because I kinda don’t want to sleep in my bed now. This is so disgusting and while I wish I never came across this I’m kindof glad I did, because I’d rather know about it than not know about it. Does that make sense?