A Possible End To Bad Credit

When I first turned 18 my mailbox was flooded with credit card offers. I did what I probably shouldn’t have done and applied for every offer sent to me. Gino lost his job when our son was 1 week old. It was the worst situation that ever could have happened, but it did. Thankfully, I was approved for every offer I applied for and we basically lived off of credit cards for 3 months. Not to mention, we also had done some shopping before he lost his job. We were in a mess! I ended up doing the most irresponsible thing and letting it all go. A couple years later I went back and paid most of it all off, but now I can’t get approved for ANYTHING. I actually was considering going into my bank and starting up a secured credit card where I put down $300.00 and use that as a credit card just so I could start building up my credit.

Living with bad credit is hard. It makes it so that you can’t live the life that you should be able to. We all need to own a home at one point or another. That isn’t an option for us right now. I haven’t even ordered a copy of my credit report, because I’ve been scared. I don’t know where to start. We can now afford our life, but we have this demon hanging over our heads, and I don’t like it!

I just received an opportunity to talk about a website on my blog and when I went to review the site I was actually pretty excited. It’s called Bad Credit Offers They offer bad credit loans and they offer bad credit credit cards. I think that this might be the perfect way to start. It’s better than just sitting on a bunch of bad credit, right? Baby steps… this is step 1.

Our Friday Family Project

Yesterday was an In-service day at Jayden’s school so that means NO SCHOOL! I wanted to do something special with him so we out to lunch together and talked about what fun project we could do together. We decided to surprise Daddy at work and went to go and buy some planting stuff. Jayden had given me some flowers for Mother’s Day and I thought it would be fun to repot them. So off to Home Depot we went. The store that I think almost everyone can get lost in and leave with an empty bank account. Target’s a little like that as well – might even be a little worse for me.

So, we ended up buying a new hose w/a sprayer on it, some cute little Terracotta pots with turtles on them. We planted tomatoes & strawberries in those. I kill plants. I’ve never had a green thumb, but I really want to try here. I want to have a garden and be like all the other Mormons out there! One of the plants that I killed, which is also one my husband tried so hard to keep alive, was planted in a pretty little pot. So we ripped the plant out and planted the flowers that Jayden gave me for Mother’s Day. He loved it! Gino got home in time to help us with our project, so it became a family project…. nothing’s better than that!

It’s Almost Time for Summer Vacations!!

Yesterday it reached 100 degrees where I live. 100 FRICKEN DEGREES in May! It’s completely baffling me and I feel like I’m switching from Winter to Summer….. where is Spring? I’m not ready for swimming pools and beaches….. or am I????

This weather has me thinking about this summer vacations, and thinking of summer vacations has me thinking about how I haven’t gone on one in FOREVER. The last time I actually got a vacation was in June 2005. See what having kids does to you? I jumped on a plane, left the husband and kid at home, and went to go and watch my aunt get married. Let me just tell you, Vegas after you’re 21 and you’re not being an active Mormon is INSANE! I don’t think I’ve ever experienced anything like that in my life.

One of my aunt’s friends was a VIP manager of an after hours club in one of the casinos and got us in. You take an elevator down and we got set up in the VIP area and had Fillet Mignon, chocolate covered strawberries, endless drinks and anything that we wanted on the house. We got there at around 2am and it wasn’t really even packed – at 4am that’s when the party in there started. They’re not kidding when they say the freaks come out at night. We actually left the club at 6am! When we came out of the elevator there was a line out the door and wrapped around the building just to get in there. I felt like crap that next day, and now when I think about how much I miss the club scene I try my hardest to think about how I felt that horrible day!

The weekend was so hectic that we didn’t get to experience any of the fun things that Vegas has to offer. You know, all the things that don’t include alcohol and slots. My mom spent the majority of her time down in the casinos playing black jack, counting cards like she was supposed to be in the movie 21 or something. So, I’m thinking that I just might have to make a family trip out of Vegas this time. Trusted Tours & Attractions has a ton of sightseeing tours on their website. CLICK HERE to go and see what Las Vegas has to offer on their site. I’ve already found so many things that Jayden would LOVE! Las Vegas isn’t the only city on their site. They have things to offer for New York, and who doesn’t love Atlanta? Things to do in Atlanta

I just signed up for their newsletter and I’m now qualified to win a $150.00 Itunes gift card…. SCORE! You can sign up too for your chance to win….. CLICK HERE to sign up and make sure you act fast, because the giveaway ends on 5/31/08.

I got you thinking about vacations, didn’t I? I’d love to hear from others on where they’re going on their vacations this year.

I Guess American Idol is out

Jay has crushed my dreams of going to try out for American Idol next year. I’m always singing to him. Even if I’m telling him to brush his teeth – I somehow will fen dangle a song about it. Yesterday I was singing to him telling him his sandwich was ready and here’s how it all busted down……………

Me (Singing Loudly) Jaaaaayyyyyyden, come eat your sandwich ~ oh Jaaaaayyyyyden it’s ready!

Jayden: OMG, Dad! That is the most terrible noise I’ve ever heard.

Gino: Extreme laughter, because I know that they share an opinion on this matter.

Oh well, Ella still enjoys it.

Inspriation from Gordon B. Hinckley….

“I hope you will not nag yourselves with thoughts of failure, I hope you will not try to set goals far beyond your capacity to achieve. I hope you will simply do what you can do in the best way you know how. If you do so, you will witness miracles come to pass.”

I came across this quote from the late President Gordon B. Hinckley and I think it’s exactly what I needed to read today. I have an entire kitchen table with files and papers and a ton of stuff that I need to do and a part of me wants to turn the other direction and RUN, but I need to not set a goal of accomplishing everything. I need to go and set a timer for 15 minutes and start there. Whatever I get done in that 15 minutes I will be satisfied with. I will feel like I have conquered something and I will feel good about it. If I have it in me I’ll continue on, and I bet I will. Tomorrow morning I will wake up and I will read this quote again and then I will go with a positive attitude and conquer what I’ve put off.


I go to pick up Jayden every day from school. There’s a little girl that walks up to me daily and hugs me as she walks to her class from lunch and I can’t even look her in the eye. I’m 25 years old and she’s only 9. As she walks up to me to hug me I try to pretend like she doesn’t exist. I know this is an iniquity, and something that I probably should really pray about, but I honestly can’t help myself.

This little girl was never abandoned and I was. This little girl has had her daddy all of her life, and I have not. I wouldn’t say I’m jealous, but I resent. I resent a 9 year old and I’m coming out and saying it.

For the past 2 seasons, I’ve watched on Grey’s Anatomy Meredith’s relationship with her little sister. It’s the exact same situation as mine. We see little glances of hope that Meredith might actually accept Lexi, and we all have sortof grown to love this quirky character Lexi has, but then Meredith backs away and her guard against her little sister just doesn’t budge. I wonder if I’ll ever be able to accept this little girl who had my dad as her daddy. I know it’s not her fault, but I just can’t help the way I feel.

Is "Jay" really Chinese?

If you ask my vibrant son if he’s Mexican he says, “NO! I’m Chinese.” This has been going on for a while now. He thinks Chinese people speak Spanish. Well, a memory has struck me about a time when Jayden was about 2 years old. We were watching that show Last Comic Standing – which I never really liked. A Chinese guy was on there doing his stand up and when this guy busted out some Chinese Jayden was hysterically laughing. It was like he knew what this dude was talking about. When the white people came back on speaking clear English Jayden was no longer interested.

So, I think it’s time for Gino and Jayden to take a paternity test, because they may look like identical twins, but I’ve come to the conclusion that Jayden is indeed Chinese.

I’m a Mormon Mom!

As I sat around today at the park with other moms I had a brief moment of panic run through my veins. Golly George, people, I’m a mom. I actually pack a diaper bag and tote my kids from play dates to piano lessons and I have baby that if I don’t pay attention to her for a brief second she will fall on her head! I promise before these last play dates, Ella’s never fallen on her head! Ella, if you’re reading this and you’re brain’s a little slow I’m so sorry!

I know that half the population in Sacramento just might think they’re having brain spasms if they knew that my play dates were with MORMONS! Guess what, Sacramento, I actually have more fun at Mormon play dates than I did stuck on I-80 in rush hour traffic trying to come home in time to eat dinner and then say good-night to my child who I wouldn’t even get to really spend any time with until the weekend.

I love the new life I chose. With every new decision that I make towards bettering my family and my soul I’m even fall more in love with the new life I chose.

I already give reviews on products…….

so why not get paid right? I’ve joined up with an amazing company called PayPerPost, which I’ve spent a couple of days reading about. It’s a site based on blog marketing and I just got my approval email and I’m SO EXCITED to get started!! I’m always using all different types of things and love to share my opinions on them for all of my readers/lurkers/friends – heck you’re all the same thing – The best part about it is now I’m going to get some fun cash for talking about these things. Cash that can be put aside into a savings account for the kids, or for a family vacation.

Look on my sidebar and you’ll see a lovely blue button and if you have something that you want me to write about click on that, fill out the form and I’ll write about it! It’s a great way to advertise anything you’re selling – I have a wide variety of readers, so if you have a small business what a great way to get the word out. If you have a large business then, heck, MY BLOG is still a great way to get the word out. If you don’t have a business or a product or an opinion you’d like me to share, then I’m sure you have a friend that does!! Stay tuned for my first review…..

Happy Anniversary to Mr. & Mrs. Garibay

4 years ago today I made a commitment to my best friend that I would forever be by his side. That we would be together with every beat of our hearts. 4 years ago today we so different. I don’t even think you can really say that we were “in love”. We were in a comfortable situation with a kid and it was time. It was time to give Jayden the family that he deserved and it was time for us to get a vacation to Mexico. You think I’m kidding huh? NOPE!

Things have changed. When 4 years ago I never thought we’d make it, here we are happier than we’ve ever been. I’m proud that Gino is my husband. The changes that we have both made and the compromises have been so worth it. I could not imagine my life without this wonderful husband, wonderful father, wonderful man. I’m so happy that we stuck through the hard times, because they truly did help us grow together. We’ve only been married for 4 years and while it seems like a lifetime it isn’t. We still have an entire lifetime ahead of us and I can’t wait to experience every happy, depressing, angry, joyous, hurtful & loving moment together. Because that is how we will be for all eternity…… TOGETHER.

Happy Anniversary to us!!! Here’s to 60 more years!