I’m just gonna come out and say it. Parenting IS HARD! I love the mothers out there that act like it’s so easy to have a perfect house and perfect children. Lucky them! Last night Ella couldn’t get close enough to me. She finally fell asleep and I turned over in hopes that I would now be able to fall asleep. Well, guess what! SURPRISE, Mama I’m crawling over you – and I’m going wrap my body around yours. Somehow she got comfortable when her body was covering my face, and honestly I have no clue what we looked like, but it wasn’t fun. I’m sure she would’ve been a lot happier if she could’ve just crawled right back inside of me. I probably would’ve gotten a lot more sleep too. 6am rolls around and who’s slapping my face? That’s right, Queen Ella. Today will not be fun.
Monthly Archives: May 2008
Do you have the Mirena IUD?
This is a different works for me post. I figured that this is a good way to put a word out there on people out there with the IUD Mirena. I first off must say that I have really loved it! My periods are so light and I’ve been told that they may even stop all together, BUT! They say that there are no side effects. That your ovaries will still do what your ovaries are supposed to do. That is a big fat FALSE!! I got my IUD put in on 10/1/2007. A few months ago I started having anxiety attacks and I’ve been more irritable than I’ve ever been in my life. This was so out of control that I actually got a prescription to Xanax and then eventually tried Gaba Ease, which I must say has helped immensely. So part of my works for me is Gaba Ease. If you have irritation due to hormones, anxiety or stress this is a natural supplement that has shocked me with it’s magical powers.
Okay, I’m getting to the point of the whole IUD spill. I was such an emotional/hormonal wreck that I called the doctors. I had hormone testing done and I went in yesterday for my results. The “women’s” doctor’s office that I go to does research and they’re starting to recognize that what I’m about to tell you happens to a lot of people that have Mirena. My progesterone levels were at a .47! I’m a 25, non-pregnant female and my levels should be in the 5’s. Having such low progesterone levels has dropped my estrogen levels down to a 58…. I have numbers like someone in menopause! No wonder I’ve been a batty psycho case. I’m so relieved that this can all be corrected by taking a progesterone pill (which I start tomorrow!!) to fix this, because I was getting ready to pack my bags and move out for the sake of my family.
So, if you have Mirena and you sometimes feel really foggy in your head or you just downright know that you are about one flipout away from a nice hospital visit (okay I really wasn’t that bad) then go get your hormones checked!!! And if you have stress/anxiety in your life then order some Gaba Ease….. because it really works for me!
Thank you so much for joining me for this week’s edition of Works for Me Wednesday ~
For my other Works for Me Weds. topics CLICK HERE
If you’d like to read a bit more on my crazy life and thoughts CLICK HERE
If you’d like to high tail it outta here and read what works for other’s over at Shannon’s CLICK HERE
Ella Turns 9 Months
Dear Ella,
Today you’re 9 months old, Ella. I haven’t even had your picture taken professionally 1 time in the 9 months of your life. I must apologize for that right now. Heck, we’ll just say that the 3 month picture of Jayden in angel wings was you… okay? I think you might be the smartest 9 month old in our world as we speak. I’m waiting for you to bust out some algebra problems for me. I tried to teach you sign language and you actually looked at me like I was nutty and spoke the words in clear English. I don’t know many 9 month old babies out there that actually say “Doggy!” when they see a doggy. The words in your vocab that I can bee 100% certain on right now are…. All Done, Kitty (Itty), Doggy, Dada, Mama & Ella. You rock, girlfriend! When I talk you really study my mouth to figure out how you can say what I’m saying. You’re not walking yet. I must say I’m stunned at this. You’ve been standing perfectly and even dancing while standing, yet you refuse to step forward. I guess it would look a little freakishly to see a baby as short as you walking around. You have a total of 4 teeth. On the 8th of this month you had your 2 front, top teeth break through at the exact same time. It was approximately 3:47am – I know this, because you were screaming and therefore, I was up rubbing your gums for you. I know, I’m a 5 star mama!
I have no stats on you yet. You have a doctor’s appointment on the 20th, and I am pleased to say that you will NOT be getting any shots at that appointment. They actually might get to see a smile from you if you have forgotten what happened there last time.
Only in Hickville!
I’m totally a city girl. Living in the country environment is pretty humorous to me at times. Gino and I sometimes laugh out loud at the things people do or even say – or even drive sometimes. I know, we’re wretched people. City is in my blood, and I’m trying my hardest to get it out. I hate the city, but sometimes the sound of a ghetto bird flying above my house at night is like a lullaby to my ears. No, I didn’t live in the ghetto, but when you’re in the city you might as well call the city in whole the ghetto. You even begin to have a little ghetto in you. I’m a ghetto Mormon. This means that I actually know the real, unedited lyrics to the Whisper Song by the Ying Yang Twins and can sing most of 50 Cents songs by heart. I actually know for the most part the translation of ghetto slang…. thanks to my brother. I even prefer to listen to rap over most music. I promise, I really am Mormon and for the most part I actually go to church every Sunday.
So, having this kind of background and then seeing this on my street makes soda come out of my nose in laugher.
If I ever see one of my kids in a situation that looks anywhere like the one above I’m coming back to the city.
Kitchen Tip Tuesday……
I’m about to get really real on ya’ll 😉 I have no kitchen tips lately. I think I’ve shared everything I’ve discovered in the 6 months I’ve actually been in the kitchen. If I learn anything new I’ll pick this back up.
His Name is Jay
I really think I got slammed in the gut today after I heard Jayden talking to the gas station attendant today. We pulled up to fill up the car and the weather was absolutely beautiful, so we had all the windows down. “John” the attendant was starting to fill up our gas and Jayden asks what his name was. When “John” asked Jayden was his name was Jayden replied with “My name is Jay.”
We took off and I thought I’d ask about this new profound name that my son is now claiming. Jayden says, “Yeah, my name is Jay. You spell it Jay.” Can you please tell me what happened to Bubby? How about J.J.? Or better yet, JAYDEN?!?! This is just another milestone that screams that he’s no longer a baby anymore. He’s building his own identity, which I no longer have a say on. So now, I guess we call him Jay. His Great-Great Grandpa Reese’s name was Jay and he has a Great-Great uncle named Jay. I guess he’s jumping on the Jay clan everyone.
Update to Mother’s Day Post
Here’s a couple of wonderful Mother’s Day moments that happened this year………..
1) I’m on my way home from church and I call Gino and tell him that we should go out to pizza for lunch, because that sounds really good. Gino then replies…. “I’m not feeling pizza.” Okay, Gino, what is it that Gino wants since it’s Gino’s day today. He shut his mouth and we ate pizza.
2) We came home and Gino went straight to the living room and turned on the Xbox 360 to play Grand Theft Auto 4. Lovely, just what I wanted to do on Mother’s Day. Watch Gino kill people on the TV…. Great! Needless to say I went upstairs to watch TV until he realized what he was doing.
3) After he turned off Grand Theft Auto and got me downstairs he turns on Sports Center. Are you kidding me?!?!? Do you really want to watch One Tree Hill Season 2 on Father’s Day? Because I promise I can so make that happen!
4) He turns off Sports Center to put on The Simpson’s for Him and Jayden. I at this point just had it. I don’t want to watch cartoons. I wanted to watch EXTREME HOME MAKEOVER! I went upstairs and watched it. FINALLY! Desperate Housewives comes on and Gino’s ready to turn the TV to something I like. So here’s where I out him online. Gino watches Soap Operas, LOVES Desperate Housewives, Grey’s Anatomy, Brother’s & Sisters…. GOSSIP GIRL is his favorite show…. yes, this is why I know I will always be with my husband. He watches the same shows as me 😉
5) Through all his mindless screw ups on Mother’s Day, there’s one thing I’ll never forget and made my day….. when I woke up in the morning he put his hand up and said “High five!!! Happy Mother’s Day you do a great job.”
And #5 is why despite trying to make Mother’s Day Gino’s Day I still love Him.
Mother’s Day
I’ll guess I’ll start with Mother’s Day. This Mother’s Day was nice. My in-laws were up visiting. We went to church and went out for pizza and then for dinner we got take out Applebee’s. Jayden did some pretty special things for me. I’m looking for my camera (yes, panic is flowing through my body as we speak over not being able to find it) and then I’m going to take pictures of what he did for me and upload them.
When we were at church I glanced over at Jayden and he looked up at me and I said, “I love you.” and he says, “I love you too, Mom, Happy Mother’s Day.” The sincerity in his voice gave me chills. He is so special to me. I love that little boy so much. I can’t ever imagine my little guy growing up, but it’s happening right before my eyes. I’m so proud that to be his mom. I’m so proud of what a wonderful big brother he is. He’s so concerned about Ella’s safety all the time. He’s always making sure she’s going to be okay. It just puts a smile on my face.
Yesterday I passed my kidney stone!!! YAY! I’m so excited to finally have that thing out. I’m feeling so much better.
Finally got a picture of Ella Standing
She’s been standing for so long and I haven’t got a good pic of it til today. She’s even able to stand and dance now! I do have a video of her dancing that I need to upload on the computer and post. It’s so cute. She’s so cute. I’m not pushing the whole walking thing, but I see it coming very soon. This girl’s balance is so good for an 8 1/2 month old baby. She can easily stand and squat down to pick something up and then resume back to her standing position. CRAZY! Well, here she is standing holding her brother’s Monster’s Inc. hat since she is Boo and watching TV.
Answered Prayers
Do you ever stop to think about the prayers that God has answered for you? Maybe even the ones he hasn’t.
On Sunday morning at about 3am or somewhere around there I woke up with the worst pain I had ever felt in my right kidney. I thought I was going to die. I at that point resorted to a 6 year old child and immediately called my mommy crying. Her words were go right to the hospital you are having a kidney stone. My husband gets the kids in the car and my pain immediately stops. It was kinda creepy. I went to bed and woke up in the morning feeling kindof like I had a bladder infection. I wasn’t insanely miserable, but I was uncomfortable. It didn’t feel like a normal bladder infection – it just didn’t feel right. Monday morning I woke up after having dreams of having a miserable bladder infection to complete and utter pain. Not in my kidney but in my bladder area. I thought I was going to die again. It was 6am and my doctor’s office didn’t open until 8am. For two hours I complained and moaned and cried. I didn’t know what else to do – I finally prayed and begged for Heavenly Father to PLEASE take my pain away until I could get to the doctors. I couldn’t bare it anymore. Not even 30 minutes after my prayer I had no pain. I made it to the doctors and was informed that I had a lot of blood in my urine and the put me on some antibiotics. If the pain comes back they want me in to do a CT Scan of my kidneys and see if there are indeed stones in there. I have had mild cramping off and on, but no more pain. I have no one to thank other than my loving, wonderful Heavenly Father.
So, this got me thinking about prayers. We go to him and sometimes he answers and sometimes he doesn’t. I can remember praying my heart out when my heart was broken as a young girl. Asking why this happened to me. I thought he wasn’t answering my prayers when in fact he was. During my heart break he gave me my true soul mate. Gino. I really believe that some way or another our prayers do get answered. Sometimes not in the way we want at that moment, but in the way that they are supposed to be. I know my prayers are answered a lot, and a lot of times I don’t even realize it when it’s the small things. But I noticed the minute my pain disappeared on Monday that he was there. He knew that I needed Him, and he helped me. I am so thankful for Him.
On another note – I updated my Book of Mormon Blog FINALLY! I would like some input on 1 Nephi Chapter 8 if you would be so kind to read it and give me your input over on my BOM Blog. Thank you!!!