I left tonight for my Aqua Aerobics class, which I’m loving, and I told Gino that Ella was exhausted. This is exactly how tired she was~~~~~~~~~~~~~Yes, he did move her after he took the picture.
Monthly Archives: June 2008
Freak out panic – goals will help!
Sometimes life just seems to fly by so fast and I feel like it’s slipping through my fingers. I’ve finally been given the perfect opportunity to be able to work at home and raise my kids and I can’t even begin to describe how thankful I am to be in a position like that. Yet, I still feel like the world is moving so fast.
Ella will be 1, Jayden will 7, I’m turning 26 and my husband just turned 27. Wow. I remember my mom being 26. Sadly, it seems like it was just yesterday and that scares the crap out of me. There’s so many things that I need to do and want to do and instead right now I’d like to put my face in a pillow and scream.
I was on a great track, with a great schedule. Things were getting done and all was happy!!! I feel a little unbalanced right now, and I need to get myself and my children back on a healthy schedule. I need to have a home cooked meal on my table for my family at least 5 days/week. I need Ella to be on a set napping/eating schedule and I need to have a set working schedule. It’s hard with Ella, but there’s no reason that anything should feel out of control ~ and honestly it really isn’t.
Lately Ella hasn’t wanted me to do anything but sit on the floor and stare at her. She’s a total Leo! She wants all the attention and the world needs to be centered on her ~ sometimes it’s hard. However, now I finally get to see what my mom got to deal with. Yes, I too am a Leo.
I’ve taken time to get organized, and I’m not 110% there yet, but I will be. I think that once things are perfectly filed and organized & my spreadsheets are updated and accounts reconciled things will be okay with me. My job honestly does not take up that much time, but it does if things aren’t organized the way they’re supposed to be.
I’m giving myself 2 weeks to be caught up on everything in my life. I need my schedules back, I need my family to feel like a family again and I need to have SET working hours.
I think I need to start off by setting myself some daily goals. Things I MUST accomplish in my home, my family, my work & myself. Sadly, sometimes there’s not enough hours in the day, but I need to start allocating my time better. I owe it to my family & myself. Tomorrow is a new day….. Here are tomorrows goals:
1) Spend 30 minutes on filing (this will probably accomplish it all)
2) Send off deposits
3) Pay all bills
In regards to my work – there’s a lot to do right now, and there’s a lot of ideas that I’m working on to make the business better. I’m going to work on a master list and I think this is going to help out so much!
1) Do 3 loads of laundry – 1 of which is bedding
2) Babyproof my room/office
3) Clean kitchen (since I’m too tired to do it tonight)
With Jayden:
1) In the morning work on reading workbook & 1 math sheet
2) Play board game w/him during the evening
I feel better. Getting things out in a list always makes me feel better. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day!
Jayden’s Graduation
Sorry!! I just realized that I have yet to upload pictures and talk about Jayden’s graduation. So here it is.
It was an emotional day. I can’t even express enough how proud of him I am. At the beginning of the school year I was nervous. I wasn’t sure how well he would adapt and he did great!!! Jayden has shown amazing progress and is such a smart little boy.
Here’s a couple fun facts about Jayden during his Kindergarten year:
Teacher: Yvonne Geisel
Best Friend: Bean (Zachary)
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Game: I Spy
Favorite Subject: Story Time
Girlfriend: Alexis
Now we have a fun, busy summer to look forward to and next year is when it all really starts. I’ve been dreading the number grades, because it’s like a countdown (or should I say up) to when my baby will be going to Harvard or Yale.
I like her!
Who would’ve thought. I really like Brittney ~ if you’re just joining me here, she’s a sister from my dad that I’ve never known. She just moved here and we have formed an awesome relationship!! I think she’s a great girl and while we’re so different, we’re so alike. Who would’ve thought? I’m glad I gave her a chance and can’t wait to get to know her better.
I just want to give a big thanks to you, Sam, for giving me the wonderful advice. I love you and I love you for telling me like it is… always. You were in my life for such a short time, but you will forever be a wonderful friend of mine.
Brittney has actually spent lots of time here at my home helping me with my kids and my work. She’s very enjoyable. She came with my Grandma and I to a water aerobics class at the YMCA (which I loved!) and they got along great as well. My Grandma is my mom’s mom and Brittney is my sister through my dad… so they have no relation.
It looks like Brittney might actually move in with my Grandma since my Grandma has 2 extra rooms and is lonely. Brittney has a place to live, but unfortunately wouldn’t be having her own room ~ I think this is going to work out great! Brittney might be able to find a job at the Y or somewhere else in Ashland and my Grandma won’t be so lonely, I think it all just might work out GREAT!
Heavenly Father Hear My Prayer
I’m back at Works for Me Wednesday this week.
Lately, a lot of things have not been working for me. Life has been chaotic, but things are slowly getting better. I’m working on positivity right now, and that is starting to work…. I want to share with you a prayer that I learned from my Great-grandma. It’s a prayer that I have always remembered. I’ve taught Jayden and it is the prayer that he says every night before he goes to bed ~ of course, he adds on at the end to bless his sister Mya and asks for her back and to make sure she doesn’t fall on the clouds. He’s such a sweet boy.
Heavenly Father, hear my prayer
Keep me in Thy loving care
Be my guide in all I do
Bless all those who love me too
My Grandma just moved here and I went into her bathroom and she had this prayer that had been like embroidered with yarn above her toilet, which my Great-Grandma’s name & the year she made it ~ 1981, which was a year before I was born.
My Great-Grandma is still alive and I hope someday my Grandma will give that to me so that I can hang it in my children’s room.
This prayer works for us and to see what other things work for others head over to Shannon’s blog.
I actually tackled some things this week!
I’m a little late here ~ had a busy day, but wanted to chime in on Tackle It Tuesday
I didn’t take a picture of my new office, but I mentioned a couple of weeks ago how my kitchen table was overtaken by my office. I had papers and files and it was a little chaotic. Thanks to Brittney, my sister I’m just getting to know, my office area is now in my room and it ROCKS!!! It’s such a cute little area and I will get a picture of it up soon ~ maybe tomorrow. Things are filed, organized and I’m feeling on top of the world in that department.
I’ve also organized my spice/medicine cupboard. It was a little out of control, and I threw away old medicines that weren’t needed anymore and empty spices. Feels good!!!!
Some goals that I’m going to work on tackling for next Tackle It Tuesday is:
- Get laundry caught up
- Picture frames that are lying around w/out pictures up on the wall
Simple little goals, but must be done 😉
To see what other’s have tackled you could always go over to 5minutesformom.com and get some great ideas on what you should be tackling.
10 Months Old, My Ella
Dear Ella,
Unfortunately in the midst of all the chaos that has been going on I forgot to write to you on your 10 Months and talk about all the things you are doing.
You are such a smart little girl. You have started to imitate people and that has just opened our eyes that you really are learning things ~ your brain is soaking up everything it possibly can.
The walking. You definitely know how to walk, yet you’re still a little scared of it. Sunday at church you actually walked a good distance. Afterwards you clapped, which you always do after you accomplish something, or hear the words YAY. I am excited for you to walk, but there’s no rush. My heart is aching at how quickly your baby years are flying. I love the vibrant personality that shines through more and more every day. There’s no doubt that you’re definitely a Leo.

You finally started sleeping through the night. That happened shortly after you turned 9 months. I just want to say THANK YOU!!!!! You know, your brother actually slept through the night at like 8 weeks. After the 3rd month I kinda gave up, but you have been a beautiful, sleeping angel at night and I am SOOOOOOO THANKFUL!!
I love you, Ella. I truly feel blessed that you were sent to us and are a part of our family.
One more thing to add ~ anytime you hear music you dance. You LOVE to dance.
Jayden loved swim camp!
Jayden absolutely loved his swim camp! I went to my first water aerobics class last night and had so much fun. We’re going to go every Mon, Weds & Fri ~ I think I’m going to sign Jayden up for a couple of all day camps now that I know he did so well. They have a pirates week and they have a super soaker week (which has water slides!) I wish I had done this for him last summer.
These cops need a makeover
Cops. My new favorite people. I talked earlier this week about how wonderful they’ve been to us ~ I’m happy to say that so far things have been better. Just in case they’re one of my fellow googlers out there that google Amanda Garibay for the heck of it, I thought I’d post a little message to them.
I found a great place that gives great deals on police gear. You could even get some free socks if you’re in need of some new boots. I know, I wouldn’t pass that deal up either. I really want the police department where I live to understand that it really isn’t looking good what they’re wearing… they could totally be in style if they’d only go check out LA Police Gear. They could even get a new Surefire weapon light since they seem like the type that uses their weapons a lot. I’m just saying…. it could come in handy. That way when they’re pulling over people in the middle of the night like they love to do (I know, it’s boring here) they have a really great light!
Healthy, Fun Summer
We found a fun thing to do for the summer!! We FINALLY joined the YMCA. We signed up Jayden for 2 1/2 day camps that each last 1 week long. The first one is a swim camp from 1pm-4pm starting Monday. He will get swim lessons and learn safety things about the water. The next week he has no camp and then the following week is Swim & Gym. This one I think he will love. It’s also from 1-4pm and he’ll spend half of his time swimming and the other half doing gymnastics. If he does well with these then I think I might sign him up for a whole day Pirates Week summer camp. That goes from 8am-3pm….I’m sure he’d do fine especially with something soooo fun!
Yesterday we took a tour and got to see everything and Jayden saw some kids doing gymnastics and it looked like they were having a lot of fun. They offer so much stuff and I’m even excited. Mon, Weds & Fri my grandma and I are going to do a water fitness class and we’re going to start doing yoga too.
I’m quitting curves. I joined, I liked it, but they have some twisted hours and it no longer works with my schedule, so it looks like we’ll just be doing the YMCA thing for now.