Family Home Evening – Getting To Know Each Other

To learn more about what Family Home Evening (FHE) is CLICK HERE. Last week I had my days completely confused and believe it or not we didn’t do our Family Home Evening. This week however, we have something fun planned!! It’s a little activity to see how well we really know each other. They do this for newly weds, but I’m making it fun for families too! We are all going to fill out our answers on a sheet of questions about ourselves (Jayden will just have them in his head) and then go around the room and see if we know each other’s answers.

Here are our 15 Questions:

What’s you’re favorite color?
What’s your favorite movie?
What’s your favorite current TV Show(no discontinued shows)?
What’s your favorite song?
Would you rather go to the ocean or play in the snow?
Would you rather be on a boat or on the shore?
What’s your favorite animal?
What’s your favorite thing to eat?
What’s your favorite shape?
What’s the scariest movie you’ve ever seen?
What’s the funniest movie you’ve seen?
What’s the favorite thing you own?
Where’s your favorite place to go?
Would you rather go to Disney Land or Sea World?
Would you rather drink water or soda?

Happy Monday!!!

If you have question suggestions please add them in the comment section.

I highly suggest this FHE!! We had sooooooo much fun and there was much laughter doing it!!

Best New Family Site

If you’re anything like me right now, you’re running around with stressful household and basically, YOU’RE GOING CRAZY!!! First off, if you’re looking for ways to have a stress-free home, what the heck are you doing reading MY BLOG??? I’m still trying to figure it out, but I’ll tell you what ~ I think that – Parenting might just have the answers to all of our problems. You gotta love 7 Ways to Create a Happy Household.

I’ve been searching around on this website all morning and I LOVE LOVE LOVE all of the stuff that – Family Life has to offer their readers. They have awesome, awesome, awesome ideas for tips on traveling and I’m definitely going to be using their games for the road for any of our road trips we’re going to be taking this summer.

This actually might be my new favorite website. It goes beyond family tips and goes on to health, politics, basically everything you’re looking for on one, great site! So, stop stressing out and living in a unhappy home and go read some ways that you can change your family’s life. Our lives are so short and we all need to be happy, and through inspirational, amazing family stories and family tips that we never thought of ourselves, will help you get to the happy place in your family that you need.
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Not so bad

Things have been BUSY! I must say that they’re running a lot more smoother than I thought they would. Norm has taken to his new home quite well and I hope that he falls more and more in love with it here. I actually sit here writing without anyone in my house. That’s right ~ PEACE AND QUIET! I sent Gino and Jayden off to the movies and Ella off with my Grandma so I could actually get some work done. I LOVE IT!!!

My sister Britney ~ the one who’s moving here, sent me a text and asked if she could have a part in my children’s lives. She said that she really would love to get to know them, and that kinda put a smile on my face. I liked that she asked and I’m starting to realize that while we may be different, we have similar situations. She doesn’t know me and she’s probably just as reserved as I am.

I’m going to follow my dear friend Sam’s advice of starting out with a friendship and not a sister relationship. I’m taking a deep breath and hoping it all goes well.

Great-Grandma Louise

In this 5 generation picture, the old lady on the far left is my Great-Grandma Lousie, which is my children’s Great-great Grandma Louise. This week’s Fro’ you to me I’m going to share a little story on my Great-Grandma Louise. The old lady is a wretched old woman. Notice I said IS? She’s still alive.

My memories of her bring nightmares to children. She LOVED to scare the crap out of us grandkids. Here’s a couple little tricks she pulled on us:

When we’d stay the night at her house, she’d put a rubber band around her wrist and tell us that if we didn’t go to sleep that her hand would fall off and come get us.

We went camping once and she made Indian Stew ~ the kind where you actually bury the bag to cook it. After it was done she told us that the Indians would be back for their stew so if we don’t eat it quickly they’d kill us.

She’d tell us scary stories and tell them to be true so we’d be utterly frightened to death while laying in our sleeping bags, in the wilderness, camping. I still don’t understand how my mom allowed her to be around us.

There’s another little slice of dysfunction in my family ~ My Great-grandma Louise.

Fear Running RAPIDLY Through My Veins

The phone rings, caller ID say my son’s school.


“Hi we have Jayden marked as absent today.”

“UM NO! I dropped him off at school.”

“Okay, Mrs. Garibay, hold please.”

2 minutes go by and I’m getting Ella strapped into her car seat and ready to go searching for my baby – yes, he’s MY BABY!

“Ma’am, they’re not in their classroom can I call you back.”

Lots and lots of profanities coming out of my mouth – I’m LIVID! She gets the hint and goes to find where his class is…. and where’s Jayden? WITH HIS F*&%$&^&* CLASS!

My heart is still pounding.

Picture Scavenger Hunt

This is a GREAT, GREAT, GREAT edition of Works for Me Wednesday over at Shannon’s blog. It’s a “Mom, I’m bored!” Edition ~ which means, there’s going to be HUNDREDS of great ideas of things to do with your kids this summer. I highly suggest checking this one out!!

I have a really strange kid, because I’ve NEVER heard the words “I am bored” come out of my kids mouth. In fact, as I’m sitting here I’m a little in shock with you all. HOWEVER! If he does come up with these words I have just this trick up my sleeve 😉

I actually am going to do this with him and his cousin (she’s coming to visit for a week) and it’s going to be SO MUCH FUN for them!!! We’re going to have a picture scavenger hunt. I’m going to make a list of things that they will have to take a picture of. Jayden has a cool Vitek camera and I believe Irie has one too (if not she can use my digital camera). The plan is to go up to my Grandparent’s property ~ they have many acres with lots of things I can throw into the list. They’ll have to go and find the things on their lists. They’ll have their own lists too!! I think they’ll love it ~ Jayden especially, because he LOVES to take pictures.

Baby Fat, Baby Fat – GO AWAY!

For the first 24 years of my life I never had to worry about my weight. I ate what I wanted, when I wanted and I didn’t gain a pound. Everybody hated me and now that I look back I even hate me. Ever since I had Ella I have struggled with losing the baby weight.

I’m coming to the realization that I can’t eat what I want, when I want anymore. I have to stop drinking soda everyday and replace it with water, and I WANT TO GET RID OF THIS BABY WEIGHT!

I didn’t know where to start and now I’ve found a pretty good place called Naked Nutrition Network. I’ve been browsing around on their website, and honestly I’m loving it! They have awesome tips on Fat Loss Nutrition and that is EXACTLY what I’m looking for.

They have a section called Mike’s Blog and I have spent the majority of my night looking through it and I’m pretty darn pleased with how easy it is to find things on this website, and the amount of information that they have is great! They have some cool info on the Carb Diet that I found interesting, since I was always a little hesitant about this.

You really HAVE to go and check out this site if you’re looking for a great site, that has great credibility. Come get rid of those pounds with me!!
Sponsored by Naked Nutrition Network

What I did and what I need to do!

In my last post I talked about how it just dawned on me that it’s Tuesday. Not good. So, I’m a little late here, but it’s Tackle It Tuesday.

1. My main tackle of the week was keeping up with my laundry that I finally accomplished.

2. I went through all of Ella’s clothes and bagged up anything that didn’t fit her anymore and took it to my cousin for her to use on her baby.

It was such a busy week that’s the only major accomplishments I did.

I’m going to write out some goals that I hope to have done for next week:

1. Organize spice/medicine cupboard

2. File away all of my work that has consumed my kitchen table

3. Go through my closet and bag up clothes to take to goodwill

Those are simple and very easily be accomplished. I will have before and after pictures next Tuesday 🙂 ~ In the meantime have a very happy week!!

Refreshing Scent

It’s just dawning on me that today is indeed Tuesday. I can’t believe it! I’ve been going around all day thinking it was Monday. I actually even forgot to do FHE last night. I had a GREAT FHE planned and I’m just so backwards on my days…. oh well.

Tuesday means Kitchen Tip Tuesday. This is something that probably the whole world knows about, but it was news to me. Since it was news to me I’m hoping that it will be news to someone else. Whenever you peel an orange dropped the peelings in your garbage disposal and they will make a pretty orangey smell. You can also do this with lemon, but I prefer orange peelings.

For other great Kitchen Tips head over to Tammy’s Blog ~ And have a beautiful week.