Happy Early Birthday to ME!

Today I got spoiled. I got 2 things that I’ve been wanting for a really, really long time! First thing I got was a Canon EOS Rebel XSI 450D camera. OMGoodness!!!!! I have always wanted a really nice camera, and now I have one! I have no idea about anything about it, but I learn quick. I’m going to be reading through the manual and I’m planning on taking a class on digital photography. So, now everyone gets to read about my fun times with my new hobby in the making – PHOTOGRAPHY!!

The topper on the cake…. I got an Epson 1400 printer. I can now print out my 12×12 layouts. I can’t wait to hook it up and print out a layout and see how they really look printed out. I’m refraining myself from doing this until I clean up my kitchen. I know once I open that box it’s all over.

It gets even better…… what makes me happier than anything??? Olive Garden!

We celebrated my birthday today, because Gino is working 10am-7pm tomorrow. It’s a crappy schedule to work on my birthday 🙁

My friends at church are throwing a birthday party for me tomorrow, so that will make my day!! I might even bring my camera and get some good pics of my new friends and I. I love those girls so much! I am so lucky to live in such a wonderful ward.

After the party I’m going to take the kids to Lithia Park and take pictures.

White Noise

When the first White Noise movie came out I watched it with my brother. We were scared to death! That is one of the scariest movies I’ve ever seen. The idea of the whole thing scares me. I don’t like thinking that spirits can try to communicate with us through air ways, while it’s kinda neat, it’s scary.

Yesterday I was on the phone w/Dell for HOURS and while I was in my room I heard some talking. It sounded like people talking on a walkie talkie. At first I thought ~ is there cops or something in my house? So I walk out of my room and hear that it’s coming from Jayden’s room. I walk in and it stops. I looked around and couldn’t find anything that this noise could come from.

Last night I get in bed and I’m laying there when all of a sudden I hear it again. My heart dropped and I said, “Gino, it’s happening!” I had told him about it earlier. He gets up and goes into Jayden’s room to find that it’s coming through his TV. He said it sounded like Spanish and he turned off his TV.

First off, I didn’t know Jayden’s TV was even on. It was just a black screen, so that makes no sense to me. Secondly, that scared the CRAP OUT OF ME! Gino got back in bed and said, “Amanda, don’t even think about it. It’s not what you think.”

Hmmm…. it’s not? How does he know. He came up with the conclusion that Jayden just has this amazing TV (thanks, Disney!) that can pick up conversations maybe on a CB radio. Then he decided that maybe it’s the Mexicans making their drug deals. Okay, so he watched Bank Job last night, and I’m thinking he got that idea from that movie. I’m still stuck on my original idea.

Is Gino’s Spanish speaking, Mexican ancestors trying to get through to him?? I’m a little scared here. I’m tempted to go upstairs and turn on the TV and see if anything happens, but I’m too chicken. White Noise scared me to death, I bet I’d actually die of a heart attack if that really happened to me.

A little of this and that

My computer is on the outs. It all started with that minor little printing problem, which turned into a total between 2 days of 6 hours on the phone with Dell and a laptop with nothing on it. Luckily, I went and bought an external hard drive and put everything that’s needed on it. I went and picked up my Grandma’s laptop and now I’m back to work.

I anticipate another few hours with Dell today, and if they don’t fix it I’m demanding a new computer. That’s what warranty is all about, right?

Changing subject here:

Last night I was going to go to the first book club meeting at our church and was sadly EXTREMELY excited about it. However, we’re at the store and Ella throws up all over herself. I feel her head and I swore she was burning up. So, we’re off to buying pedialyte and pediapops and stuff to make her feel better ~ preparing for the flu. So, I call Miss Amy Hill and let her know that I will not be showing up and we’re off to home to deal with a sick baby. So, we get home and guess what ~ no fever and she’s not sick. Lovely.

New subject again…………:

My birthday is on Thursday!!!! And I’m getting a new camera!! I’m going to pick it out today and I’m just not sure yet what I want to do. I could either go with a Nikon or a Canon Rebel. Right down the street from my house is a camera shop and I’m going to go and have him explain them to me today. Pretty soon you’ll see beautiful pictures of my babies (not that you haven’t already LOL)


I’m not happy. Today I’m not happy AT ALL! I got my hair done yesterday and this is something that I’d been waiting to do for a while. Unfortunately it turned out NOTHING like I expected and have to decide whether I call the girl who did it and have her fix it, or do I go to another salon? I’m so upset over this.

I don’t let people do my hair ~ I have 1 girl, in Sac and she does a PERFECT job, and it’s really hard to let anybody else touch my hair. Every time I get my hair done else where it’s a disaster (Ksee if you’re reading this I loved the job you did). My hair looks yellow w/roots ~ Ewwww. I just want to cry.

Then, to top things off, I have SO much work to do and now my computer decides that it can’t communicate with my printer. WTF?!?!?!? I feel like jumping up and down and cussing and throwing things. This day is so stupid.

In 1 month she’ll be 1

It’s been decided. We are having Ella’s 1st Birthday party in Sacramento. The hotel that we always stay at when we come to visit has a big pool and convention rooms that they are going to let us use. So, the party will be inside for all the cake, presents & fun stuff and then when it’s all over we will be having a pool party!!

We’ll be having a couple of small parties in Oregon. One with the Hurd family at a pizza parlor, and then I was thinking of having a small little party for my friends at Lithia Park. Something small, but fun for Ella.

But I CAN’T WAIT TO GO TO SACRAMENTO!!!! I miss everyone so much and I can’t wait for everyone who hasn’t met Ella yet to finally meet her. I’m going to start making her invitations this week and get them mailed out.

My Sweet Boy

I sometimes wonder how my beautiful little boy has become so polite. He’s so different from other children, especially boys. He’s polite, he has manners, he truly cares for others. I was in the gas station yesterday, and he told Brittney to call and check on me because I’d been in there too long. What 6 year old thinks of things like that? He holds open doors for me and says “Ladies first.” He loves to have me wait in the car so he can open up my car door.

The main thing that gets me is how he’s such a sucker for his baby sister. He loves that girl so much, and strives to be the best big brother that he can be. How did I get so lucky?!?! He’s such a blessing to us and I want him to know how thankful and happy we are that he’s our son.

I feel bad sometimes, because I’m not the most patient parent out there. I’m not going to lie and say our lives are picture perfect and we have no faults. I love my children, but sometimes I want to run to the hills screaming. I feel bad for all the times that Jayden has gotten on my nerves. He’s so sweet and I need to work on having more patience with him. I need to do more one on one things with him. I always said that just because we were having another baby I would never be too consumed by her, but I feel like that’s happened.

Parenting is so hard. Even the good parents out there struggle, and we never feel like we’re doing enough. Sadly, I don’t think we ever will feel like we do enough.

My Perfect Marriage

My aqua aerobics teacher said something last night that I loved. She said her marriage is perfect. Sometimes it’s perfectly wonderful and sometimes it’s perfectly horrible, but it’s always perfect.

I love it! That sums up my marriage perfectly 😉

The Memory Keeper’s Daughter

I finally had to jolt myself out of this Twilight obsession and start a new book. Many people seem to love The Memory Keeper’s Daughter so bought it. I started it and am enjoying it so far. I’m a little sad though that I’m moving on from Twilight ~ it’s a sick obsession. I really hope this is a good book. Stay tuned for a review when I’m done.

Did she really say deodorant on her boobs?!?! Yes I DID!

It’s Works for Me Wednesday!! I’m gonna share a tip that can come off as a little gross, but it’s what works for me… DAILY! This heat is killing me ~ I cannot stand being sweaty. It DRIVES ME CRAZY! What’s worse is I have these boobs on me that are huge compared to what I’m used to. I wasn’t that small before, but ever since my pregnancy with Ella, I’m big – and big means SWEATY!

I told you this was gross, so if you’re offended then I guess I just lost you as a reader, but if you’re a woman, and a woman with boobs then I’m assuming that you’re still reading. When I am going through my morning routine I grab my deodorant and put it on my underarms, then I put it under my boobs and in between. Waaalaaa no sweaty boobs.

There’s a lot of other great tips going on over at Shannon’s blog.

Happy Birthday, Jessie

Yesterday was my sister Jessica’s 21st birthday. I’m sad that I didn’t get to be there with her to celebrate and just wanted to talk about her for a minute.

Jessica and I have lived quite a different life. A life in which we were separated for many years, yet we’ve remained so closer through it all. I moved away a year ago and I miss her like crazy. She’s one of my best friends and I’m truly sad that our babies will not be growing up together.

Jessica always knows what I’m thinking, what to say, and I can tell her anything AT ALL. I love it. I love having such a wonderful sister, with true, honest, and helpful advice. She tells it how it is and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

I’m proud of the mommy that she’s become and the life she’s making for herself. Going to school can be challenging, but she’s doing it and I couldn’t be prouder.

Jessica, I love you and I hope your birthday was a wonderful one ~ I’m so sorry that I couldn’t be there. Happy Birthday, baby sister.