Beautiful Peace

Today really was so wonderful. I talk a lot about my favorite thing about living here and it’s Lithia Park. It’s beautiful. It makes me happy. Tonight we packed a dinner picnic and headed up to Lithia Park but drove even higher than the park area and found a beautiful duck pond with a perfect, shady, grassy area. We parked and set up our little picnic area on the grass and ate dinner in beauty.

I’m not gonna lie. The entire time I was sitting on my blanket on the grass thinking, ‘Man, I wish I would’ve been in this exact spot reading the Twilight Saga Series.’ Yes, I know, obsessed.

Anyways…. it was great. Nothing but us, nature, and happiness. I think we should eat dinner there every night.

Praying for the solution

I have been pretty stressed out lately. I can’t exactly pin point what it is that stressing me out, but I think I have a pretty good idea now. I work for my grandparents. The work that I do for my grandma creates no stresses for me at all. It’s petty work compared to what I’m used to. However, the one small little fraction I have from my grandpa is the reason why I struggle to breathe sometimes. He’s so up and down and all around and it’s driving me CRAZY!

Last night as I was in bed I was so irritated and I was talking to Gino about his crazy new idea that actually hurts my feelings, and Gino actually told me to pray about it. What? Back up. Did my husband really just tell me to pray about it? That’s kinda huge. Gino doesn’t talk like that. So I did. I prayed about it and I think I know what I’m supposed to do. I feel better today.

On another note, for the past couple days it’s just been us. The in-laws are gone, and we’ve just taken these couple days to try to get things back on track. Home cooked meals, back to the YMCA for our aqua aerobics, watching movies together ~ just being our little family. It feels so good.

Professional Pictures – FINALLY!

I finally got professional pictures done and I am SO PLEASED! I get to go and pick them up today and I can’t wait to get them up on my walls. I hope you enjoy looking ~ the other boy is Vani and he’s my adorable nephew!! I’m sad that Alana, my niece, wasn’t in the pictures, but someday we’ll get all the cousins together for a picture.

She’s Walking Now – Full on :(

This past week Ella has mastered walking and broke through another tooth. So, now she has 4 on top and 3 on the bottom. She’s walking all over the house and it’s so weird looking! She really is a short little baby, so it just doesn’t look normal. She feels quite proud of herself that she can do what we all can do.

Twilight Saga – Eclipse

I finished Eclipse. I must admit that I’m devastated. I’m utterly devastated that I have to wait until August 2nd for Breaking Dawn to come out. I wonder how much longer after that until Midnight Sun comes out.

I think I can say that Eclipse, the 3rd book in the Twilight Saga is by far my favorite. I loved all of them, but I really loved Eclipse. I’m not going to give any spoilers, but I just have to say you definitely won’t be let down. If you have jumped on the Twilight Saga wagon I suggest you get on it quick.

I didn’t think I’d like these books and neither did any of my friends, but we all were never let down. Stephenie Myer is a genius and I look forward to any other books she has in store for us.

Itchy Poison Oak Solution

My Mother in law is in town visiting and I thought I’d ask her for some quirky thing that works for her and she told me something I never knew. If you have Poison Oak or Poison Ivy you can take white shoe polish (you know, the one w/the sponge) and dab it on it. No more itch! I kinda wanna go roll around in some poison oak now to see if it really works…. just kidding. OH! Actually, my aunt just called me today and told me she had poison oak – so I’ll have to call her and see how well this works.

I thought this would be a good idea to share this idea of her’s since it is camping season.

So, this works for my mother-in-law and for other things that work for other’s head over to Shannon’s blog.

Another Shocking Science Discovery

Honestly, I really don’t know too much about Stem Cell Research and all of what it entails, but I do know that they talk a lot about how it can cure diseases. I have heard that it is a very debatable subject with people, and I’m not too sure as to why, since I don’t really have much knowledge on it to begin with.

I have been given an opportunity to talk about something I’ve never heard of. They’re saying that there are vital stem cells that are actually in women’s menstrual blood. Gross, I know, but who would’ve thought that there really was a reason for that fun little monthly visitor that us girls have come to love so much.

I think that I feel fortunate that I live in a time where medicine gets to be smarter and smarter and finding things within our own bodies to cure things going wrong with our bodies is amazing. Something that was always right in front of us that was failed to be seen.

If you’re interested in seeing what this is all about you could always go and read Celle Client Testimonial and see how it has worked for others.

Tackle It Tuesday – Self Reflection

It’s Tackle It Tuesday ~ and I’m kinda sad. We’ve had company in and out for the past week and I feel like my world is spinning slowly out of control. I haven’t been able to tackle anything in my house, because I don’t see the point. I have so many bodies here and it makes it difficult. So, what I’ve tackled is reading. I’ve been reading the Twilight Saga and I’ve loved it. Read my review about it HERE.

I don’t take time to myself much, and I’ve actually tackled that this week. I’ve found ways with in-laws here to have them watch over my baby and I’ve found ways to reflect on things in my head, read books for enjoyment, spend time viewing other friend’s blogs and myspace profiles. I’ve worked on organizing my work ~ something that is an ongoing process and I’ve not even looked at my laundry.

So, while I haven’t tackled anything…. I’ve come to terms inside my soul with things I’ve hidden away. I’ve faced some things inside my heart that have had a veil over them. While I’m sad that I’ve finally come to terms with some things, I’m happy that I am here, breathing, with a beautiful family that loves me and a beautiful family that I love. Everyday on this earth is beautiful and I’m happy. I really, truly am happy.

Housework has not been tackled, but self reflection has.

Have you tackled something this week? Do you want some ideas on things you could tackle? Then head over to

Next week I’m hoping to have tackled the following:

At least laundry 1/2 way done ~ before picture is not pretty see, but I will post it next week.

I’m hoping to update my BOM blog w/at least 1 entry

Just Rude!

I think it’s only right that if you’re in someone’s home and they’re watching something that they watch everyday that you leave the TV alone. My whole morning was ruined and I’m going to rant about it right now.

I watch Regis & Kelly in the mornings and I absolutely love them. I then follow that by The View. It’s how my morning starts and I feel like my day is scattered if it isn’t started this way. Yes, I know, I’m odd.

Unfortunately, there are people in this world that think it’s okay to just turn the channel. Not only do they change the channel, but they change it to something that I DESPISE. Sportscenter. I love sports, but Gino overdid the whole Sportscenter thing, and it’s a rule that it isn’t allowed to be on in the mornings. So, this wonderful visitor at my house had the audacity to turn what I was watching to Sportscenter. I was furious. Fuming inside with hate, and hate is bad. Very bad. Yet, I took a deep breath and said, “I was watching that, and besides Sportscenter isn’t allowed on in the mornings in my home.” I was ignored.

I then went upstairs and started working – and I watched Kelly & Regis & The View in my room/office.

I think it was rude. I’m not happy about it. Okay, I feel better now that it’s aired on my blog for the whole world to see. Not that the whole world comes here to read, and hopefully my father-in-law doesn’t, because I guess that wouldn’t be a good thing. We’d have World War IV in the family and I guess that would suck…. or would it? Evil grin placed here.

Okay… I’m done. Thanks for listening.

I’m a Nerd…. go ahead and laugh at me

Glasses nowadays are getting cuter and cuter!! I love the different frames that are out there. Sometimes I’m kinda sad that I don’t have to wear them. I know, I’m a nerd. But sometimes I want to look sophisticated and cute like all those other girls. Maybe I should just buy a pair for play. Yes, I know, nerd.

However, if you need some glasses and are looking for lots of cute, stylish frames, then you should be heading over to to check out what they have to offer. They deals that start at $8.00! That’s hardly anything at all. I especially LOVE these frames right here.