Rude People

So, if you know me. I mean, really know me, you probably think I’m one of the most rudest people out there. I’ve actually improved SO much in this area. I’m making it a point to try and be pleasant – even *gasp* in the drive through.

It’s funny how after I’m working on improving the way I present myself I notice other people’s flaws in this area. People really are rude, and it’s so unpleasant!

Last night we went out and got ice cream and then went to Fred Meyers to get Mya a balloon so that we could sign it and send it off to heaven. When we were leaving there was a cashier guy talking to another guy and then I guess he left right after we left. We were walking out to our car and I always open up my car door and put my purse and keys and then I open up Ella’s door and put her in. Well, this guy walks out to his crappy, and I mean CRAPPY car and says (very rudely), “Can you shut your door?!” and I looked at him and kept my composure and replied with, “As soon as I put my daughter in the car.” Then he says, “Don’t scratch my car!”

Okay, wow. First off I think I’d be a little more careful with my car being that it’s a lot newer than his, and what a jerk! So, he starts to back up and I thought Screw this guy. I turned around and flipped him off. I know, not very Mormon or nice of me, but he was such a jerk! He was so into watching me that he didn’t see the car behind him and slammed into it.

Lesson of the day ~ negative energy creates negativity. I had a good laugh and got in my car and drove off. The guy felt so stupid he wouldn’t even look at us after that. That makes me just want to be pleasant and never rude to anyone ever again. I’ve noticed that when I’m in that frame of mind that he was in negative things always happened to me.

2 Years Ago Today – It’s our Mya Day

2 years ago today I walked into my house and smelt so good. My husband was making me tacos, because that’s what my baby girl loved. I was wearing this cute green maternity tank top, and I had just driven in traffic with blurry eyes. Blurry from crying them out.

It’s amazing how you remember such little things. I remember the nurse handing me a Kleenex box to take home and let me sit in the room until the waiting room had cleared out. My appointment was at 4:30pm, which was at the end of the day.

I had such high hopes for this precious soul inside of me. She was a blessing and I was so excited to have her join my family. That day, 2 years ago, my heart was crushed with the worst, devastating news I could have ever imagined. Mya was dead.

Tonight I’m sad. I’m sad that I didn’t get her balloons, because I feel like Gino needs to be a part of it, and he works. He works all weekend long. I still should have done something with the kids to remember their sister.

This is a day I dread every year, and I probably will dread it all the years to come. I just wish that I could have both Mya & Ella, and I know that’s not possible, but I still wish. I have come to terms with Mya’s death, and I have begun to understand that without her leaving me, I’d never get to see one of the most beautiful smiles I’ve ever seen. I’d never get kisses from the most beautiful girl I’d ever layed eyes on. I’d never know or love Ella. I couldn’t imagine my life without her.

Today, Mya, I want you to know that I love you with all of my heart soul. I will always love you and I hope that in heaven they have angel days, because you deserve it. Okay, now I’m so sad that I’m going to the store and buying you balloons. I’ll have them just in time to send them off when your daddy gets home. If they do have angel days you have to have something from your family, that loves you and thinks of you all the time.

Happy Angel Day, my angel.

Love, Mama

Wii Fit

A few weeks ago I bought Nintendo Wii. Yesterday was the first day that I actually worked my butt out on it. Today, my abs are sore. This could only mean one thing………. I THINK IT WORKS!!!! It also means that I’m really out of shape for my abs to be hurting ~ I hardly did any ab work. New goal. Every morning I am dedicating myself workout on the wii.

First Day of 1st Grade

I remember when they handed Jayden to me. He peed on me. I didn’t care. I just looked at him and though ‘He’s so beautiful.’ He was this perfect baby. So perfect it scared me. He was beautiful, he was so good.

Yesterday I took him to his first day of 1st Grade. This beyond Kindergarten, we’re in the numbers now. It’s almost like a countdown, or should I say up to when my baby will be leaving me.

Here are pictures of his first day ~ Gino was at work, so he there’s no pictures of Jayden and me or Gino and him.

Finally after waiting all summer he saw his girlfriend. I got a picture of them seeing each other for the first time ~ I know, I’m a nerdy mom!

We Figured It Out

All because of one of Ella’s medical bills. I swear OHSU creates a million different accounts and one of them was mailed to our old address. Therefore, it never got paid. Then it got turned over to Oregon Department of Revenue and we got a letter from them regarding the hospital bill. Norm offered to pay Ella’s medical bills, as that’s why there’s a trust. The trust is for college, a down payment on a home or medical bills. Per Norm, I wrote all of Ella’s medical bills out of his checking account, which I am an authorized signer for.

Norm’s bank has nothing better to do than watch his accounts. They saw a check to Department of Oregon Revenue and called in the authorities. They lady who’s investigating me told my grandma on the phone today that I wrote Oregon taxes out of his account. Guess what State of Oregon, I have backup that it wasn’t for fricking taxes. It was for a medical bill! I can’t wait to throw it in their stupid faces.


I think I should sue his bank for harassment. I’m happy that Norm will be taking his stuff out of that bank, however, this just shows me that crap that comes along with Norm. I’ll still be there for him and I’ll do his accounts receivable, but I don’t think I want to have to worry about every thing I do. I’m going to have to turn the bills over to Norm and hope that my Grandma can help him with them.

1st Grade Homework Ideas

It’s Works for Me Wednesday and instead of me telling you what works for me this week I’m going to ask for some advice on something that I’d like to work for me. It’s a backwards edition of Works for me Wednesday.

My son started 1st Grade today and for homework we as parents get to choose what to do with our kids and fill out a log. We never send in the completed homework, we just send back in the homework log.

I’m looking for some creative and fun homework ideas that I can do with my little guy.

There’s lots going on over at Rocks in My Dryer that you should go check out!!

Inspiration from the Bishop

On Monday night we went to a Fireside at the Bishop’s house. He was putting it on for the missionaries, and our missionaries invited Gino and I. So, we dragged my Grandma along with me. I know she didn’t want to go, and honestly, Gino didn’t want to go either, but they’re both happier than you could imagine that they did go.

The Fireside was on his trip that he takes to Israel. The trip that my Grandma and Gino were supposed to go on, but this year they won’t be going. Hopefully next year they’ll get to go. The presentation was amazing. Our Bishop is the most spiritual, inspiring person I have met yet. His passion floors you.

I think it was kinda cool how he showed some scenarios that prove the Book of Mormon to be true. I guess I could write about the main one that was so amazing. They discovered a cave in the town of Lehi. Inside the cave there were ancient writing on the wall and they had an archeologist come in and analyze the writings. He determined them to be from 600 B.C. and that they talked of predictions of Jerusalem being destroyed and it had a sail boat and 4 men w/strong legs. The archeologist was confused as there was no large body of water near enough for a boat and he had a hard time putting it all together.

The archeologist went to the University of Utah where he got wind of the the story Nephi talks about in 1 Nephi. He was shocked and said, “Hey! How do you know that? Where does that story come from?” They handed him a Book of Mormon and he read the story and said, “Oh my gosh! This is it!!! This is the story in the cave!”

Hearing that story from the Bishop alone had chills all over me. My Grandma wants to meet with him once a week, and so does Gino. I’m sure he doesn’t have the time for something like that, but it sure would be nice.

It was inspiring. I left wanting to be a better person. I left wanting to try harder to read the scriptures. I left happy with my decision to be right where I’m at in my life right now. I’m not perfect, and I’ll never be perfect. However, I’m trying really hard, and I’m happy with that. I feel blessed that I’m a part of a ward with humble people. People that have not judged me and people who have loved to see how much the church is slowly changing my family’s life.

I have put my BOM reading on hold, and it’s going to stay on hold for a little bit longer. I’m going to start reading with Gino from the beginning. Then once I get to where I left off on my BOM blog I’ll continue writing.

Doctor Visit Breakdowns

Let’s start off with her 1 year checkup. She’s highly advanced, growing perfectly and a devil child. Yes, my doctor called her a devil child. It’s okay though, he saved her life so he can call her whatever he’d like. She’s 21.5 lbs and 30 In. long.

Things she’s doing…. eating EVERYTHING. She actually is quite obsessed with food, which is a little bit of a worry for me, but she loves veggies which makes me happy! She’s learned how to throw fits, which is no fun. We’re going to try the ignoring technique and see if it works. She still loves to dance, so as soon as I can get her into dancing she’ll be in it. I think I already said before that she’s off the bottle ~ she’s been off of it for about a month (maybe a little more) now. She loves video games and loves to turn the video games off when people (daddy and brother) are playing them. She loves buttons to press, especially if they turn off things so that she can look at everyone with a satisfied smile.

Things Ella says: See, Jay, Benjamin (this is new), bye, mine, mama, dad, please, working on thank you, all done…. I think there’s more but I can’t think of any more.

I haven’t updated with a video or pictures lately and I’m a total loser for that. Sorry.

Cardiologist appointment was today and I must say her doctor is such a sweet man! The girl who was getting her stats was looking at her and said, has she been in this hospital before? Did she go into SVT? I told her, yeah, when she was 7 weeks old. She said that she was in the room when they shocked her heart. She said she’d never seen anything like it before. They weren’t very hopeful that day, because nothing would get her heart rate down. So scary.

Anyways, so the doctor came in and said that if the EKG comes back good then he wants me to cut her medicine in half for 1 week and then the following week completely stop. Then he’d want a holter monitor on her for 24 hours to see what her heart is up to. I got nervous. The thought of Ella not having her protective shielding medicine had my anxiety up a little. EKG showed there’s still WPW, so we just continue on with what we’re doing and we’ll be back to see him in 6 months.