My Superstar Kids

For the past few weeks Ella’s been saying please. She says it anytime that she wants something. The cutest is when she gets a book and comes running over saying boo boo boo and then peeeaaase peeeaaase peeeassse and screams it if you don’t do what it is that she’s saying please for. It’s really cute.

Something else that I thought was adorable is she’s been noticing if something bad is going to happen when she watches cartoons she’s says, “Uh oh! DON’T” This is like if they’re going to run into something, or like in Enchanted when Jizelle is hanging off the big board (UGH I can’t think of what these things are called) you know, in the beginning of the movie when she’s knocking on the castle door when she’s in New York and slips and is hanging on. Ella was yelling NO! DON’T!! UH OH!!! It was so neat to see how smart she is and how she knew that she in was trouble. Watching this little girl’s brain work is really amazing.

She is such a joy to have in my life.

I wanted to say something really quick about my little man. At the last parent teacher conference his teacher told me how he doesn’t like to take his spelling test – freaks out with any kind of testing. I would work on his spelling words with him, but I guess it wasn’t enough. I felt so bad, but I found the solution. For Christmas he got a Didj and last week we put his spelling words inside of it and on Friday he took his spelling test. His teacher was so proud of him that she brought it out to the car for me to see how well he did! He got 9 out of 10 right – on the word form he mixed up o and r, but it was their first week have to write a sentence after the spelling test and he did it!!!! I’m so proud of him.

I’m Better

I’m better than I was when I wrote my previous blog post. Life can be a bit overwhelming sometimes and I took it out on my blog. I’m sure we’ll all just be fine and I’m probably overreacting. *DEEP BREATH* Moving on in a positive way about my day.

Marriage, Life, Church – UGH it’s all hard

Life isn’t always perfect. Pictures don’t always show the whole story. My smile sometimes is a lie. I don’t know what is going on right now, but I feel like things are falling apart. It’s funny, because in the primary class that I teach we were talking about apostasy and restoration.
There was a time of apostasy on this earth when the fullness of the gospel was taken away. Then when Joseph Smith had the first vision, the start of the restoration started.

I feel as if my family is about to go through the apostasy. Yeah, a little harsh – and I know there are probably a lot of members that know my family that gasping. Life sucks sometimes and I don’t know what went wrong.

I for one will say that being a member of this church is hard to be a part of. They ask a lot of you and it’s not easy. You get to go to church and see all these “perfect” families that were born into this and have never known a different life and think to yourself, ‘Hmmm we’ll never be there.’ We are not perfect. I don’t have a husband that thrives to serve others like all the men in this church seem to do; I have a husband who thinks the world revolves around him and is probably the most narcissistic person that I’ve ever met. He gives murmuring a whole new meaning. But he’s my husband and with or without the church I love him. I’m not perfect…. I have so many faults, but I’m trying. I’m trying to be the Mormon wife, the Mormon mom. But life is not so sugar coated as it seems, well at least not when you’re starting out at this so late in life.

I do know this. It’s hard, but it’s what we’re supposed to do. With or without my husband, I will continue to be a member of this church and hope that it gives my children the morals and principles that I want them to have with them for the rest of their lives. Getting up on Sunday and going to church for 3 hours is hard sometimes, but what’s 3 hours out of 168 hours? 3 hours out of our week is NOTHING. There are things that my husband doesn’t understand. Things he thinks are inconvenient, and I don’t know how to go about showing him the reason why we are called to do callings that take our time, why we have to go to church for so long, and why he should be going to church instead of watching that stupid football game that could have been DVRed.

I’m bitter today. I see him slowly pull away and by the time that we’ll be able to finally be sealed together as a family he won’t be in the same spot I am. What a horrible thing. Apostacy sure has a new meaning for me, and I hope to God that it doesn’t hit this family that has come SO FAR from what it used to be.

Mixed Feelings

I’m having mixed feelings about my new calling to Primary. I think that the calling is great and I know that I could learn a lot from who I’d be teaching with, but I just think that the timing is not right. I don’t feel comfortable leaving Gino to attend Sunday school by himself. He’s so new to all of this and I can see him falling away from the church a little bit. Not wanting to stay after Sacrament, and I just think he’s too new of a member to do this to.

I feel bad going and turning down my calling, but something inside of me keeps screaming that I need to turn it down.

I don’t know what to do. 🙁


So, what kind of a person goes out and buys a BlackBerry and then doesn’t even install the software on the computer or even hook it up to the computer for 4 months? Um, yeah, that would be ME!

I finally decided to play around with my phone and see what hooking it up to the computer would really do for me. WOW! It charges my phone, I can use my phone’s internet hookup for my wireless internet and there’s like so much more! I have a 4GB memory card in my phone and finally decided today to get some music on it. I feel like I just got a new phone!


Scripture Scouts

My past few posts have not had pictures. Hmmmm…. kinda boring huh?

I wanted to talk about something kinda cool. I was up at the Bishop’s house today while Jayden was having his piano lesson, Sister Shumway was going over our new class that we teach together with me.

She let Jayden borrow a CD called Scout Stories (this might not be the correct name, and if it’s not I’ll update it tomorrow) and I have to say IT IS AWESOME! Jayden and I listened to the entire 1st Nephi Story, which I write about HERE. At the end of the story, Jayden asked me, “Mom, this is so awesome! Where’s the promised land.” And this is where I giggled. I felt all excited inside, because Jayden now knows the same story that I’ve been reading forever, because I totally suck at Scripture study, but he was asking questions! That means he was totally paying attention. Why did I giggle? Because I wasn’t 100% on where the promised land was. I told him that I believed it was here, in the USA, because that’s where Joseph Smith found the plates, but I guess it’s something I’ll eventually find out as I read…. or listen to Jayden’s stories.


Building a Strong Family

If you’re a reader of my blog, then you’ve read this post before. I wanted to bring it back though. Especially for Works for Me Wednesday. Rocks in My Dryer hosts a wonderful carnival that gathers hundreds of bloggers that share what works for them. This week I want to share what works for us on building a strong family.

Remember the days when families used to sit together as a family for dinner. Talk about their days and bring laughter into their lives. Our society has cut this out of their lives and it’s sad. It’s sad that families are so busy that they don’t stop to appreciate what God has given them. A beautiful family that should be providing each other with unconditional love.

Bringing families close and together is a very important thing to the Mormon church, as it is to most religions. We implement something into our homes that strengthens our families and all it takes is one night a week.

It’s called Family Home Evening. Monday nights, the majority of the members of the church are gathered together in their homes strengthening the bonds that God has given us with our families. It’s a date and time that’s a guarantee in each of our homes that we will be together as a family, without media, without stresses, just us, God and the ones we love.

The way Family Home Evening is typically organized is as follows:

Opening Prayer
Sing a church song together
Quick lesson on any of these topics
Family Activity
Special Treat
Closing Song
Closing Prayer

You don’t have to be a member of the Mormon church to practice this. You don’t have to even give lessons or sing songs. Just having a set day a week to do some family activity together will do amazing things. Even if it’s just playing a board game and eating some ice cream afterwards.

Family Home Evening is a great time to discuss anything that needs to be discussed as a family. You can use this time to discuss weekly meal plans and chores, and go over the family’s weekly calendar. But the main thing is it’s important that you’re consistent, and you always end it with a fun activity and treat.

The last time that I posted this post I had a reader contact me to tell me that she’s not Mormon, but she absolutely loved this and implemented it into her family, and they all loved it. I feel so wonderful that her kids will have beautiful memories of their childhood, because she read this post from me.

I hope that I get some of you out there to join in with me. I’ll try to update every Monday with what we have planned. On my Topics that I Discuss on my sidebar, FHE stands for Family Home Evening. If you have ideas for great lesson ideas or activities, or even a yummy treat recipe you’d like to share please leave a comment and share it. Remember, you don’t have to be Mormon to have a Family Home Evening.

I KNEW it was gonna happen – JUST KNEW IT!

So, I’ve been waiting ever so patiently for Ella to turn 18 months so I could shove her into Nursery and actually listen during Sunday School & Relief Society. I’ve always had this feeling inside that right when she was ready to go to Nursery that I’d get a calling that would be in primary.

Today I got called to teach the 8 year olds turning 9 this year. The ones that just got baptized. I’ll be teaching the class with the Bishop’s wife, Wendy, who I absolutely love. So, I’m pretty excited, but had to giggle inside that what I had a feeling would happen actually did happen. This year we had made the decision to stop going to Gospel Essentials and start going to Gospel Doctrine instead… especially since they’d be studying Doctrine & Covenents, but Gino will get to hang out in there all by himself…. or with Ella until she turns 18 months. I”ll still study the weekly lessons with Gino at home so I can learn, and so that he’ll be prepared and understand what they’re talking about.

Today was Testimony Sunday at church and I still didn’t feel like I was ready to get up and share my testimony… I don’t know why, because I do have a strong testimony. I’ve seen this gospel completely turn my family around. We’re not even the same people as we were before. Gino has done a complete turn around and I’m so thankful for the gospel. It’s only been a year and 1 month that we started coming to church, and a year and 1 month ago I never would’ve thought we’d be where we are now. I’m thankful that I now have a better understanding of why I’m here on this earth. I’m not just lost in this world wondering what the point of it all is. I know what the point is, and I know what I’m supposed to be doing, and I’m striving my hardest to do it all. I’m not perfect, and neither is my husband, but we’ve come such a long way and it feels good to be on the path that we’re on. I hope we never lose track of it, because it feel so right and so good.

I’m feeling absolutely horrible today and I don’t know what’s wrong. I don’t have a cold or the flu, but I just don’t feel well. It may just be my body telling me that it’s had enough of the torture I’ve put it through these past few days of doing major stuff around the house, so maybe I need to listen to it and just relax for the rest of the day.

Day 2 of Productiveness

New Years Day I woke up MOTIVATED!!!!! I’ve done so many projects around the house and it feels SO GOOD! Here’s a list of what I’ve done:

I’ve done MANY MANY MANY loads of laundry…. and I’m going to keep doing this throughout tomorrow until it’s ALL DONE!

I’ve cleaned out my linen closet and organized it to where it’s a beautiful sight when opened

I cleaned out the coat closet and donated 5 coats

I went through my closet and Gino went through his and we donated everything we haven’t touched in the last 3 months… unless, of course it was special

I’ve tackled the dreaded junk corner of my room

I’m making schedules for what I’d like my days to be like in 2009

I cleaned the inside and outside of my car plus got Gino’s car & my car’s oil changed and tires rotated

And I got rid of my housekeeper. I don’t see the point in paying someone to do something that I think I can do better…. so, Flylady on Monday I’m a new faithful follower…. I even have my control journal out and ready to start flying!

My main focus right now is decluttering. I don’t want the crap I hold on to anymore. I’m taking tomorrow to finish up the inside of the house (Garage is Monday’s project) and I’m determined to start work on Monday with a newly organized and smooth running system. This month is going to be extremely busy, because I have so much on my to do list concerning work that all has to be done by January 31st.

I hope I motivated some of my readers, because just reading this is getting me motivated all over again.

Tomorrow’s main goals….

Finish all laundry
Finish all filing
Organize Jayden’s room
Go through boxes in Jayden’s closet
Clean all bathroom & kitchen floors

I hope I’m as motivated tomorrow as I’ve been these past couple of days.


Nothing’s better than celebrating the New Year with your family. Prior years we’ve gone out and let me tell you from experience, IT FEELS SO MUCH BETTER TO START THE NEW YEARS WITHOUT A HANGOVER!!!

We rang in the year with movies, Uno and a little Welch’s Grape Bubbly. It was the perfect night! I got to kiss my babies right after kissing my husband and was happy that we were all safe at home…. together.

Here’s a couple pics and a video of Jayden singing. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

She conked out until the blowing of the New Years horns I bought woke her up