Welcoming Paxton – sharing the Easy Schedule

Yesterday my nephew was born. He was 6lbs 15oz. and 19 inches long. Talk about 1 adorable, precious baby boy! His name is Paxton Richard ~ and here he is – isn’t he absolutely adorable?!?!?!?
So, my Works for Me Wednesday is a repeat, but I’m repeating for the new mom!

The EASY Schedule for your baby ~

I have done this with Jayden and Ella. I got the idea from Tracy Hogg’s book {The Baby Whisperer} My Grandma bought me this book when I was pregnant with Jayden and tried her tactics and THEY WORKED!! Here’s how the EASY Schedule works:

E stands for Eat
A stands for Activity Time
S stands for Sleep
Y stands for You Time

So, here’s why this schedule works WONDERS with me. Your baby wakes up from a nap and you instantly feed him/her. You do not let them fall asleep while eating. After they finish their bottle you give them activity time. For a newborn this can be a bath, staring into the wondrous world before them. Just time for them to be awake and not be sleeping. Then when they get fussy, guess what! They’re not hungry!!! You instantly know what the deal is. They’re tired. So you wrap them up, rock them and put them to sleep….then you get YOU TIME (time where you can sit and hear the peace, that is if you don’t have other children or the other children are in school!!) You can even schedule out what you’re going to do for each You Time!!! Ella’s at the age that during activity time she likes to get in her jumparoo and jump jump jump and that’s my internet time. My You Time is USUALLY spent working or doing my housework.

This schedule has not failed me through 2 kids now and I love it. I always know what’s next and so does Ella (she’s my current baby) I’m a WAHM and it’s nice to know that things are not out of control. It’s easy for us and I know that I can tell someone when I will be calling them back, because according to Ella’s schedule I know when she’s going to be tired.

OH! And w/this schedule, Jayden never relied on a bottle to fall asleep. Therefore, when he turned 1 – I threw all of his bottles away on her b/day and we had NO ISSUES!!! Straight to the sippy cup like a big boy!

And the exciting thing today – she’s sleeping right now, and when she wakes up she gets to eat baby food for the first time!!! Stay tuned for pictures!!!!

Hope this works for you like it’s worked for me!! I highly suggest reading her book 🙂

For other things that work for other’s head over to We Are THAT Family and enjoy yourself!

As for Brittany, the new mom of Paxton, I am buying you a copy of this book!!!! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. You did a wonderful job yesterday and I LOVE my nephew!!!!!

AND THE WINNERS ARE……………………………..

The winner of the cookie pops bouquet goes to: {The Gosfam}

The winner of Announcements by Farrari Angel goes to: {Kristen}

The winner of the book The Secret goes to: {Jessica}

The winner of Posh Petals goes to: {Ashlee}

The winner of Just Poppin goes to: {We Are THAT Family}

Congrats to all of the winners! I hope you enjoy what you won!!!
I will contact you via email and if I do not get a reply within 72 hours I will choose another winner.

I enjoyed the launch of this carnival and hope to see everyone back next Monday so we can motivate & inspire each other!!

Just a Motivating Monday LAUNCH!!!

I have been anticipating this launch for a while now!! I’m really excited to bring an inspirational blog carnival to our bloggy world. I was scared that after all the hype I’ve given about this launch that we wouldn’t be able to do it due to the recent accident that happened with my daughter. It was a SCARY event and you are more than welcome to read about it {HERE}. That post in itself can be an inspiring post. It’s a post where I share with other moms how I have learned through my daughter’s accident to not fret the small stuff, because in the end it all doesn’t matter as much as the safety and health of our babies. I am happy to say we are home and Ella is doing wonderfully. So, we get to have our launch party!!

I announced last week that I am starting a new carnival called Just a Motivating Monday. Every Monday I will host this carnival where we can share inspiring words with one another and help motivate each other on the hardest day of the week to get motivated!

The people who have participated in our giveaways are offering some great things for my readers!! The best part is there is multiple winners, and multiple ways to enter. At the end up my inspiring message I will announce all of the prizes and ways to enter.


Do you have a purpose? Why is it that you are doing what you’re doing? If you are living without knowing your purpose you are merely just existing and not truly living.

My purpose:

Life is definitely not meant to be easy, but I have found through my experiences that I can find the joy in most things, because I have a purpose. Sometimes being a stay at home mom, actually just being a mom, you can get frustrated and discouraged by the many things that you do repetitively throughout your day. How many times do you have to clean the living room, because your toddler’s ambition in life is to see how many times mommy can have to clean it in one day? With all of the frustrations, you have to stop and ask yourself. What is my purpose?

I am pretty focused on what my purpose is. Of course our purposes can change day to day, but for now, these points are my main purpose.

  1. Be able to stay at home with my babies, even if I am working at home – I want to be the one that’s home with them
  2. I want to be a good wife. I want my husband to be proud of who he married.
  3. I want my children to have a stable childhood, to know what’s coming in their lives and to have a secure feeling always
  4. I want my children to have morals. To know the difference between right and wrong and to carry these morals with them all throughout their lives
  5. I want my family to live in an organized, clean home – because having the opposite causes stress, and I’d prefer not to have that in our home
  6. I want my family to love God and live by the gospel of Jesus Christ
  7. I want to be a good example to everyone around me ~ especially my kids.

So, when I’m frustrated with the continuous cleaning up, or the constant whining, or the millions of questions, or the 3 hours of walking the halls at church on Sunday, I have to focus on my purpose, otherwise I might break. It’s what keeps me strong, it’s what keeps me focused and it’s one of the most important things in my life besides my family.

If you have not discovered exactly what your purpose is, you have one. Sometimes it takes sitting down, looking at the things you are doing, figuring out why you are doing them and in turn figuring out what YOUR PURPOSE is. If you find that you’re not happy with your purpose, then maybe the things you’re doing aren’t what you really want to be doing. Maybe it’s time to sit down with what you want out of life, and figure out the things YOU should be doing to make these things happen.

We all have a purpose, and without truly knowing what our purpose is and being in control of it, you are just existing and not truly living.



1 winner will receive a bouquet of {COOKIE POPS} a little bite of heaven on a stick ~ need I say more? I’m addicted to these and it’s probably not in my best interest to have the creator living less than mile from me!

1 winner will receive a copy of my favorite inspirational book {The Secret}

1 winner will receive their choice of hat & headband from {Posh Petals} they are absolutely beautiful on any girl ~ small or big and my Ella is working on her own Posh Petals collection ~ WE LOVE POSH PETALS!!!

1 winner will receive a $50.00 gift certificate to {Custom Announcements by Ferrari Angel} Farah does an amazing job on her announcements ~ I hope you’ll all check her out for your future announcements

1 winner will receive a $10.00 gift certificate to {Just Poppin} they do fundraisers!!!! My kids and I have a major addiction to popcorn! 😉

To enter in the contest you can leave a comment ~ for multiple entries you can:

Twitter about this contest (1 extra entry)
Participate in the blog carnival by linking up (3 extra entries)
Subscribe to my feeds {HERE} (1 extra entry)

To ensure you get your extra entries make sure you leave extra comments for every extra entry you do ~ I will be choosing my winners from random.org using the comments. This giveaway will end at 12:01am 7/14/09 ~ so you have until midnight to get all of your entries in!! I will be announcing the winners on 7/14/09. I will then contact the winners via email along with announcing them on my blog. If you win and do not contact me within 72 hours I will then choose another winner.

Welcome to Just a Motivating Monday!! Good luck on the giveaway and I hope to see you back here next Monday as well….. as well as every other Monday after that!!

When Life Throws You a Curve Ball

Every morning we as moms wake up to start our day. For the most of us these days follow our typical schedule and by the end of the day we are laying in our beds thanking God for one more day on this earth, for having healthy children, and for all of the many blessings that we are blessed with. After these prayers we snuggle in tightly and and wake up in the morning to repeat. However, during the day there were many moments of frustration over bills, housework, dinner, and the little every day things of life.

I am one of these moms. I have a cardiac baby, but nothing that has caused any issues since she was 12 weeks old. I wake up every day grateful for the blessing of being able to have a typical day. Being able to snuggle in my bed at night thankful for every blessing that I am blessed with. The only worry I am faced with is how crowded my bed has become, because a certain little toddler girl doesn’t agree with me on the fact that she should remain in her toddler, princess bed at night ~ even if it is literally RIGHT NEXT TO MOMMY.

Yesterday my day started out just like any other day. I woke up and had no idea what major turn my day would be taking. Ella has a condition called Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome. You can read all about her story with that {HERE}. Ella is on a medication to regulate this heart problem called Flecainide, which is a powerful drug that regulates her heart beat. It keeps it from going fast.

Little Miss Ella decided that she was going to pull out the drawers and climb up to get her medicine off of the counter. Her child proof medicine cap is not on it. It’s a blue cap that you can pull the top off to put the syringe in to make it easier to fill it. Now, I will refuse this easier cap. She drank her medicine. We don’t know exactly how much, but pretty quickly she was out of it and having a hard time keeping her head up and eyes open.

We jumped in the car and I drove about 90 to the hospital while my husband kept slapping her face to keep her awake. I was praying and praying and praying that she would be okay. We went to the hospital in Ashland, because it’s closer than Rogue Valley. Once they got the IV in they had an ambulance show up to transport her to RVMC where she could be in the PICU. Her BP was low, her HR was low, but we were all thinking that maybe she just needed to sleep this medicine off and she would be okay.

Boy, were we all wrong. Upon arrival to RVMC she finally woke up and sat up and was crying telling us, “All done! All done!” while doing the sign language for all done as well. I literally could feel my heart aching inside of my chest for my precious little princess. Right then she started to throw up, and in the middle of throwing up her eyes got big and bulgy and it seemed like she wasn’t breathing. The nurse grabbed her and I FREAKED! I ran out of the room crying hysterically, dropping down and praying like I’ve never prayed before. All I could hear was “CALL IT! CALL IT!” then CODE something being called. Then my head started spinning and in my mind I knew she was dying at that moment.

At this point I was sitting behind the nurse’s desk with my head in my hand praying for God to just please not take my precious baby girl away from me. I didn’t want to move, because I didn’t want to feel the pain that was going to hit me the minute I realized she was gone.

They had a lady from social services and come hug me so tightly and tell me that she’s breathing on her own. Her HR is low, but she’s breathing on her own. They were trying to get me to slow down my breathing because I was on the verge of hyperventilating. I’d never been more happy when they told me, “Mom, she’s waking up and she needs to see you right now.” I went over and I could tell that she recognized me, and when she said, “All done!” I was so relieved that the seizure didn’t defeat her!

After this we were informed that Ella would be mediflighted to Portland where they can keep an extra close eye on her heart. This medication messed up the rythmia of her heart and things were just not looking great.

At 2am the Panda team from Portland had arrived and Ella and I got inside of the ambulance and loaded up on a tiny airplane and got to Doernbecher Children’s Hospital around 4am. Ever since we’ve been here she’s gotten better and better. As of right now we’re planning a morning release. She had another EKG done and we haven’t received the results, but I’m praying that everything is back to normal!

Moments like these make us stop and appreciate what we have. Sometimes I might take everyday for granted, because I wake up and do the same thing every day. My days run together, but when life throws you a curve ball like this, you clutch your heart and thank God for every second you have with the ones you love. You NEVER know when you wake up in the morning what events will take.

Instead of complaining and getting stressed about the bills, the house, the mess, dinner….. just take a deep breath and be thankful that you are having one of those days when you’re doing the same thing you do every day, because it could be so much worse. You could be having to pray for the life of your child.

We are a RAIDERS family!

I know, I know, we have a terrible team, but IMO it’s just that we have a terrible owner. I just found this picture while looking through my memory card and I had to put it on here. I love this picture of us! We went on Superbowl Sunday to a house FULL of Steelers fans, so we showed up all decked out in our Raiders gear and rooted for the opposite team…. unfortunately we all know how that ended.

Things I Love Thursday – Posh Petals

A couple of months ago my friend came into church and put a zebra headband w/a Fuchsia flower attached and let me tell you, my daughter was STYLIN’! She told me that this is her new business, {Posh Petals} and that she’s now selling these and it got even better…. they have adorable crocheted hats w/these flowers attached too!!!

So, my little Ella is now sportin posh petals and I have received TONS of compliments on how cute she looks.

You know what’s even greater? Posh Petals is offering one of my readers a free headband and hat of their choice for my {Just a Motivating Monday} launch!!

So far I’ve announced that on Monday I will be giving away a bouquet of {cookie pops}, a copy of the book {The Secret} and now this!!!! What else will be given away???? You gotta stay tuned to find out!

Make sure you’re following me on {Twitter}, or my {RSS Feed} to ensure that you don’t miss out on this special launch of an inspirational carnival!!!

Since I’m talking about Things I Love you might want to talk about Things You Love too ~ head over to {Diaper Diaries} and link up for the Things I Love carnival 🙂

Inspiration Works for Me!

What works for me is something that I believe works for everybody. Inspiration. I thrive on it, and am constantly looking for good inspiring things to read and share with others. I’ve started noticing that a lot of the blogs I visit have a way of touching my soul a little more than the usual inspirational book. Maybe it’s because it’s mothers like me that are struggling with the same things, and talking about it in a way that completely reaches out to me.

So I have decided to start a weekly carnival on Mondays called Just to Motivate Your Monday ~ it’s a carnival where we as bloggers can come together and link up inspiring words that we have to share with one another. You can read more on the carnival {HERE}
In celebration of the launch of Just to Motivate Your Monday I am going to be giving away multiple prizes to multiple winners with multiple ways to enter!!! I am definitely completely stoked about this launch.

I hope you join me on Monday, July 13, 2009 to kick this off!

Earlier today I announced what one of the giveaways were, which is a bouquet of Cookie Pops ~ to see that announcement post click {HERE}
Now for another announcement for another thing I’ll be giving away!!! A copy of a book that has completely inspired me. It has helped me to look at the positive in life and not dwell on the negative. I hope that one lucky reader of mine will enjoy their own copy of one of my favorite books!!!

To make sure you don’t miss out on the opportunity to win one of my giveaways going on during the launch or that you don’t miss out on reading inspiring words, or inspire people with your’s, make sure you either


I hope to see you on Monday!!!


My newest, delicious, most favorite thing in the entire world is {COOKIE POPS}. I am lucky enough to have the creator of these heavenly things not even a mile from my house.

I have no idea how they did it, but Aaron & Eunice have created something that is MAGICAL. These are a great treat to order for any baby shower, wedding, birthday party, tea party, whatever party! Just order them and watch everyone’s face just lavish in the scrumptiousness of MAGIC.

My personal favorites are the Chocolate Peanut Butter (OMGOODNESS HEAVEN!) and the Chocolate Covered Strawberry.

If you want a party in your tummy {so yummy so yummy} then make sure that you join me on Monday, July 13, 2009 for the launch of my new carnival {Just a Motivating Monday}. We are having a giveaway party for the launch and this is the first giveaway I’m announcing!! The giveaway will have multiple winners, multiple prizes with multiple ways to enter!!!!

Made With Love is giving one of my readers a bouquet of cookie pops!!!! To see the different flavors and other things that Made for Love offers check out their site!! {HERE}

To receive reminders about the carnival you can subscribe to my RSS Feed {HERE}

OR you can follow me on {TWITTER}

Hope to see you joining me with my new carnival to inspire everyone and get them motivated on Mondays!!!


One thing about Garibay Soup is I lay it ALL out on the line. My frustrations, my faith, my love, my hate, my EVERYTHING! It’s my place. I created this little world and it’s the place I turn to and at time RAMBLE! Like I’m going to do right now…..

People arrive at my blog daily to read what I wrote on the {Mirena IUD} from a search engine. So when my 16 year old sister told me that she has decided to go on the Mirena IUD I about had a breakdown…. I looked at her and said there is no way you’re doing that! I explained all of my history with it and figured I had gotten through her brain. Well, my step-mom (who is only 2 years 11 months older than me – yes, this is an ingredient to a dysfunctional family) called me today to tell me that my 16 year old sister wouldn’t be making it into work. She’s my little helper and has been calling in quite frequently lately. I asked why, and my wicked step-mother explained that she had just had the mirena put in and is in pain.

My heart I think stopped. What kind of a doctor would put a Mirena IUD in a young child? If this doctor had done his or her homework they would find that directly on the Mirena website it says that the Mirena IUD is for women who have had at least 1 child and only have 1 sexual partner. Hmmm… I can probably say that little miss 16 year old is not having just 1 sexual partner, because this girl changes boyfriends like she changes underwear – no I’m not saying she sleeps with them all, but come on! And last time I checked little miss 16 year old doesn’t have a child.

So, I came running to Garibay Soup to ramble and hope that maybe somebody who is googling Mirena IUD reads that YOU SHOULD NOT ALLOW YOUR TEENAGER TO BE ON THIS!

I really wish that my sister Alyssa had better parents that would actually look into things that would effect her. My heart aches for her, because her mom has moved on with her small children and new husband and tossed her to {my father}, which him and my step-mom are what the redneck parenting jokes are based off of. Definitely people who should not have children. Poor girl.

So now what I need to do is take a deep breath, and just let this go. It is not my problem…. it is not my problem…. IT IS NOT MY PROBLEM. Can you tell, that I am making this my problem?