And come join me on Monday for {Just a Motivating Monday}… an inspirational blog carnival.
And come join me on Monday for {Just a Motivating Monday}… an inspirational blog carnival.
-Write a blog post about ANYTHING at all that inspires you, or something you feel will inspire others.
-Please link back to Garibay Soup
-Please snag my Just a Motivating button on your post.
-I hope that we can all go and visit each other’s blogs and read what everyone has linked up ~ I hope that this carnival can bring more traffic for you 🙂 So, spread the comment love!
“An act of God was defined as something which no reasonable man could have expected.” ~Author Unknown
I wrote what I had to write about Mya. It was a post from my heart, and this is going to be one too. I wish that people remembered her. I wish that people understood why I love her and miss her so much. I wish that people who I am close to in my life would remember that September 5th is a day that maybe you should call me, maybe you should see how I’m doing. Everybody calls for Jayden and Ella’s birthday, but what about THIS DAY? This day I need a call, because every year it’s just as hard. Every year my heart aches… every year, I feel like I can’t talk to anybody who’s close to me besides my husband, because it’s a subject that has been forgotten. She has been forgotten. And that hurts.
Maybe it’s not important to them, but it’s important to ME, and that should be enough to call me. I didn’t receive 1 call from 1 person. The only people that remembered were online friends… online friends that have been there for me through it all, have a sincere heart and know how I feel.
I’m sorry, but I needed to get this out…. this is a day that is HARD on me, and why is it that it’s a day that nobody remembers? I don’t want Mya to be forgotten.
I’m strong. I can hold myself together and put a smile on my face when I shouldn’t. I can justify anything and look for the light at the end of the tunnel. But I need to remember that I don’t always have to do this. It’s okay for me to be mad, upset, depressed, disappointed.
3 years ago today my daughter died. 3 years ago today I cried and cried and prayed that it wasn’t true. Prayed that the next day when we went for the confirmation of demise u/s there would be a heart beat. 3 years ago today I clutched my stomach where my once moving baby kicked me to feel nothing. That’s not okay. I know that if there was no Mya there’d be no Ella, but maybe… maybe Ella would have just come later. Maybe I would have been able to have both girls. It’s not okay to have to lose something that you love so much, lose something you’ve never met, but know as well as you know yourself.
Pregnancy loss is one of the most heartbreaking things to go through. I could not fathom losing one of my babies that I’ve seen their beautiful faces and got to know there personalities, because that in itself is unfathomable, but strangely…. I think that losing Mya was almost just as bad. No, I didn’t ever get to know her, but I did get to feel her. I already loved her, I already had her future planned out for what I wished for her. My son was excited, my husband would put his hand on my stomach to feel her flutter into it. She loved Tacos {my BIGGEST craving with her} 3 years ago today I ate tacos for the last time of her being inside of me… I’m sad that she wasn’t still with me to enjoy them.
I am sad that time goes on without her. I am sad that time is starting to heal, and there are days that go by that she isn’t on my mind. I am sad that our family is happy, happier than we’ve ever been and she isn’t here to get to experience that happiness with us.
I wonder if she visits us ever. I wonder if she is there waiting for us. I wonder if she loves us as much as we love her. I wonder if when we send her balloons that she gets them. I wonder if God tells her about me, since I didn’t get to tell her about Him. I wonder if they have angel celebrations in heaven and if September 5th is a joyous day for her, because they’re celebrating her.
This is the 1st year that we didn’t celebrate “Her” day on this day ~ Gino worked today and we decided that tomorrow will be all about Mya. Tomorrow she will get her balloons, tomorrow she will get a note from her mom, tomorrow will be her day… and I feel guilty that it won’t be on “Her” day.
Mya, I love you so much.