Monthly Archives: November 2009
I’m Reparenting…. blogging the journey!

Just a Motivating Monday – Patience is a Virtue

-Write a blog post about ANYTHING at all that inspires you, or something you feel will inspire others.
-Please link back to Garibay Soup
-Please snag my Just a Motivating button on your post.
-I hope that we can all go and visit each other’s blogs and read what everyone has linked up ~ I hope that this carnival can bring more traffic for you 🙂 So, spread the comment love!
Patience is a Virtue
God, please HELP!!!!!!
Any advice for me?
Giving Thanks of THANKSgiving
I’m Outta Here!!! Going to CALIFORNIA!
You know dang well that I go NO WHERE without my laptop,
Ella is 2 and is acting like a stripper… I’m worried
I’m sure I’ve blogged about this before, but just in case I haven’t I HAVE TO DO IT NOW! A while ago my ever so ghetto brother decided he would give Ella a dollar. When he gave it to her, he opened up her pull up and stuffed it on the side…. stripper style.
That has stuck with this little girl…. and I’m a little afraid about her future.
Any time she sees money, she grabs it and sticks it in her pull up… coupons… in her pull up. The other day I had $5.00 sitting on the table for Jayden’s book fair, and it was gone! Gino and I were looking everywhere. Ella was standing by the ottoman in her pull up and I walked over, pulled open her pull up to find the $5.00 nestled in there.
Should I be worried?
Neighbor on Craigslist! LOL!!
Totally slacking here! Sorry…. there’s been new neighbor episodes.
Frankly… not even normal.
“Jim” comes to my door and asks if I was offended when he offered to take pictures of me for my husband. Offended? No. Would do it in a million years? No.
Apparently, assistant girl went on Craiglist in our area under Artists and put his name as the subject. When you opened it I guess it told people of how he was offending his neighbor by trying to get her to pose nude for him, and that he spent $14,000.00 on hookers this summer. That confuses me, because how can he be a pimp if he’s spending money on them? Obviously he doesn’t know what he’s doing…. or he’s just down right a perv!
So, after he told me this {which he claims it’s all lies} I asked if he reported it to Craigslist and he said he did. DAMN! I ran ever so quickly to my computer to take a screen shot of it for this blog post, but Craigslist is good… it was gone. BUMMER!
This Blogging Community ROCKS
I’m thankful to be ME
A lot of my friends started life out a little differently than I did. They went to college, met, fell in love, got married, had kids, breastfed, completely started out in the mother/wife role…. this is how they were raised, this is how they did things. It’s all they’ve ever known to want.
I’m different. It’s noticeable that I am different. I get questions like when did you and Gino get married. May 15, 2004. Yes, you do the math… that was 5 years ago, and *GASP* our oldest is 8. We met, got pregnant, and just grew up and learned together…. yes, the THREE of us. The fact that I was pregnant in no way made me want to get married. I knew that I would be getting married because I was in love. Lucky for me it happened to be the father of my child that I decided to spend the rest of my life with. Ella came at a much more stable time in our life.
When talks of breastfeeding are going on, I just put a smile on my face and stay out of the subject because *GASP* I CHOSE not to breastfeed. Yup, I gave my kids that horrific poison that made it so that my kids NEVER got sick until they were way past the 1 year mark. No ear infections…. EVER. Healthy and smart…. can you believe it?!?! I’ve thought about IF there was ever to be a 3rd that I would possibly breastfeed, but I know that 2 times in a row now my kids have had tremendous success on formula. Did I mention that I too was formula fed, and I too am still alive?
I will never be them. I will never be the perfect housewife, the perfect mom, the perfect stranger, or the perfect friend. My differences from my friends is obvious. I have always felt that I am different. I’ve experienced things in life that they haven’t. I’ve experienced things in life that have made me grow into who I am. I know who I am. I do not follow in the footsteps of ANYBODY. I have created my footsteps through trial and error. My faith was not handed to me. I didn’t have the privilege of being taken to church every Sunday and being told that THIS IS WHAT WE BELIEVE. I know that you eventually get your own testimony, but you are given the opportunity to gain that. Nope, I got to experience *prior edited out, because it was written out of frustration…..if you were lucky enough to get here before I decided against writing it, then you know more about me than others know* things that I can look back on and say….
Thank you, God. Thank you for for giving me the opportunity to find my way back to the church that I once was a part of as a very small child. Thank you for showing me that even though all of that stuff was FUN it didn’t give me JOY. Joy to me is something that I hold so dear to my heart, because before a couple of years ago I didn’t have joy in my life. I was happy, but I wasn’t complete.
But I’m most thankful for the path I took to get here. I’m thankful that I found my way and I will always be me. Whether people like it or not, I am who I am…. and I love myself. I know that I will never be perfect. I’m going to do things that my friends would NEVER in a million years do. Because I am me. And just because I’ve grown to love something so much, I will always be ME. I love the mistakes I’ve made, because without them, I wouldn’t be ME. Without those mistakes Gino and I wouldn’t be a WE.