Monthly Archives: November 2009
And she counts
There are moments in our children’s life that we do not want to forget. Moments we wished we documented, moments we wished we had gotten on video tape.
Today, I’m noting a momentous event here, now. It has not yet been video recorded (but it will) but I know that blogging is one of the fabulous perks of being able to have one place where I know where all things are.
Ella counts. She counts like this:
1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10
and it’s the cutest thing in the world. And I love her so much.
Oh there more, people…. there’s more!
Do you need to catch up on the neighbor drama going on before reading the following? It’s all about having a PIMP for a neighbor. {CLICK HERE}
Things have been quiet.
Life has begun to be normal.
Occasionally I hear a garage door open next door, but THAT. IS. IT. NOTHING
Until today….
Door bell rings, I answer there is “Jim” creepy neighbor pimp.
Me: “Um, hi, Jim!”
Jim: “Just wondering if you’ve been being bugged from “Assistant”. Has she been calling you?”
Me: “Nope.”
Jim: “Oh, good! Glad she’s not bugging you. Have the cops been by to talk to you?”
Me: “Um, no. Should they be?“
Jim: “Oh, no. Just curious, okay talk to you later.
Me: Speechless
Can we say WEIRD?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Just a Motivating Monday – Forgiveness is a Virtue

-Write a blog post about ANYTHING at all that inspires you, or something you feel will inspire others.
-Please link back to Garibay Soup
-Please snag my Just a Motivating button on your post.
-I hope that we can all go and visit each other’s blogs and read what everyone has linked up ~ I hope that this carnival can bring more traffic for you 🙂 So, spread the comment love!
“Somehow forgiveness, with love and tolerance, accomplishes miracles that can happen in no other way.”
- Pray to Heavenly Father and ask Him for His help. He can soften your heart and help you to forgive.
- Get rid of the bitterness. If you’re still plotting out ways to get even the forgiving process is no where near.
- Once you have forgiven, let it go. Don’t hold on to it, because that’s holding a grudge… which does not mean you have forgiven.
- Don’t focus so much on the negative things that have happened to you. If you are focusing on the positive things in your life, and the positive things people have done for you, you will be able to forgive the negative things easier. There’s no point in holding on to negativity when there’s so much positivity to welcome into your heart.
- You need to remember that when you are forgiving, it’s for you. It’s not for the person that did you wrong, but it is for you and your exaltation. It’s a process you must go through, and you will be forgiving others for you.
“I think that forgiveness is one of those words like “love” that people use loosley. To truly forgive someone means you have let go of any ill will and no longer harbor feelings of anger or angst toward another person.
Forgiving ourselves goes hand in hand with forgiving others. We are often times harder on ourselves than the person or people we have wronged. Forgiving others means letting go of hurt they have caused you and forgiving yourself is learning to love yourself after you have caused another person pain. Both are crutial in the eternal realm of this life and critical to our salvation and prosperity hereafter.”
I hope that this post inspires you to start the forgiving process if you haven’t already. I hope that it inspires you to always have a forgiveness attitude in your heart ~ it will only make you a better person.
Potty Training at its FINEST
Tonight My Heart is Heavy
A little edition of my kids say
I figured it was time for another little blog post about the things that my kids say…. the things that shock me and make me laugh and wonder WHERE DID THEY GET THAT FROM?!?!
Ella: The other night we were sitting down eating dinner and this little girl who just turned 2 in August told her dad “I don’t have to.” After he told her to eat her dinner. She said it with a little attitude on her face and Gino and I just looked at each other with this look like… Oh boy, we’re in for it!
Jayden: This one was hilarious! Where he got this is beyond me!! We were pulling into the Walmart parking lot when we saw a cop pulling someone over. Jayden says very softly, “Oh no… there’s a cop. Just drive slow and act natural!” Haha!!!!!
Just a Motivating Monday – Success

-Write a blog post about ANYTHING at all that inspires you, or something you feel will inspire others.
-Please link back to Garibay Soup
-Please snag my Just a Motivating button on your post.
-I hope that we can all go and visit each other’s blogs and read what everyone has linked up ~ I hope that this carnival can bring more traffic for you 🙂 So, spread the comment love!
“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” ~Albert Schweitzer