Being a mom comes with a whole bunch of mortifying experiences. Situations that make you want to crawl in a hole and not come out for a very, very long time.
Today one of those happened to me. As my fingers tap against these keys I still want to hide my face.
There was a knock on the door. Normally, if you don’t call I don’t answer the door. That’s just how it goes ~ so if you’re in my area and reading this… TAKE NOTE. And after reading this you’ll understand why.
Well, today I had this feeling that I needed to answer it. I’m glad I did, because it was my landlord and I really needed to talk to him.
I picked up Ella and answered the door, stood outside with her and spoke to the man. We were exchanging phone numbers {funny how we didn’t have each other’s phone number huh?} and so I stuck Ella back inside. When I came back in from my conversation with him, Ella was standing in my living room with a shirt on. And that’s it. No Pull Up, no panties, no pants… her bottom half was BUTT NAKED!
Panic went through my entire body…. did I really just hold my daughter outside, while she had nothing on????? I had to know, so I called my landlord {since I now have his phone number} and asked. YUP! I apologized and said I really had no clue!!!! HOLY CRAP.
And that my friends… is the life of a mother.
And this mother is MORTIFIED!
Monthly Archives: January 2010
This Time it’s Ella Says….
Normally it’s Jayden that says the things that make us spit what’s in our mouths out…. or want to crawl in a hole mortified because of it’s timing. Not this time, people. Oh no. This time it was all Ella.
I have taught Ella the correct names of her private parts. I think it’s very important for her to know these things and not have pet names for them.
We’re in the middle of church and Ella says to Gino:
Daddy, do you have a gina? She doesn’t say the va before the gina yet… but that was enough for a cover her mouth really quick kind of thing.
And thank goodness no one heard… at least I hope no one heard!
Just a Motivating Monday – Happiness
If you’re just joining in:
-Write a blog post about ANYTHING at all that inspires you, or something you feel will inspire others.
-Please link back to Garibay Soup
-Please snag my Just a Motivating button on your post.
-I hope that we can all go and visit each other’s blogs and read what everyone has linked up ~ I hope that this carnival can bring more traffic for you 🙂 So, spread the comment love!
It’s really unfortunate that our world is filled with so much unhappiness. I’m going to be simple and to the point this week.
Happiness is a choice. I’m a STRONG believer that we create the things in our lives all by ourselves. If you’re unhappy it’s more than likely because you are choosing unhappiness. Heck, if you are constantly focusing on the negative things in your life, the people around you’s life, you can bet your butt you’re gonna be completely, miserably unhappy.
Focus on what you have, focus on the happy moments that happen in your life. If you focus on those things, guess what…. it’s the most amazing thing EVER…. you’ll have more of them.
I look at that quote by Oprah and think that this most definitely has a lot to do with happiness. Not just things. Happiness is something you either have, or don’t have.
Focus on happiness.
Choose Happiness.
I hope this little snippet on happiness will inspire you from here on out, not only for this week but for the rest of your life to choose happiness. We are too blessed to be depressed!
7 Weeks Down… 33 To Go
My due date’s a little confusing. If you go off of my LMP it would 8/20/10. If you go off of my ultrasound it would be 8/26/10. So, for now I’m just going to go off of my 8/26/10 due date. The funny thing is, Ella’s due date according to my LMP was 8/19/07 and according to her u/s it was 8/25/07. I wonder if this little soul might be her long lost twin knockin on the door LOL.
Here’s a little picture I took today. It really shows how much I’m really showing already.
Being that this is my 4th pregnancy I guess that’s why I’m showing so early.
I talked earlier this week (actually like 2 days ago) that I my morning sickness had set in. Well, ever since I’ve posted that it’s actually kinda been non existent. If I smell something gross I could most definitely throw up… but thank Goodness these past 2 days I haven’t felt nauseas at all!
Reality is really setting in that there is indeed a little baby inside of me. I’m trying to have positive thoughts and think about how wonderful it will be when I finally see this precious little soul’s face. But I’m not going to lie. I’m scared TO DEATH! Not about bringing this baby into this world, about the possibility of not bringing this baby into this world.
Today I learned about a fellow blogger that I was just talking to on twitter 2 days ago about how she really wanted a baby girl, because she already has 3 boys! We were talking about morning sickness… I remember how bad my morning sickness was with not only Mya, but with Ella as well. I threw up with both of them. She found out at her big ultrasound yesterday that her baby was no longer alive. She was 18 weeks. I was 18 weeks 4 days when I lost Mya. It is reality that a beautiful blessing can be ripped from you. It’s not fair. I don’t understand, I can’t grasp it, but I dread it. I dread EVER having to go through what I went through that horrible September 5th.
My little rainbow baby came though. She came and filled my heart in a way that I didn’t know could filled. She eased the pain, when I thought nothing could. I found my blessing in my tragedy.
With my experience I know now to treasure what I have a little bit more. I know to be thankful for every day that I have life inside of me, because there’s no better feeling. There’s no better blessing.
7 weeks down 33 more to go.
Worked for YOU Wednesday…. Morning Sickness
I LOVE asking for advice…. and this week at {We Are THAT Family}, Works for Me Wednesday is all about asking what works for other’s…
SO! I should have planned more, because now I sit here twirling my hair wondering what in the world I need help on.I GOT IT!
I’m recently pregnant… I’ll be 7 weeks along on Thursday and I just started Morning Sickness…. not very happy about this. Today is day 2 of having to run to toilet. YUCK!
So. Here’s where you can help me. What in the world helped you with this? I have preggo pops and those help some, but I’d love other advice.
His BFF is Gone… and I’m so sad :(
This year when Jayden started 2nd grade and started is Mrs. Rice’s class he made his first BFF. Jayden had been through K-1 without a BFF. I don’t know if this is normal. I don’t know if it’s because Jayden is different (IMO in the BEST way possible) but I do know that when he got moved to Mrs. Robert’s class and he was no longer in Isaiah’s class I learned that Jayden had truly found his BFF.
Isaiah would come to my car ever, single day after school to ask if they could have a play date. They now only had 1 recess together and yet they still remained so close. I loved this. I loved that Jayden finally knew what it was like have that one best friend!
Today he came home and I asked him if he played with Isaiah at recess and he said no, he moved to California.
His best friend is gone. No goodbye…. just gone. And my heart is completely aching for him. I remember when we were considering moving to Colorado and he said to me, “But I can’t leave Isaiah, Mom.” SIGH I could ramble on and on all night long… I really could.
I was moved around a lot as kid…… seriously here’s how it goes:
K – started in Jackson, CA ended in Lodi, CA
1 – started in Lodi, CA ended in Jackson, CA
2- completely in Jackson, CA – wow… a year of stability 🙂
3- started in Jackson, CA ended in Ely, NV
4 – Ely, NV
5 – Started in Ely, NV ended in Fallon, NV
6- Started in Fallon, NV, moved to Ely, NV, then moved to Jackson, CA then back to Ely, NV
7- Full year in Boarding School in Sheridan, OR Delphi
8- Started in Fallon, NV ended in Jackson, CA
9- Started in Jackson, CA, then went to New Haven in UT
10- Sacramento, CA Country Day School for the entire year
11-12 home study and graduate early
and the kicker…. I was not a military brat. Nope…. that’s just the life of a dysfunctional family for you.
That my friends is some absolute craziness, and that my friends is why I am so adamant about staying planted where we are. I want my kids to be in ONE place. Luckily for me, for the most part I kept going back to places I had already made friends…. so I’d just pick up where I left. Through all that moving around though I kept one friend through it all… her name is Jenise. Jenise and I actually started Kindergarten together in Jackson, CA…. the first place on my crazy school list. Today, with me living in Oregon and her in Sacramento we are still best friends. We will always be best friends!
I was hoping that Isaiah was going to be Jayden’s best friend like Jenise was mine. I’m so heartbroken that they won’t be.
The Whitest Hispanic EVER!
My husband is Hispanic. He’s a nice mixture of Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican. What I’m getting at here is he should not only know Spanish, but he should know how to spell things like…. quesadilla.
He had left a status update on his facebook about how he was hungry…. a comment was left telling him that he should make a quesadilla.
Gino: Um, why did he spell it wrong?
Me: What wrong?
Gino: Erran left a comment telling me to make a CASE-A-DILLA
Yes, people… he actually pronounced it like it was written in English…. WOW!
I don’t think that I’ll ever let him down for this one. I make fun of him EVERY, SINGLE DAY and he’s gotten to the point where he makes fun of himself with me.
At work people come up to him all the time and start asking him questions in Spanish, and he always has to say, “Um, I’m sorry let me find somebody who can help you.” SO FUNNY!
Don’t let his skin color fool you, people…. he’s the whitest Hispanic person I think I’ve EVER met in my entire life.
Pregnant Woman & Their Tempers
My patience was very close to non existent today. I don’t know what my deal was {maybe the fact that I’m pregnant had something to do with it} but my son definitely could feel it.
Tonight he told me:
Mom, you know your temper you had today. Pregnant woman have to take their temper WAY down, because your heart can start beating really fast and then your baby will cry.
So, you just have to 1, 2, 3 and {he took a deep breath}
And I just love him so much.
You can call me MISS APRIL
Our blogging community is AWESOME people. It really, really is. When something happens to somebody we flock together to do everything we can.
In November a blogger named Anissa suffered a MAJOR stroke. The recovery road ahead of her his going to long! We’ve seen the power of prayer do wonders, and we’ve seen the power of our blogging community do the same.
12 mama’s got together and posed for a calendar for Anissa. YUP… I posed in a Boobs for Anissa calendar. And guess what? I’M PROUD OF IT! All proceeds will go to Anissa Mayhew’s family to help out during this rough patch in their life.
{CLICK HERE} to see the calendar…. and buy it!!! PLEASE we want to raise as much $$ for this family as we possibly can!
Project 365
This year I’m signing on to Project 365! That means every, single day of this year I will be taking a picture and uploading it right here! I will probably even take this fun project as an opportunity to play with tutorials and different effects… so, plan on visiting daily, because EVERY DAY there will be a new photo!
EDITED TO ADD: I’m totally slacking in this department…. I think I might have a project 355 ahead of me instead! My battery charger for my camera is currently MIA…. no bueno!