Day 9 ~ Someone you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted
This happens in life. We have people that enter at the time they are meant to enter, and then drift away when their time with us is completed. I don’t think that I’ve ever experienced a time when someone I didn’t want to let go just drifted ~ unless you go back to my teen years. I now understand that people come and go for a reason. People I once wish never drifted away actually opened another door for my life to begin.
God uses his people to do his work, and this is something I truly believe with every single core of my being. People come and go when they’re supposed to, and while at times if someone might drift away that we just didn’t want to drift away ~ we have to know that there’s a reason for it. What their purpose was for is already completed and you should anticipate the exciting arrival of what new things and people await ahead for you. Treasure the past, but don’t live in it.
So very true, except it’s hard when you try to move on and the person just is obsessed. I have a few of those.
Yeah, that can be a little tough! I have a couple of those…. thankfully not anymore!