My husband thinks I have claws…

Yesterday we went to Jayden’s TBall game and as I was driving the sun was beating into my car. (Mental note – MUST GET WINDOWS TINTED THIS YEAR!) Anyways… the sun made me think about how I forgot the sunscreen. So, I make the comment of “Great! I’m going to look like a tomato by the end of the game.” My ever so loving husband actually had the nerve to say, “Um, I like to use the term lobster. You’ll look like a lobster. You know, because the lobsters have claws.” He looked at me and actually put his fingers up and clamped them together.


I thought this sign was hilarious.

5 thoughts on “My husband thinks I have claws…

  1. Oh, my gosh, that sign is perfect! When my son was in soccer years ago, it was made very clear right from the start (in the rule book!) that parents acting like idiots would not be tolerated. Thank goodness!
    BTW, red is my favorite color and lobster (when I get it) is my favorite food. Not a bad thing to look like. Maybe your husband was really trying to tell you that you’d look delicious.

  2. Love the sign. I think that should hang at every children’s sporting events. I’ve been to a few where I’ve wondered if the parents didn’t need that reminder!

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