It seems like I’ve running to the store every couple of weeks to buy ink cartridges lately. With the job I do, at home, I’m printing all the time. Isn’t that what accounting is all about? Reports and more reports and the reports just never end. Don’t get me started on the scrapbooking. I’ve been printing out layouts as an 8×8 and that’s eating up my ink like you wouldn’t believe. Especially when I’m not satisfied with the way it looks, so I have to go back and redo the entire layout then print again. Then once I finally get it the way I like after printing out 10 times just to see I have to reprint for family members. You know they all love scrapbook layouts of my kids all over their homes. I know all my fellow digiscrappers out there hear me!
Let’s face it, ink cartridges aren’t cheap. In fact, the price of ink for me is soon going to start looking like my gas bill every month. Ugly picture isn’t it? Lucky for you and me I have found a company that sells ink cartridges for CHEAP!! We’re talking up to 70% cheaper than you probably normally spend on your ink cartridges. I know, I know! I can hear you now screaming share the info, lady! We want in on this beautiful gold mine that you have found. Patience, I’m getting there!!
I can hear you asking now, do they carry canon ink cartridges? Yes!! What about epson ink cartridges ? They do! They do! Guess what, folks! They even carry dell printer cartridges! Pacific Ink makes purchasing the ink cartridges that you need a walk through the park. You know what makes me like Pacific Ink even more? They have FREE SHIPPING!!!! What if you get your ink cartridge and you’ve changed your mind, well then lucky for you they have a Hassle Free Guarantee. Returns are a breeze.