30 Days of Truth ~ Day 14

And you thought I wasn’t going to finish didn’t you?

Day 14 → A hero that has let you down. (letter)

Would you belive me if I told you I’ve never had a hero? I didn’t grow up with a daddy that I looked up to. As much as I love everybody who had a major piece in who I am today, I never considered them a hero. What’s sad is I’ve actually watched the people in my life that I should look up to for their faults and made notes on how not to be.

With having no hero I’ve haven’t had many let downs. I’ve tried to do this my whole life…. not expect to much, look up to someone too much and in turn no disappointments can occur.

30 Days of Truth ~ Day 13

Day 13 → A band or artist that has gotten you through some tough ass days. (write a letter.)

– um, not sure how to write a letter on this so I’ll just talk about the subject…

Mariah Carey just downright knows how to sing it! Through many of my life’s trials she’s been the one singing straight from my heart. When I went through my first heartbreak, when my marriage was on the rocks, it seems like Mariah just knows. I’d listen to her music over and over and over again. During my first real heartbreak I actually won her Rainbow CD off the radio and listened to it OVER AND OVER AND OVER again.

There’s something about music that is borderline magical. It has a way of doing things to your inner soul that regular words just can’t do. It also has this way of hitting you with a ton of bricks when you hear a song from your past. It brings back all of those emotions and feelings that you once had back when that song was significant to your life.

I love that about music and couldn’t fathom a life without music.

30 Days of Truth ~ Day 11 & 12

These I feel are short enough to be combined into 1 post.

Day 11 ~ Something people seem to compliment you the most on

My eyes.

Day 12 ~ Something you never get compliments on

Being a good mom.  I’m not going to elaborate on this, I just think it’s funny how I come from a family with not the best mothers in the world and I don’t get complimented by them on what a good mom I turned out to be.

30 Days of Truth ~ Day 10

This 30 days of truth challenge has been an extremely within the depths of your soul reaching experience for me. Some posts have been extremely difficult for me to write, some have left me in tears, some have made me smile and appreciate my life. If you are interested in jumping on board and doing the 30 Days of Truth on your blog Angel Believes has all of the topics on her blog {HERE}. Just start at the beginning, go at your own pace, and enjoy it.

I tweet my posts using the #30daysoftruth hashtag, since there is no linkup for this. There’s a few other awesome bloggers that are using this hashtag as well.


Day 10 ~ Someone you need to let go, or wish you didn’t know



I don’t think I really have “letting go” issues. If you’re in my life, you’re in my life for a reason. If you’re not… then I’m sure there’s a damn good reason as to why you’re not.

I don’t wish I didn’t know anybody. People who are in my life are here for a reason, people from the past that were in my life had their reason as well… it’s just their time was up. There are bigger and better things for the both of us out there and we didn’t require each other in our lives anymore…. I guess.

I don’t have regrets. So if you were in my life and close to me once, then I appreciate everything you brought to my life, including the bad. We are fortunate enough to have this life to face our challenges and to grow from them. Without the bad that people have brought me, I wouldn’t be who I am today. I must say, I do quite like who I am today ~ versus oh, 5 years ago. Who I was and who I surrounded around me 5 years ago was HORRIBLE, but I took the opportunity to learn that that person and those friends are not who I want to be. So, I packed up, moved my life and keep a nice, padded distance. But I am grateful to them for teaching me that I can be a better person, and that I can choose more for my life and be an even more amazing example for my children. Without learning that from the negative people in my life I wouldn’t be who I am today.

30 Days of Truth ~ Day 9

Day 9 ~ Someone you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted

This happens in life. We have people that enter at the time they are meant to enter, and then drift away when their time with us is completed. I don’t think that I’ve ever experienced a time when someone I didn’t want to let go just drifted ~ unless you go back to my teen years. I now understand that people come and go for a reason. People I once wish never drifted away actually opened another door for my life to begin.

God uses his people to do his work, and this is something I truly believe with every single core of my being. People come and go when they’re supposed to, and while at times if someone might drift away that we just didn’t want to drift away ~ we have to know that there’s a reason for it. What their purpose was for is already completed and you should anticipate the exciting arrival of what new things and people await ahead for you. Treasure the past, but don’t live in it.

30 Days of Truth ~ Day 8

Day 8 ~ Someone who has made my life hell or treated me like crap

Throughout my life I’ve had my fair share of people who have treated me like crap. The thing is they have never made my life hell. Allowing somebody to have the power to do that to YOUR life is just unimaginable, so the only person to blame for my life ever feeling like hell is myself.

Now treating me like crap ~ that one special someone is hands down my “sister”. It’s really unfortunate that she hasn’t grown up yet, and has extreme immature issues. She lives her life being evil, acting childish, and making people who actually care about her feel like CRAP. She doesn’t have this effect on me anymore, and never will. But there have been many times in my life, that with her vindictive ways she’s made me feel like crap, but I don’t blame her. I blame myself for allowing her to have that effect on me.

I guess in a way I should thank her, because she has helped me discover how not to be effected by hateful people. I try very hard to not live with hate in my heart, and she’s a prime example of what I don’t want to be. So, thank you, Jessica ~ and for the record, when you grow up and have ceased in your childish games I’ll be here. But you will never hurt me again.

30 Days of Truth ~ Day 7

Day 7 ~ Someone who has made your life worth living for

I can’t just choose a “someone” because what has made my life worth living for is my family as a unit. This includes my children and my husband. They are my purpose in everything that I do, and without them I don’t know where I’d be in my life.

My husband is my rock. He’s been the single most stable thing I’ve ever had in my life. He has been through literally my lowest low and my highest high. I might not make it clear how much I appreciate him on a daily basis, but I do. Without him I wouldn’t be the me that I’ve grown to love. He is definitely worth living for. He’s my best friend.

My children complete who I am as a person. They have taught me how to be unselfish, and have given me what I believe is my purpose on this earth. I’m sure that Heavenly Father has other reasons for me, but right now…. My life is for them. I’m determined to be the mom that they deserve, and that they are taught all of the values and morals in this life that will make them good people…. and that to me is worth living for. Their smiles are worth living for. Their sweet souls are worth living for.

My family is worth living for.

30 Days of Truth ~ Days 5 & 6

These are short little snippit posts, so I decided to combine 2 days into 1

Day 5 ~ Something you hope to do in your life

I say hope, but this is achievable and I WILL get there, and I WILL make it happened. In my life I want to be sealed in the LDS temple to my family.

Day 6 ~ Something you hope you never have to do

Bury one of my children. That is a pain I don’t think I could bear, and I pray that I never have to feel what it’s like. It’s a subject I can’t even elaborate on even a tiny bit, because it literally makes me want to sit here and cry.


30 Days of Truth ~ Day 4

Day 4 Something you have to forgive someone for

I don’t have a dad. I have a man that lives 7 miles away from me and doesn’t give a rat’s ass that I exist and is referred to as my sperm donor. This man is honestly a waste of space in my honest opinion and I know that I have hatred deep down inside for him not caring about me.

Probably the best thing he ever did was get fixed, because he has 4 daughters on this earth with 4 different women. The only daughter that really truly means anything to him is his youngest. The only one I don’t have a relationship with, because I don’t know her.

I need to forgive him in my heart for never being there for me in my life. I need to forgive him in my heart for not making me feel like I ever mattered…. I’ve always come last and now my kids do as well.

I do not want a relationship with this man. I don’t want my children to know him….. ever. I do need to forgive him and hold no more grudges. I need to do that, because that is right thing to do and if I want to ever be forgiven for the things I have done on this earth I need to forgive everybody ~ including my sperm donor.

Forgiveness does not mean that I am inviting him back into my life, because I have made the decision that I can’t have him as an alcoholic around my family. I cannot have him being so unstable around my family ~ my children deserve better than that and they should never feel like they are not important. And that’s what that man does.

I’ve got a lot of prayin’ to do about this, because forgiveness does not come easy.


30 Days of Truth ~ Day 3

Something you have to forgive YOURSELF for

I left the medicine without a childproof cap on the counter. 

I left the medicine on the counter that almost took my daughter’s life a little over a year ago on the flipping counter.

Why didn’t I put it up high where she had no access to it? 

I still have days where I look at her and just have to grab her and hug her and thank God for not taking her from me.  I still have days where I think about the look that was on her face when I thought she was dead and I can’t help but cry. 

I almost killed my daughter by a very scary mistake.  And I hold this horrible pain and guilt inside of me because of it.  I try to look at the beautiful blessing that she’s here with us, she’s beautiful, she’s thriving, she’s growing, and she’s not effected by this mistake in any way…. but there was a good 5 minutes of my life that I thought my daughter was dead.  There was a moment in my life where I heard codes being called on her in the hospital and doctors and nurses rushing in ~ and all I could do was drop my head and pray like I have NEVER prayed in my entire life.  In my head she was gone… and I truly didn’t know how I was going to go on.  I didn’t know how I was going to get out of bed every day.  I didn’t know how I was going to go on without seeing her beautiful smile that literally melts every ounce of my soul.

How could I survive without this face


I have to forgive myself for this. I have to take it as a lesson learned that they do climb, and all it takes is literally 2 seconds of your back being turned for a life altering disaster to happen.