This morning a friend of mine from church came over and we went walking with our babies. I really had a lot of fun! Afterwards we came back to my house and talked and Ella and Benjamin played together. Ella really loved him – it was absolutely adorable! Here’s a couple pics of the kids playin
Category Archives: ella
Friday Letters
For Works For Me Wednesday I thought I’d share something special that I do for my kids with other moms. There’s so many memories with kids and not enough space in the baby books to put them. I want my kids to be able to go back and read about milestones they had, funny things they said, and even the bad stuff. I want them to be able to know how much they truly were loved so a few weeks ago I went and bought 2 journals. One for Jayden, one for Ella. I set a reoccurring reminder in my phone calendar for every Friday @ 10:00pm and every Friday I write a letter to each child in their journal. Some letters are a short I love you, and others are detailed. I only wish I thought of this when Jayden was a baby, but better late than never. In the first letter I promised that they would have a letter every Friday. When they’re 18 I’ll wrap the finished journals up and give them as a birthday present. It will be a lot of reading for them, but what a special gift that will be for them.
For other tips on what works for others visit Rocks In My Dryer
A Little Bit of Ella – A Little Bit of Jayden
Ella has decided to say forget crawling and has resorted to rolling to whatever location she wants to go. It takes her a few minutes, but she gets there. This sorta started last night, but went full blown today. Sadly, she also rolled into a tall candle stick thingy of mine and that fell on her head… so she has her first bump. I really have to get to baby proofing now and that sucks. She is still trying to crawl and is almost there, but she’s loving this new rolling game.
We went up to my Grandma’s house today to work on a quilt that I’m making and I took a couple pics of the kids. I really wanted to take more, but Ella just wasn’t into it…maybe she’ll be more into it on Thursday when I go back. ALSO!!! Jayden drew my cousin a picture and wrote To: (Then asked me how to spell Jill) From: Jayden all by himself!!!!! He didn’t even ask me how to spell To & From ~ I couldn’t be prouder of my little man.
Ella & Boo
Do you see the resemblance? Ella didn’t eat that whole cake – she just had a couple licks ~ but if she had her way she would’ve had that whole cake. We went to my little cousin’s 2nd birthday and I had been saying all day yesterday how Ella looked like Boo from Monster’s Inc. and when we showed up to the party today that’s what everyone else was saying. When Jayden was little and used to watch Monster’s Inc. my sister Jessica always said that if Gino and I were to have a little girl she’d look like Boo…. well, she sure was right!!
6 Month Pictures and Stats on Miss Ella
6 Months old – Crazy!!! I know this post is a little late, she turned 6 months old on the 14th Valentine’s Day 🙂 But I’m just now getting around to recording her stats and updating on her doctor’s appointment. She’s 17lbs 10oz. 26 inches long. New things she’s doing: She’s discovered her shadow. She started this past week saying Gagagaga. She’s still trying with all her might to crawl, but can’t quite figure it out yet. She basically falls on her face 🙁 Poor baby girl!!! During her 6 month doctor’s appointment her Dr. was talking about how pretty soon she’s going to develop separation anxiety and blah blah blah well, in the middle of him explaining this all to me she’s watching his every move. Then out of the middle of nowhere she screamed her head off. Ever since that moment Ella has separation anxiety and screams every time I walk out of the room. She loves Jayden. She get so excited when he walks in the room and whenever he actually pays a little attention to her, her face lights up. She still hasn’t gotten any more teeth, but she has the 2 on the bottom. And when she bites they hurt! She loves other babies and gets all excited when she sees them. Already my social little butterfly. She discovered splashing the other day in the bathtub and I’m putting a video of that on here. I know that almost every picture of her she has no clothes on, but I promise you she has plenty of clothes….she just loves to be naked w/a diaper on. With how much this girls spits up I love her to be just in a diaper too.
EDITED TO ADD: I was just reading on my blog and it looks like I already did a little update on Ella’s 6 month stuff – see what having kids does to you? It sucks all the brain cells out of your head UGH – oh well, I hope you enjoy the pics and video of my little princess.
6 Month Pictures and Stats on Miss Ella
6 Months old – Crazy!!! I know this post is a little late, she turned 6 months old on the 14th Valentine’s Day 🙂 But I’m just now getting around to recording her stats and updating on her doctor’s appointment. She’s 17lbs 10oz. 26 inches long. New things she’s doing: She’s discovered her shadow. She started this past week saying Gagagaga. She’s still trying with all her might to crawl, but can’t quite figure it out yet. She basically falls on her face 🙁 Poor baby girl!!! During her 6 month doctor’s appointment her Dr. was talking about how pretty soon she’s going to develop separation anxiety and blah blah blah well, in the middle of him explaining this all to me she’s watching his every move. Then out of the middle of nowhere she screamed her head off. Ever since that moment Ella has separation anxiety and screams every time I walk out of the room. She loves Jayden. She get so excited when he walks in the room and whenever he actually pays a little attention to her, her face lights up. She still hasn’t gotten any more teeth, but she has the 2 on the bottom. And when she bites they hurt! She loves other babies and gets all excited when she sees them. Already my social little butterfly. She discovered splashing the other day in the bathtub and I’m putting a video of that on here. I know that almost every picture of her she has no clothes on, but I promise you she has plenty of clothes….she just loves to be naked w/a diaper on. With how much this girls spits up I love her to be just in a diaper too.
EDITED TO ADD: I was just reading on my blog and it looks like I already did a little update on Ella’s 6 month stuff – see what having kids does to you? It sucks all the brain cells out of your head UGH – oh well, I hope you enjoy the pics and video of my little princess.
6 Months Old
I cannot believe that my little girl is half a year old. Where did the time go? Today for some reason (I’m assuming because she is now 6 months old) she has been trying to full blown go mobile on me. If I’m holding her she’ll flip herself out of my arms. If she’s sitting on my lap she’ll lunge forward. Now she’s even getting up on her hands and knees, rocking back and forth and trying with all her might to move forward. This has made me realize that this weekend I will be going to Target to pick up all the baby proofing things I need. So my little Valentine didn’t get all dressed up cute, even though I
had boughten her an adorable outfit for today. We’ll have to do Valentine’s Day pictures this weekend. Here is a couple pictures of her today though.
Cardiologist Appointment
Ella’s cardiologist (well, not hers but one that works w/hers) flew down from Portland to check her out today. She’s gained almost 5lbs since her last visit in Portland 3 months ago. So they only thing that was done was her medication was upped to 1ML instead of .8ML and told me see you in 6 months unless something comes up. We are going to schedule our next appointment w/her EP Cardiologist so we talk about what to expect w/ablation. They did do an EKG and we can definitely see on it that she has Wolf-Parkinson-White Syndrome.
So, uneventful, but it was good.
I’m Old
I’m only 25 years old and tonight I felt older than I ever have in my life. I went to my sister’s high school’s basketball game so I could watch her cheer. The game was amazing – I swear it felt like we were at a college basketball game. But, as I sat where all the parents sat, across the court from where all the kids from school sit cheering their team on I kinda felt a little depressed. I’m not a kid anymore…holy crap! I swear I thought I was still 16 until tonight… okay, not really, but I sure as hell didn’t feel 25. Now I feel 40. Life sure flies by I tell you.
Now, Miss Ella had a ball at the ball game. I thought she’d be scared, because believe me the fans at this game were giving the Sacramento Kings fans a run for their money (okay not that loud but pretty darn loud!) She was kicking her feet, and smiling and watching the cheerleaders… we had so much fun!
So there’s a picture of Ella at the game (obviously) and I would have one up of Jayden but he was having fun running around w/his aunt Tiona (who is only 2 years older than him) So, I promise to post more pictures of him – I promise I’m not favoring Ella – she’s just so darn cute!
I NEED to take a CPR class
After Ella went through all that heart stuff I swore to myself I would take a CPR class – just in case. I never did. Today I was faced with a situation that scared me more than anything – even more than Ella’s first heart episode. With Ella’s first heart episode I was scared, but she was with her doctor when I found out what was wrong. I knew in my heart that everything was going to be okay. Tonight, I didn’t. Tonight I honestly thought that Ella was going to die. I gave her a teething cookie. She gnaws on them all the time. We’ve given these cookies to her all the time and they’ve NEVER been a problem Tonight was a different story. I was doing dishes and she was sitting in her travel swing eating a cookie. I looked down at her and she was starting to turn blue. I went to grab her and she was buckled in (of course) and nothing I ended up doing was helping. I was screaming “HELP ME!” I panicked. I did not know what else to do. My husband at this point has ran downstairs and has her upside down hitting her back and I’m the phone with 911. Our conversation goes like this:
911 what is the location of your emergency?
Ma’am I need to know the location of your emergency.
Ma’am can you look at some mail and find out your address?
GINO! WHAT’S OUR ADDRESS? OMG OMG OMG OMG I DON’T KNOW MY ADDRESS!!!! (In which case he didn’t know either)
So do I need to send paramedics?
End of conversation
Thankfully my husband shoved his finger down her throat and made her throw up and out came the cookie piece that was stuck. I was shaking so badly. When he handed her to me I sat on the couch and cried harder than I think I’ve ever cried in my life.
About 1 minute after hanging up the phone a cop knocked at the door and Ella and I went to greet him. He smiled and rubbed Ella’s tummy (she was just in a diaper) and she was a mess from the cookie. Well, he said “Are you okay little one?” and she took one look at him and flipped her lid. She didn’t like him at all. So he smiled and said, glad all turned out okay. I was pleased with how quickly he responded – that’s a plus on living in such a small little town.
I do know my address, but it’s amazing how when you’re in that situation you lose all knowledge in your head. So I’m going to actually put on the fridge w/her medical information(already on there) our address for myself in times of chaos.
Go here to watch a video on what to do if your infant is choking.