I’m Reparenting…. blogging the journey!

Any advice for me?
I’m sure I’ve blogged about this before, but just in case I haven’t I HAVE TO DO IT NOW! A while ago my ever so ghetto brother decided he would give Ella a dollar. When he gave it to her, he opened up her pull up and stuffed it on the side…. stripper style.
That has stuck with this little girl…. and I’m a little afraid about her future.
Any time she sees money, she grabs it and sticks it in her pull up… coupons… in her pull up. The other day I had $5.00 sitting on the table for Jayden’s book fair, and it was gone! Gino and I were looking everywhere. Ella was standing by the ottoman in her pull up and I walked over, pulled open her pull up to find the $5.00 nestled in there.
Should I be worried?
There are moments in our children’s life that we do not want to forget. Moments we wished we documented, moments we wished we had gotten on video tape.
Today, I’m noting a momentous event here, now. It has not yet been video recorded (but it will) but I know that blogging is one of the fabulous perks of being able to have one place where I know where all things are.
Ella counts. She counts like this:
1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10
and it’s the cutest thing in the world. And I love her so much.
I figured it was time for another little blog post about the things that my kids say…. the things that shock me and make me laugh and wonder WHERE DID THEY GET THAT FROM?!?!
Ella: The other night we were sitting down eating dinner and this little girl who just turned 2 in August told her dad “I don’t have to.” After he told her to eat her dinner. She said it with a little attitude on her face and Gino and I just looked at each other with this look like… Oh boy, we’re in for it!
Jayden: This one was hilarious! Where he got this is beyond me!! We were pulling into the Walmart parking lot when we saw a cop pulling someone over. Jayden says very softly, “Oh no… there’s a cop. Just drive slow and act natural!” Haha!!!!!
I have to say that this picture is probably one of the most breath taking pictures I’ve taken so far. And I say so far, because trust me – I plan to catch many, many more precious moments like these in these 2 crazy kids’ lives.
I love how Jayden is with his little sister. I love how he’s always there to help her out… and this picture just shows exactly how that is… he will always be there to help her up in life… I know it. And I love it.
Ella has developed this high pitch squealing scream when she sees anything that’s little girl related. Then following that scream is her saying, “Ella!” She’s explaining to us all that since that is something that she loves it is Ella’s. I love that. I love the excitement that comes squealing out of her. I just am absolutely head over heels in love with this precious little girl!
Today it has been 2 years and 12 days since we discovered that our little precious princess has a heart problem. 2 years and 12 days since we learned that life is so precious and that horrible, sad things can happen to you, and more sadly to our children. I am so happy to say that Ella has been off of her medication for over a month now without any signs of SVT. It’s scary, but it’s something that her doctor really wanted to test and we’re listening to him. I don’t think that Gino’s on the same page as me on this… in fact I don’t even think I’m on the same page as myself, but for some reason I feel strongly about listening to what he says.
She is just this little bundle of smarts that I’m almost not too sure on what to do with. For a little girl just turning 2 I get a little concerned at how much she knows. How much she soaks in. I need to make sure that I am doing every thing I can to make sure that her little mind is soaking things up…. and good things! She’s already interested in colors, numbers, I feel like she’s going to be reading by the time she’s 3. I’m extremely proud of her.
Jayden has been adjusting well with his new class. It definitely does help that it is his old teacher. I’m going to start helping him with goals so that he can feel the excitement when he accomplishes that goal.
I’m currently working on my goals that I plan to accomplish this month, this year, and for the next 5 years. I think that my plan is to sit down with him and do this with him. Have him have his goals written out just like mom and we can get excited together and for each other.
Gino and I are getting more and more excited about the new direction we are taking our life. We both feel so fortunate to have been given an amazing opportunity that will not only change our lives, but our children’s lives, and children’s children’s lives… FOREVER.
So, life has been busy… but in such a good way! We are in the middle of building this amazing company and I can’t even begin to describe how exciting and fun our new adventure is for us.