For this Works for Me Wednesday I wanted to share with moms out there an amazing new food line that is ALL NATURAL! There’s no preservatives, there’s no MSG, there’s no Dyes. Everything in these products are NATURAL! The company that is making this possible for us is called Wildtree.
I’m a work at home mom, and by the time dinner rolls around I’m cringing as I’m feeding my family junk. Sure, it’s a home cooked meal, but half the stuff I used to make it contain horrible things that my family doesn’t deserve to consume. However, I don’t have the time to spend hours in the kitchen making things from scratch. It just isn’t realistic for me.
In addition to all of the above reasons, I have a daughter with a heart condition, a son that has food aversions and reactions to certain dyes (red dye is not a good one if you have a child with ADD or ADHD…. actually any dye isn’t) and a husband with high blood pressure.
Another point I really want to express here is about the Grapeseed Oil. I have always been a huge fan of Olive Oil. In my mind I was cooking with the best possible health option for my family…. nope, I was wrong. Grapeseed Oil is definitely the way to go. Wildtree offers a variety of flavored Grapeseed Oils. You can read all about the health benefits HERE.
Wildtree is opening up across the country! It’s an all-natural, preservative-free direct sales company that is growing like crazy! It is direct sales/party plan, and it’s the simplest party I’ve ever seen or done, with about 10 minutes of information and then tasting many of the wonderful samples! It’s FUN and very social!
Basically there are 4 ways to be involved:
1. As a Representative – and we need you! There are just over 1000 representatives across the country at this point, so you could be THE FIRST or one of the first in your neck of the woods! It’s $115 for the kit… and it’s risk free if you eat!!
2. As a Host – just let me know when you want to earn tons of free food products (you MUST try the grapseed oils, the Asian Ginger Plum Dressing, and the Scampi blend first!). I can get a host packet in the mail and coach you on how to have a GREAT party. Super easy!
3. As a Culinary Club Member – this is a wholesale buying oppotrunity with specials made available monthly to you! It’s $25 for a Lifetime Membership and well worth every penny…. hey, you get 20% off of your purchases!
4. As a Customer! You will LOVE these fabulous products!
See my website for placing your order or taking advantage of our representative opportunity. There is a short video to watch if you are interested in doing so!
Did you know that Whole Foods is the fastest growing chain in the U.S.? Have you noticed that many of the fast-food chains are taking the trans-fats our of their food?
Generations ago, most Americans ate natural, nutritious food they grew themselves or bought from small, local grocers.
Then large food companies were formed and sought to improve their bottom line by extending the shelf life of their products. Scientists added more and more chemicals to foods. Now we all realize that many of those additives are harmful and governments have begun to address the issue.
Smart consumers interested in the health of their families aren’t waiting for government action. They are looking for better, healthier sources of foods. Look around you…. That’s where Wildtree comes in! It was formed on the premise that food should not only be natural and delicious but also easy to prepare. (and QUICK!) So whether you’re a gourmet cook, a wanna-be, or HATE it, Wildtree could be just what you need.
I look forward in hearing from you. My personal website for Wildtree is www.amanda.mywildtree.com, and all of my contact information is on the site if you have any questions. You can even sign up from there to become a rep!
So, this is what works for me, my family and my bank account 🙂 FYI – a lady that started 1 1/2 years ago is making a 6 figure income/year…. WOW huh? For other things that work for other people visit Kristen’s blog.