My Birthday Princess ~ She’s 3!

This isn’t only the close of another year, but another decade. A decade that for me seem to fly by too quickly. Let’s first do a breakdown on 2009:
Recapping on this year that almost seems like a blur, a few things stand out in my mind.
Now on to the decade…..
2000: We met
2001: We had our first son
2004: We got married
2006: Our marriage was tested, but we prevailed. We got pregnant w/our 2nd baby… only to lose
her before she was born. Then got pregnant with our 3rd baby… Miss Ella
2007: Welcomed our baby girl Ella into the world. Discovered how precious life is as we almost
lost her to her heart problem.
2009: Partnered with a multi-billion dollar company that is changing our lives. Found out that we will be having
yet another little Garibay in our world
This past decade has definitely been based around our family. Learning who we are. Growing together instead of apart.
This decade that we are entering into is going to be the decade that we make a bang! It’s going to be the decade where we focus on personal growth. Where we gain complete financial freedom. Where we change not only our life for the better but the lives of all our children and their children to come. And I’ll be blogging my way through it all.
Our Halloween DEFINITELY did not go as planned. It was just a straight up catastrophe from the get go. I woke up feeling absolutely HORRIBLE. That’s the first bad thing, then….
I got moody. Moody Amanda is no good. Especially on a holiday! Gino was scheduled to get off at 6, so my job was to get the kids ready. I couldn’t even do that right. Orginally Ella was going to be a lady bug, since she already had the ladybug fairy dress. Well, the in-laws bought her a really cute Witch outfit, so I figured I go with that. She wore that to Jayden’s school party, then for Halloween I couldn’t find where I put the dress. UGH! I had just seen it and btw, it’s still MIA. So, I thought… okay… she can go back to being the lady bug. NOPE! We could only find 1 ladybug boot… WHAT THE HECK?!?!??!?! I thought they were both in the car, but only one was there…. GREAT. So, I can’t believe I did this, but I grabbed leggings, a tutu & her wings that she wore for her 1st birthday and put glitter on her face and told her she was a butterfly. Problem SOLVED.
Weather sucked and was all rainy, so we decided to head over to the mall for some safe, warm trick or treating. Ella caught on to Mommy’s nasty attitude of the day (honestly it was only because I FELT LIKE CRAP!) and decided to adopt it as her own attitude. She was actually kicking people that were in front of us in line! I couldn’t believe it my precious, cute little butterfly was going around kicking people. She did say thank you after she got her candy though… made me so proud.
And for the record… we didn’t carve pumpkins, we didn’t decorate, and all in all it was a crappy Halloween…. next year I am promising myself and my kids that it will be a GOOD Halloween to remember 🙂
Life isn’t always about roses.
8 years ago today I learned what it truly means to have someone in this world grasp and cling to your heart in a way that nobody has ever done. I learned so much about unconditional love, understanding and striving to be the best I can possibly be.
8 years ago today, a beautiful baby boy came out immediately peeing on his mama. I fell in love the minute I looked into his sweet, sweet face.
Over the years watching Jayden grow into such a respectable, beautiful, stunning young man I can’t help but Thank God for blessing me with probably one of the sweetest souls I’ve ever met. If you’ve had the privilege of meeting him, you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about.
I just want you to know that you are the most special little boy in the entire world. I know that you were put on this Earth for something big, and I can’t wait to figure out exactly what it is. I love you so much, and am blessed to be able to call you mine. I love you forever and always! Happy Birthday, my baby boy.
Love, Mama
I posted these all over at my {photography blog} too, but I guess they belong here since they’re of my precious baby girl! Enjoy!!!
Dear Ella,
I will begin this letter to you letting you know that you are extremely special to me. You make my heart smile (actually grin!) all throughout the day and I’m so thankful for every moment that I have with you. From the day you were born I knew there was something special about your sweet, sweet soul. From the beginning you have been a little girl that turns heads, and puts smiles on people’s faces. There’s times where I just stop and stare at you and think to myself ‘Wow, what a beautiful girl.’
You definitely have not had the easiest 2 years that a normal little girl gets, but although you have faced death a couple of times, you are still here to continue making me want to be a better person. Ella, I couldn’t imagine my life without you, and I am thankful for every tear, every smile, every frustration, every moment that you give me.
This past year you’ve grown into this little girl with this strong personality. You are no longer a baby, although I still rock you to sleep almost every night. I treasure those moments, and hope I get many more! You love girl music, you love to dance, you love to sing, you love to order your brother around. You love babies, and act like a little mama. You talk more than I’ve ever heard a toddler your age talk before. And laughing lights up your eyes. You try to open your eyes as big as you possibly can and oh my, what an adorable sight.
You’ve become a little best friend of mine.
I can’t wait to see what this next year brings us, I pray it brings good health and lots of smiles. I love you my little princess, you hold a huge part of my heart in your tiny hands…. Happy Birthday!
Love, Mama
Welcome to the 3rd edition of Just a Motivating Monday ~ If you are just joining us here’s the scoop:
-Write a blog post about ANYTHING at all that inspires you, or something you feel will inspire others.
-Please link back to Garibay Soup
-Please snag my Just a Motivating button on your post.
-I hope that we can all go and visit each other’s blogs and read what everyone has linked up ~ I hope that this carnival can bring more traffic for you 🙂 So, spread the comment love!
Embracing My Years~
I turned 27 on Friday. I cannot believe that I am 27 years old. I’m almost to the point where I’m not going to be in 20’s anymore and I just can’t believe that it’s gone by this fast.
I know a lot of people, especially women, dread each birthday. They’re getting older, and they don’t want to. I’m the opposite ~ I love growing older. Every year I discover a little more of who I am inside. I can think back 5 years ago and it’s shocking to see what a different person I was. I am pleased with the person that I have become.
I worry less about things that seemed to be of so much importance back then. I treasure things I didn’t care about before. I’ve become a much better mom, a much better wife and I think I am much better person inside.
I embrace each year, because I think with each year I grow; I mature. I learn a little bit more about life, when I thought I knew it all the year before. I learn a little bit more about my husband, when I thought I knew him inside and out. I get to see what beautiful people my kids are slowly turning into. I love each year, I love my Birthday and embrace it all ~ because this is life and instead of dreading we need to be grateful and live it up to its fullest.
Every day to me is a gift, and I treasure every year granted to me just the same. I hope to see 100 and I hope that it’s all documented right here on Garibay Soup.
Here’s to another fabulous year ~ and hopefully many more. I can’t wait to see what I learn and become along the way.