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-Write a blog post about ANYTHING at all that inspires you, or something you feel will inspire others.
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-I hope that we can all go and visit each other’s blogs and read what everyone has linked up ~ I hope that this carnival can bring more traffic for you 🙂 So, spread the comment love!
I did not have the best week ever… but I’m going to try to turn that around this week. I’m focusing on the positive. I get so stressed out sometimes with work and my kids and the house and then feel like I completely suck at everything… and I know that I’m not the only one who feels this way.
I read this poem somewhere.. I have no idea who to give it credit to, so if you know who wrote it please let me know so I can credit the writer.
Dear Lord, it’s such a hectic day
With little time to stop and pray
For life’s been anything but calm
Since You called on me to be a mom
Running errands, matching socks
Building dreams with building blocks
Cooking, cleaning, and finding shoes
And other stuff that children lose
Gitting lids on bottled bugs
Wiping tears and giving hugs
A stack of last week’s mail to read
So where’s the quiet time I need?
Yet when I steal a minute, Lord
Just at the sink or ironing board
To ask the blessings of Your grace
I see then, in my small one’s face
That you have blessed me
All the while
And I stop to kiss
That precious smile
I want to talk for a minute on why this poem really hits home with me. We strive to do a million things throughout the days/weeks and we need to stop to appreciate the biggest blessings that we have received and it’s the sweet faces of our babies. I hope that this post motivates you to do something special with your children this week. Something out of the ordinary, something that lets them and you know that they truly matter. They truly are the reason for every single thing that we do in this life. They are the reason you are keeping your blog, they are the reason you feel complete. Stop, kiss that precious smile and be thankful for the stressful moments, the screaming moments, the tears and fears…. because it’s all a blessing and a beautiful one at that.