First Day of 1st Grade

I remember when they handed Jayden to me. He peed on me. I didn’t care. I just looked at him and though ‘He’s so beautiful.’ He was this perfect baby. So perfect it scared me. He was beautiful, he was so good.

Yesterday I took him to his first day of 1st Grade. This beyond Kindergarten, we’re in the numbers now. It’s almost like a countdown, or should I say up to when my baby will be leaving me.

Here are pictures of his first day ~ Gino was at work, so he there’s no pictures of Jayden and me or Gino and him.

Finally after waiting all summer he saw his girlfriend. I got a picture of them seeing each other for the first time ~ I know, I’m a nerdy mom!

1st Grade Homework Ideas

It’s Works for Me Wednesday and instead of me telling you what works for me this week I’m going to ask for some advice on something that I’d like to work for me. It’s a backwards edition of Works for me Wednesday.

My son started 1st Grade today and for homework we as parents get to choose what to do with our kids and fill out a log. We never send in the completed homework, we just send back in the homework log.

I’m looking for some creative and fun homework ideas that I can do with my little guy.

There’s lots going on over at Rocks in My Dryer that you should go check out!!

A Musical Genius

My son is amazing. I’ve talked before of just how amazing on the piano he is, and now today I’m utterly SHOCKED!

So, for the entire summer Jayden has not had ANY piano lessons or even practiced. Tonight was Jayden’s first night back to piano after a very long break. I expected Jayden to be oblivious to it all to be honest. Nope. He remembered everything. He can count his notes, play the songs, point out the keys, tell you what Forte means, what Piano means.

Way to go, Jayden! I am so proud of you and we are going full fledged into this ~ I’m buying him a big keyboard and I’m going to practice with him and I’m just so excited.

Happy Monday

Happy Monday. I have a lot of blogging to catch up on. You’d be surprised that I actually have a list of things I need to post about. I’m so overwhelmed right now. I have a huge list of things to do for work, and that has to get done TODAY! So, why in the heck am I on here babbling? Well, I had to get a few things off of my chest.

Jayden is starting 1st grade in a week. In a flipping week my baby will be in 1st grade!!!!!!! I’m happy for him that he’ll be back in the routine things of life and he won’t be bored with me. Sadly, his girlfriend is not in his class this year. His response to this was, “Ah, bummer!” Poor guy.

Ella has a molar that broke through. It’s all the way in the back on her upper right. I think that explains the couple nights of tossing, turning and SCREAMING! She’s growing up so fast, and she just gets cuter and cuter every single day! The way she runs is just adorable, and I especially think it’s cute when I come home from being somewhere and she runs to me, grabs on to my legs and hugs. She is such a sweet soul.

Ella has a cardiologist appointment tomorrow. She got a blessing last night from the missionaries, and I just pray that her WPW has corrected itself miraculously. I don’t want this sweet baby girl to have to have a surgery done. We’ve been lucky enough to stay out of the hospitals for 10 months! That’s an answered prayer if you ask me. She’s been nothing but healthy, happy and I hope for a continued future in this manner.

Things with Mitch are going the same. I don’t know if he got that job yet or not, I’m crossing my fingers and praying. It’s hard having another person living in my home. I try to keep my head up, but it’s difficult. The thing that bothers me is he’s here to better his life and yet his long term plan is to move back to Sacramento, because he’s going to be 21. Makes me not want to help him. He’s got a kid now, and he should be thinking about family stuff and not partying. It’s time to grow up. You don’t get to party and have fun when you have kids to raise, because if that’s the choice you make, then your kids will grow up knowing only that and how sad they’ll turn out to be.

I’m on day 9 of no coffee. I never thought I’d be able to do this.

My Sweet Boy

I sometimes wonder how my beautiful little boy has become so polite. He’s so different from other children, especially boys. He’s polite, he has manners, he truly cares for others. I was in the gas station yesterday, and he told Brittney to call and check on me because I’d been in there too long. What 6 year old thinks of things like that? He holds open doors for me and says “Ladies first.” He loves to have me wait in the car so he can open up my car door.

The main thing that gets me is how he’s such a sucker for his baby sister. He loves that girl so much, and strives to be the best big brother that he can be. How did I get so lucky?!?! He’s such a blessing to us and I want him to know how thankful and happy we are that he’s our son.

I feel bad sometimes, because I’m not the most patient parent out there. I’m not going to lie and say our lives are picture perfect and we have no faults. I love my children, but sometimes I want to run to the hills screaming. I feel bad for all the times that Jayden has gotten on my nerves. He’s so sweet and I need to work on having more patience with him. I need to do more one on one things with him. I always said that just because we were having another baby I would never be too consumed by her, but I feel like that’s happened.

Parenting is so hard. Even the good parents out there struggle, and we never feel like we’re doing enough. Sadly, I don’t think we ever will feel like we do enough.

Professional Pictures – FINALLY!

I finally got professional pictures done and I am SO PLEASED! I get to go and pick them up today and I can’t wait to get them up on my walls. I hope you enjoy looking ~ the other boy is Vani and he’s my adorable nephew!! I’m sad that Alana, my niece, wasn’t in the pictures, but someday we’ll get all the cousins together for a picture.

Young Love

The talk that us moms love to have with our sons begins a little something like this……..

“You’re going to meet the girl of your dreams one day, and you’re gonna treat her like a princess right?”

This was my son’s reply……….

“Yeah, mom, and I can have babies.”

“Um, Yeah Jayden, but after you get married.”

“Mom, how about with Alexis? She’s my girl.”

“Of course, Jayden.”

and then I look back and he’s staring into the air and says, “ahhh, she’s so dreamy.”

Do you think it’s too early to have ‘the talk’? I’m getting a little worried here with how in love he is with this girl.

My Sister Weekend

This past weekend was wonderful. My sister came up to visit me for the first time since I left Sacramento. We had so much fun! We took the kids to get their pictures taken and I can’t wait to get them back! They turned out soooooo good! It makes me so sad that the cousins, including Mitch’s baby girl Alana can’t grow up together. Vani was so cute this weekend. He has such an independent personality and it’s amazing how each and every child is so different!!! I love that little boy so much and am sad that I’m not in his life the way Jess & Mitch were in Jayden’s life. I feel so bad that they don’t get a chance to be in Ella’s life the way that they were in Jayden’s. However, we have to be happy and we weren’t happy in Sac.

Vani did so many cute things! The first night he got here, Jayden had wrapped himself in a blanket and ended up falling asleep. When Jess went out to get their stuff they had their pillows. Vani ripped the pillow away from Jessica and threw it on the floor. Then he went over to Jayden and lifted up the blanket from over his head and yelled “Hey!” and then pointed to the pillow. It was so sweet. He just wanted his big cousin to sleep on a pillow. Jess and I almost cried over the situation.

Another cute thing that Vani did was we went out to breakfast and Ella was in her car seat sleeping. She was on the floor next to him. After he ate his breakfast he wanted her to eat so he kept trying to give her eggs. It was sweet! It also resulted in him throwing eggs on her.

Hopefully we can all get together more often. It’s so important for our kids to know each other. And for us all to know our nieces and nephews.

Here’s a couple pictures of our fun weekend together.

Jess & Me

Jayden pushing Vani through the mall

Me & Jess

Ella w/her auntie & Geo

Awww they love their auntie!

Here’s all of us at Lithia Park

Jayden & Vani had so much fun together!

Ella loving bread sticks at Olive Garden

Vani with Popito (My Grandma’s dog)

Jess, My Grandma & Vani (First time my Grandma met her Great-Grandson)

This picture shows all their personalities ~ you just gotta know them!

Blurry but so cute!

This is one of my favorite pictures of Ella

Ella & her Auntie

Jayden’s Graduation

Sorry!! I just realized that I have yet to upload pictures and talk about Jayden’s graduation. So here it is.

It was an emotional day. I can’t even express enough how proud of him I am. At the beginning of the school year I was nervous. I wasn’t sure how well he would adapt and he did great!!! Jayden has shown amazing progress and is such a smart little boy.

Here’s a couple fun facts about Jayden during his Kindergarten year:

Teacher: Yvonne Geisel
Best Friend: Bean (Zachary)
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Game: I Spy
Favorite Subject: Story Time
Girlfriend: Alexis

Jayden w/his friend Bean (Zachary)

Jayden w/his girlfriend Alexis – hey, they went strong all year!

Jayden w/his teacher

Now we have a fun, busy summer to look forward to and next year is when it all really starts. I’ve been dreading the number grades, because it’s like a countdown (or should I say up) to when my baby will be going to Harvard or Yale.