My Superstar Kids

For the past few weeks Ella’s been saying please. She says it anytime that she wants something. The cutest is when she gets a book and comes running over saying boo boo boo and then peeeaaase peeeaaase peeeassse and screams it if you don’t do what it is that she’s saying please for. It’s really cute.

Something else that I thought was adorable is she’s been noticing if something bad is going to happen when she watches cartoons she’s says, “Uh oh! DON’T” This is like if they’re going to run into something, or like in Enchanted when Jizelle is hanging off the big board (UGH I can’t think of what these things are called) you know, in the beginning of the movie when she’s knocking on the castle door when she’s in New York and slips and is hanging on. Ella was yelling NO! DON’T!! UH OH!!! It was so neat to see how smart she is and how she knew that she in was trouble. Watching this little girl’s brain work is really amazing.

She is such a joy to have in my life.

I wanted to say something really quick about my little man. At the last parent teacher conference his teacher told me how he doesn’t like to take his spelling test – freaks out with any kind of testing. I would work on his spelling words with him, but I guess it wasn’t enough. I felt so bad, but I found the solution. For Christmas he got a Didj and last week we put his spelling words inside of it and on Friday he took his spelling test. His teacher was so proud of him that she brought it out to the car for me to see how well he did! He got 9 out of 10 right – on the word form he mixed up o and r, but it was their first week have to write a sentence after the spelling test and he did it!!!! I’m so proud of him.

Scripture Scouts

My past few posts have not had pictures. Hmmmm…. kinda boring huh?

I wanted to talk about something kinda cool. I was up at the Bishop’s house today while Jayden was having his piano lesson, Sister Shumway was going over our new class that we teach together with me.

She let Jayden borrow a CD called Scout Stories (this might not be the correct name, and if it’s not I’ll update it tomorrow) and I have to say IT IS AWESOME! Jayden and I listened to the entire 1st Nephi Story, which I write about HERE. At the end of the story, Jayden asked me, “Mom, this is so awesome! Where’s the promised land.” And this is where I giggled. I felt all excited inside, because Jayden now knows the same story that I’ve been reading forever, because I totally suck at Scripture study, but he was asking questions! That means he was totally paying attention. Why did I giggle? Because I wasn’t 100% on where the promised land was. I told him that I believed it was here, in the USA, because that’s where Joseph Smith found the plates, but I guess it’s something I’ll eventually find out as I read…. or listen to Jayden’s stories.



Nothing’s better than celebrating the New Year with your family. Prior years we’ve gone out and let me tell you from experience, IT FEELS SO MUCH BETTER TO START THE NEW YEARS WITHOUT A HANGOVER!!!

We rang in the year with movies, Uno and a little Welch’s Grape Bubbly. It was the perfect night! I got to kiss my babies right after kissing my husband and was happy that we were all safe at home…. together.

Here’s a couple pics and a video of Jayden singing. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

She conked out until the blowing of the New Years horns I bought woke her up

2008 Garibay Christmas

Our Christmas was very peaceful this year. Our Christmas Eve was spent with traditions, smiles, ice cream sundaes and just a good feeling of knowing that this year we are celebrating Christmas a little bit more differently than the years before. This year, we actually have an understanding of what Jesus was put here for, and I’m so thankful for all that he stands for. So, this year was a celebration of Jesus, not just a celebration for presents, and Jayden knew that….. and that made me feel like a great mom!

Christmas morning we ran downstairs to see what Santa had left behind for the kids. They were both REALLY happy, and have enjoyed playing with everything they got ever since that happy morning. Jayden got a handheld Leapfrog Didj, which is a educational video game system….. I’M THRILLED about it. Jayden’s a video game junkie (like his father) and what better than to buy him something that is what he loves, but is educational at the same time.

After our Christmas morning we picked up my brother and headed up to my grandparent’s house to eat a good Christmas turkey dinner. I really expected there to be a ton of people and for it to be hectic like Thanksgiving, but Christmas with the Hurds was actually quite enjoyable. All of my sisters from my father were there. Everyone was happy and I was happy. As dysfunctional as the Hurds family can be, they still are family, and I really got that sense this year.

I didn’t go camera crazy this year, and unfortunately didn’t get much of the kids even…. and I didn’t even get a family picture. But I snapped a few of family and thought I’d share some pics…

Ella and her cousin Ethan hugging – too cute huh?

These are two of my sisters – the one on the left is 16 Year Old Alyssa and on the right is 19 year old Britney

I love this man a lot! It’s my Grandpa 🙂

This, believe it or not, is my step-mom and yes, she’s only a little under 3 years older than me.

This is my dad

This is my wonderful Grandma who is my crafty inspiration 🙂
Align Center

Ella with her uncle Mitch (my brother)

Isn’t this face just perfect? I love this little girl so much!

Early Christmas for Ella – Elmo’s World

Yesterday I took the entire day to myself. I shopped, spent time with one of my sisters (one of the daughters of my dad… the 16 year old) and got my teeth cleaned, checked in w/my orthodontist…. it was a BUSY BUSY day. I absolutely loved every single second that I was out of the house without my kids.

While I was gone Gino had the kids helping out around the house. He told me Ella even had the swiffer and was mopping for him. Excuse me, but why don’t my kids do this for me??!?!?! Why is that my husband can get them to be productive but I can’t? Ridiculous!

Anyways… Gino went into our garage, which is nightmare beyond nightmare beyond nightmare to try to find my stocking that I’ve had since a baby. No luck, but he found a ton of other stuff! One of those talking Elmo’s that Jayden had as a baby that Ella now has fallen in love with. It’s like Christmas for her! So tonight she’s been going around pressing Elmo’s hand so that Elmo will sing Elmo’s World to her. He found tons books and their Finding Nemo movie… little did he know that I bought the movie yesterday for Ella. Now I have to take it back LOL.

I was going through some of the pictures that I took and found this one of Jayden… what the heck was going on with that expression? He is a crack up.

Pictures with Santa

We knew this is what kind of a picture we’d get this year. We already went to see Santa once and Ella was not very happy about him.

So, we let her scream and got the picture anyways…

It’s funny, because we have a framed picture of Jayden’s 2nd Christmas – roughly around the same age take away a month, and we were ALL sitting on Santa’s lap, because Jayden too was not very happy about the situation. Back, then I was a first time mom and wanted Jayden to be smiling and happy, now I’m like…. OH YES! Picture of the baby screaming….. at least we’ll have some good laughs about it one day.

I’m DONE DONE DONE DONE DONE with my shopping!!!! Feels so good. What doesn’t feel good though is the fact that in my garage is a ton of presents that need to be wrapped. *sigh*

Ward Christmas Party – and more sewing talk

Last night was our Ward’s 1st annual Nativity Scene Christmas party. We had a live nativity scene outside and it was beautiful! They even had a tamed turkey.

They had a buffet of soups and then right before the primary singing started Jayden came and told me he had an accident. Man! Right when I thought he was better. So, we had to leave.

To be on the safe side we didn’t go to church today. Which kinda sucks because it is the Sunday before Christmas. Instead, my husband is out breaking the sabbath doing Christmas shopping and I’m sewing. We will maybe do a lesson together as a family tonight. Funny thing is, Jayden’s fever is gone and he’s completely fine today! The lab called though and said that Jayden’s culture came back positive for strep, but it’s not the strep that they worry about and treat.

I finished all the rows for my niece’s quilt. I now get to sew them all together and I’m nervous about it! My Grandma said that this is one of the hardest parts. Gino’s out buying me pins so I can pin the rows together. I never knew sewing could be so therapeutic and addicting! I think for my next project I’d like to make Ella a patchwork skirt.

Our first 3D movie!

Last night Gino came home from work and had stopped by Walmart to pick up more Tylenol for Jayden and a few other odds and ends. So, he comes in and wakes up Jayden with a surprise! Gino bought Jayden Journey to the Center of the Earth in 3D!!! If you have a bluray you can watch it in 3D!! So, we all sat in the living room with our 3D glasses and Ella laughed at us and we all watched our first 3D movie.

IT WAS AWESOME!!! It really looked like things were coming right at you.

I can’t believe that Christmas is in 5 DAYS! Where oh where did the time go? I had plans on taking the kids out today and getting my shopping for Gino done, but Jayden’s fever is STILL lingering on. This morning it was at 99.9… so we’ll see what happens with that.

Tonight is the Nativity Lighting over at the church. We’ve been looking forward to it for a while now, and Gino even has a friend that was going to come, and I’m scared that we won’t be able to make it. I hope my Jayden starts feeling better soon!

Went to the doctors

I took Jayden in to the doctor’s. Unfortunately, his doctor was gone for the day and Jayden had to see another doctor. I really didn’t care for him. Jayden told him that I was going to take him to McDonald’s to get some chicken nuggets (this is the first thing Jayden has said he’s wanted in days) and the doctor told him that it wasn’t a good idea and he’d probably end up on the toilet. Great! So, Jayden decided to listen to the doctor and not eat. So, I went to Dairy Queen and got him a banana, chocolate milk shake. He hardly touched it and has been sleeping ever since.

Ella’s been quite the handful today. She’s jumped on Jayden and has refused to leave him alone. Then when I’m at the sewing machine trying to practice she thinks it’s her’s. It’s an issue. Tonight I heard Jayden start to moan (he was asleep… still is) and I knew Ella was over there buggin’ him. It actually was so sweet. She had the thermometer and was trying to take his temperature, then kissed his forehead. I love how they love each other.

I started sewing my niece’s quilt today. I practiced and practiced then decided – wth, I might as well just go for it. I did, and so far so good! I’m on the 4th row and pretty proud of myself.

Day 3 of a sick Jayden

Today is Day 3 of having Jayden home. Today’s the last day of school before his big 2 week Christmas vacation. He still has a fever, and I just feel so bad for my little guy.

Ella’s saying cool now. I guess she’s been saying it for a while, but it sounds so much like cold that I thought she was saying cold when she was saying cool. She still says cold, but about 5 minutes ago I put on Barbie Mariposa and when the menu came up she sat up and looked at me and said, “Cool!” *sigh* where did my baby go?

I’m doing the 15 minute house cleaning tip from Flylady today. I’m going to spend 15 mintues in the kitchen, then 15 minutes in the living room, then I’ll take a 15 minute break and probably head over to Etsy and dream about the day I’ll be able to make stuff like the girls over there. Then I’ll continue on w/the bathroom for 15 minutes then folding clothes for 15 minutes. When I’m done with that…

I’m sewing. And that’s how I’ll be spending my Friday…. sewing.