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-Write a blog post about ANYTHING at all that inspires you, or something you feel will inspire others.
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I wanted to do a themed edition of Just a Motivating Monday on Marriage, because Valentine’s Day is in 1 week! I think the best thing that we can motivate each other on is on marriage….
I’m going to talk for a moment on my marriage. We’ve been together now for 9 1/2 years, married for 5 1/2 years and happy for ALMOST 3 years. During these past 9 1/2 years we have truly been tested, we have truly prevailed and we can truly say we have defied all odds by remaining together and ending up happy at that.
I know that marriage is one of the hardest things in the entire world. Parenting is very trying and some might think it is one of the hardest things in the entire world to do, but MOST people don’t just walk away when times get tough. There are the few people out there that do do this {sad that they are parents} but most parents stick with it and fight with everything in them to ensure that their children have UNCONDITIONAL love. Marriage is not like this in most cases. It gets hard, promises are broken, you fall out of love and the towel gets thrown in… the marriage in most cases ends up being over.
We’ve been at the lowest points in our marriage. Promises, vows were broken, being in love was non-existent, and divorce should have been immediately in the works. But something amazing happened, we fought. We chose to fight hard with everything we had, and the most amazing thing happened ~ we fell in love with each other, all over again. THAT was amazing. Now we know, times will not always be easy, but if we stick with it and fight together to grow back together, there’s a sweet reward.
“A successful marriage is falling in love over and over, always with the same person.”
I hope in some way this post will touch you and remind you that marriage is meant to be forever. If times get hard, fight. Fight til you literally have NO FIGHT left in you. Falling in love over and over again with your spouse is amazing, and so worth the hard times to get there.