Dear Jayden,
Last night your dad and I were talking about how special you are. I know that every parent in the world thinks their kids are special, have a special soul, but we’re not the only ones that see it with you. Your soul is different, Jayden. Most kids your age aren’t concerned with the things you’re concerned about. Most kids your age aren’t as loving as you are. Your boyscout pack leader tonight told me how sweet and special you are. Jayden, your soul is so pure and I find it hard to think that it could ever change…. I told your pack leader, hey we just might have the next prophet right here. I love you, Jayden. You brighten my world and make my heart sing. I want you to know that I will ALWAYS be here for you… no matter what. You will always be my baby.
Love, Mama
Dear Ella,
I just want you to know that you are a complete joy to my life. I catch myself just staring at you while smiling. I catch myself praying to Heavenly Father just to thank Him for
blessing me with you. I tell you all day long that you and your brother are my best friends. Ella, I just absolutely adore you and I want you to always know that. I want you to always know that you are so special to me and I will ALWAYS be here for you…. no matter what.
Love, Mama
Category Archives: Parenting
A Mortifying Parent Moment
Being a mom comes with a whole bunch of mortifying experiences. Situations that make you want to crawl in a hole and not come out for a very, very long time.
Today one of those happened to me. As my fingers tap against these keys I still want to hide my face.
There was a knock on the door. Normally, if you don’t call I don’t answer the door. That’s just how it goes ~ so if you’re in my area and reading this… TAKE NOTE. And after reading this you’ll understand why.
Well, today I had this feeling that I needed to answer it. I’m glad I did, because it was my landlord and I really needed to talk to him.
I picked up Ella and answered the door, stood outside with her and spoke to the man. We were exchanging phone numbers {funny how we didn’t have each other’s phone number huh?} and so I stuck Ella back inside. When I came back in from my conversation with him, Ella was standing in my living room with a shirt on. And that’s it. No Pull Up, no panties, no pants… her bottom half was BUTT NAKED!
Panic went through my entire body…. did I really just hold my daughter outside, while she had nothing on????? I had to know, so I called my landlord {since I now have his phone number} and asked. YUP! I apologized and said I really had no clue!!!! HOLY CRAP.
And that my friends… is the life of a mother.
And this mother is MORTIFIED!
Pregnant Woman & Their Tempers
My patience was very close to non existent today. I don’t know what my deal was {maybe the fact that I’m pregnant had something to do with it} but my son definitely could feel it.
Tonight he told me:
Mom, you know your temper you had today. Pregnant woman have to take their temper WAY down, because your heart can start beating really fast and then your baby will cry.
So, you just have to 1, 2, 3 and {he took a deep breath}
And I just love him so much.
Take a Moment… treasure your babies
One Proud Mama…. and toddler too!
I’m Reparenting…. blogging the journey!

Just a Motivating Monday – Patience is a Virtue

-Write a blog post about ANYTHING at all that inspires you, or something you feel will inspire others.
-Please link back to Garibay Soup
-Please snag my Just a Motivating button on your post.
-I hope that we can all go and visit each other’s blogs and read what everyone has linked up ~ I hope that this carnival can bring more traffic for you 🙂 So, spread the comment love!
Patience is a Virtue
God, please HELP!!!!!!
Any advice for me?