
Love is patient.

I read that and almost cringed. Patient???? I am not very patient. I am not very patient at all, but I love. I love my children with all my heart and soul. I love my husband. Yet, I am not extremely patient with them, and that makes me sad. The people that I love the most in this world are the people that I should be most patient with.

In prayers every night I pray that I might have more patience for my children. I’ve never thought to ask for patience with my husband, but I have realized that I should. He deserves it just as much as my precious children do. I’ve noticed ever since I’ve asked for help in this area that I’ve dramatically changed. I have much more patience than I had before with the kids.

I want the people I love to feel loved, so I guess I start with patience.

She thinks she’s scarier than the monsters!

Ella is not scared of all the Halloween stuff. Instead of crying she growls at it. She really thinks she’s scary too!

She saw a fish yesterday while Gino was fishing on the Wii and said, “Fish!” She’s growing up. She’s imitating everything we do, and even likes to wash her own hair. She’s such a little dare devil and so opposite of Jayden. It’s so crazy how they all have their own little personalities.

I feel so fortunate that I’ve been able to stay home with Ella. I hope that I don’t have to go back to working in an office ever again, but I know someday I will. Even though I get frustrated sometimes and just want to get away, I wouldn’t trade this life for anything.

Children Stories

I just cannot get with it today! I haven’t even showered and dressed and we have to leave here in 40 minutes to get Jayden. I’m REALLY happy that Jayden doesn’t have school tomorrow. It’s always nice to have a little break.

I was looking on today and I found that they have stories for children online. There’s stories on the Old & New Testaments and The Book of Mormon. They’re really simple stories for kids to understand. You can see them HERE. I’m going to print some out and read them with Jayden. He’s come so far since we started going to church and it’s nice to already see the good morals he’s forming.

Even if you’re not LDS and you have small children, these bible stories and neat for them!! If you don’t have children, reading children stories can help clarify things in the bible that you never understood.

I’m offically a soccer mom

The only thing I’m missing in a mini van, and I REALLY want the new VW Minivan that’s coming out or came out. It’s awesome!

Jayden now is in Piano, Karate & Soccer. That’s 3 days a week of activities for him. Yesterday was his first day of Karate and today is his first practice of soccer. I’m happy that he’s involved in things that are keeping him busy and it makes me feel like a much better parent. I think it’s because I’m not keeping him cooped up in the house so I can work or get things done.

He’s doing so great in school this year! His first spelling test is tomorrow and we’ve been working hard on it. The words are cat, rat, map, am… so simple, but it’s so cute to watch his little mind think really hard about sounding it out and finding those letters that make that word up.

I’m so proud of him. I’m so proud that he’s trying his best at everything he’s involved in. He’s such a great kid and everyone that ever comes around him knows right away that he’s so special, loving and amazing.

1st Grade Homework Ideas

It’s Works for Me Wednesday and instead of me telling you what works for me this week I’m going to ask for some advice on something that I’d like to work for me. It’s a backwards edition of Works for me Wednesday.

My son started 1st Grade today and for homework we as parents get to choose what to do with our kids and fill out a log. We never send in the completed homework, we just send back in the homework log.

I’m looking for some creative and fun homework ideas that I can do with my little guy.

There’s lots going on over at Rocks in My Dryer that you should go check out!!

My Sweet Boy

I sometimes wonder how my beautiful little boy has become so polite. He’s so different from other children, especially boys. He’s polite, he has manners, he truly cares for others. I was in the gas station yesterday, and he told Brittney to call and check on me because I’d been in there too long. What 6 year old thinks of things like that? He holds open doors for me and says “Ladies first.” He loves to have me wait in the car so he can open up my car door.

The main thing that gets me is how he’s such a sucker for his baby sister. He loves that girl so much, and strives to be the best big brother that he can be. How did I get so lucky?!?! He’s such a blessing to us and I want him to know how thankful and happy we are that he’s our son.

I feel bad sometimes, because I’m not the most patient parent out there. I’m not going to lie and say our lives are picture perfect and we have no faults. I love my children, but sometimes I want to run to the hills screaming. I feel bad for all the times that Jayden has gotten on my nerves. He’s so sweet and I need to work on having more patience with him. I need to do more one on one things with him. I always said that just because we were having another baby I would never be too consumed by her, but I feel like that’s happened.

Parenting is so hard. Even the good parents out there struggle, and we never feel like we’re doing enough. Sadly, I don’t think we ever will feel like we do enough.

They’re Watching

These babies are watching and soaking up every single thing they see. I was eating popcorn and Ella was sitting on the ground watching me. As I’d grab a piece and put it in my mouth and then chew Ella would then pretend to pick something up, put it in her mouth and then chew.

I realized at that moment ~ they really do watch and learn young. These babies are so amazing.

A Mama Woops

Today was long! I changed Ella’s diaper tonight and got up, threw her diaper in the garbage and then went to FINALLY get on my blog and talk about how my son graduated from Kindergarten yesterday and how Ella has another tooth and all the things that I’m just now too exhausted to talk about, when….. my husband says “Are you just not gonna put another diaper on her?”

I walk in the living room and Ella’s sitting there with the Xbox 360 remote right in between her legs. A part of me was secretly hoping that she would pee all over it, but of course that would never happen. No. She’ll just wait until she finds a great opportunity to pee all over me.

It’s official ~ I’m losing it. At least I did this at home and not in public.

Best New Family Site

If you’re anything like me right now, you’re running around with stressful household and basically, YOU’RE GOING CRAZY!!! First off, if you’re looking for ways to have a stress-free home, what the heck are you doing reading MY BLOG??? I’m still trying to figure it out, but I’ll tell you what ~ I think that – Parenting might just have the answers to all of our problems. You gotta love 7 Ways to Create a Happy Household.

I’ve been searching around on this website all morning and I LOVE LOVE LOVE all of the stuff that – Family Life has to offer their readers. They have awesome, awesome, awesome ideas for tips on traveling and I’m definitely going to be using their games for the road for any of our road trips we’re going to be taking this summer.

This actually might be my new favorite website. It goes beyond family tips and goes on to health, politics, basically everything you’re looking for on one, great site! So, stop stressing out and living in a unhappy home and go read some ways that you can change your family’s life. Our lives are so short and we all need to be happy, and through inspirational, amazing family stories and family tips that we never thought of ourselves, will help you get to the happy place in your family that you need.
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Fear Running RAPIDLY Through My Veins

The phone rings, caller ID say my son’s school.


“Hi we have Jayden marked as absent today.”

“UM NO! I dropped him off at school.”

“Okay, Mrs. Garibay, hold please.”

2 minutes go by and I’m getting Ella strapped into her car seat and ready to go searching for my baby – yes, he’s MY BABY!

“Ma’am, they’re not in their classroom can I call you back.”

Lots and lots of profanities coming out of my mouth – I’m LIVID! She gets the hint and goes to find where his class is…. and where’s Jayden? WITH HIS F*&%$&^&* CLASS!

My heart is still pounding.