A Teary Mommy Moment

Tomorrow morning I will go to the cafeteria for an assembly at Jayden’s school. He doesn’t know it yet, but they will be calling him up for Student of the Month. I’m so proud of him. He’s come such a long way since the beginning of the school year, and I’m starting to become overwhelmed with emotions.

Jayden only has 1 more full week of school. His Kindergarten graduation is on June 10th and I’m almost feeling how I felt on his first day of school. It’s such an emotional thing to see your baby slowly become their own individual. I can’t get over how far he’s come this past year and I can’t believe how quick it went. All the advice I’ve ever gotten from people who’s kids were already grown and out of the house was, Treasure EVERY moment…. it goes by faster than you’ll ever think. They weren’t kidding.

I’ve been trying to grasp onto every memory that I can of Jayden as a baby and as a younger boy. I wish that I had been a blogger back then ~ I feel guilty that I wasn’t. I feel guilty that his first 6 years weren’t blogged. I feel guilty that sometimes I can’t remember him as a baby. I feel bad that I wasn’t always the best mom, but I can say I’ve tried my hardest. I grew with Jayden. I learned with Jayden. I sometimes feel bad about that, but that’s what’s made us into who we are. I guess I didn’t do too bad of a job, because his manners shock people everyday. They even shock me. If you’re in his way he kindly says, “Excuse me, pardon me.” His little soul is so special and I’ve known this forever.

I can’t even express my gratitude to Heavenly Father for blessing me with such an amazing little boy. He touches the hearts of everyone ~ I love that he’s not a rough boy, but a loving boy. I love that he sings. I love his patience. I love his smile. I love his giggle. I love more than anything how he loves his sister. I love that he is who is he is and I hope that he always stays true to himself.

I love him. I hope that I can be everything that he needs me to be. This is a picture of him kissing me goodbye on his first day of school and a picture of him walking to his class with his daddy. A day that seems just like yesterday.

It’s time to start telling time

The other day we were at Walmart shopping and they had a display with watches and the were only $3.00. Jayden picked out a transformer watch and wears it without knowing what the heck it says. He’s interested in time and tries to read our clocks.

I came across the coolest thing for kids learning how to read time. Teach Me Time Clock is a talking alarm clock. If you have one of the kids that gets up at sometimes at 4am (Kellei sound familiar?) then they can look at their clock and if it isn’t glowing green that means it isn’t time to get up yet. I actually think that when it turns to green it announces “OK to wake!” That rocks!

For kids like mine that never want to wake up, it can be used as an alarm clock – with a snooze button! This clock is programmable for however you want it used. This definitely is a clock I’m interested in buying for Jayden and then Ella can use it after he’s done.

For the learning part ~ if you press the left toe it will display a random time and your child can try to figure out what time it is saying. For the answer, they press the right toe and they can find out if they’re right or wrong.

Go check it out!

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The Hard Times of Parenting

I’m just gonna come out and say it. Parenting IS HARD! I love the mothers out there that act like it’s so easy to have a perfect house and perfect children. Lucky them! Last night Ella couldn’t get close enough to me. She finally fell asleep and I turned over in hopes that I would now be able to fall asleep. Well, guess what! SURPRISE, Mama I’m crawling over you – and I’m going wrap my body around yours. Somehow she got comfortable when her body was covering my face, and honestly I have no clue what we looked like, but it wasn’t fun. I’m sure she would’ve been a lot happier if she could’ve just crawled right back inside of me. I probably would’ve gotten a lot more sleep too. 6am rolls around and who’s slapping my face? That’s right, Queen Ella. Today will not be fun.

Routine Method for Kids


Thanks to a wonderful blogger I got the most wonderful idea that works! See below as I explain w/pictures….
Above is a poster board and I have one row for Morning To Do and I insert little cards which some samples are below to insert into the pockets. In the morning my son wakes up runs to the chart and picks out the first card. Does that task and then moves it over to the DONE pocket. He has a set for Morning, a set for After School & a set for Before Bed.

Above are some samples of some clipart that I found at www.theideadoor.com GREAT WEBSITE!! And I printed them out on colorful 4×6 cards. There’s even a card that has music notes, which means practice piano.

Above you will find Jayden’s reward chart. He gets a sticker for each set of pockets that he empties. He gets a sticker for the day if he does his homework (which is not in the pocket) and if he gets no x’s (bad marks) at school for the day. Then I leave one last chance for him to earn a sticker which is called Mom’s choice. I usually have him help pick up Ella’s toys or something to do w/her.

So, this totally works for us! I’m really thankful for this wonderful bloggin’ mom who threw this idea out there for me, because it really helps. I love that I can mix the cards up for after school. I try to keep morning & night routines the same, but after school it’s a surprise which cards will be in there.

To find out what works for others head over to Shannon’s Blog.

My Babies

I wish she’d slow down. She’s such a girl! All of us girls are always so anxious to just grow up and unfortunately Ella’s already started. She’s not even 8 months old yet and she’s already tried to take off walking. Poor thing fell right on her face. She’s been pulling herself up since about a week after turning 7 months old. Today she was standing in the kitchen holding onto a chair and she was slowly pushing it while taking steps with it.

She’s obsessed with food. Sometimes I have to hide to eat otherwise she will throw a screaming fit. She wants whatever I’m eating. We went out to dinner with Gino’s friend on Saturday night and I kid you not she had her mouth open for the majority of dinner. Like a little baby robin. Tonight I was putting on chap stick and her mouth flies wide open. So I go to put some on her lips and the fit gets even worse – she wanted to eat it.

She’s almost 8 months. How in the world did it fly by that quickly? In 4 months we’ll be celebrating her 1st birthday. I give it 2 months and she’ll be walking – probably running. What happened to my newborn baby? The really little picture of her is her at 3 days old. Even then she was looking like a little Diva ready for what the world had to give her. Now look at her. Already wearing a bikini. I love looking at pictures of her. I love looking at her. Sometimes I’m just completely in awe that I have a baby girl. A beautiful baby girl! She’s been waking up at like 4:30am and standing up in the middle of Gino and me trying to pick our noses off of our faces. I swear it drives me crazy, but the minute I open up my eyes and see her my heart just melts. There’s something about her sweet little face that just gets me every time. This time around I’m really trying to have more patience and really treasure every moment with Ella. With Jayden things happened so fast and I wish I would’ve known that it works like that.

I swear I have no idea where all the years w/him have gone. He’s going to be 7. 7 years old. I almost can’t even fathom the idea. I found some pictures from when he was a baby… such a huge change. His curls are gone. He actually is full of words, while for the first 3 years he didn’t have any. His smile is still as beautiful. His heart is still as sweet. His love for his parents is still as strong. At the end of the day when he hugs me and tells me how much he loves me I know we did good with him. I look at both of their pictures I know I’m biased, but they are some beautiful babies! Their smiles could turn the most saddest frowns upside down. Their tears can break the most happiest heart within seconds. I love my kids. I love that God trusted me with 2 of his most precious children. I love that I have 2 beautiful beings that rely on me. They rely on me for life. They rely on me for love. They rely on me for guidance. They rely on me for hope. I rely on them for life, for love, for guidance and especially for hope. Kids make life so worth it.


So tonight is quite the different night for us here. After 8 years of my husband working graveyard, leaving our house @ 9:30 at night, he is now working days. This means from 2:45pm-Midnight I get to do it all. All by myself! My husband’s lunch break is at 6pm, so I am working on having dinner ready by 6:15pm, and by the looks of it it will be ready at EXACTLY 6:15pm.

I’m in the kitchen cooking and trying to get things done and I hear Jayden, yell “MOM! SHE CAN FLY!!!!!!!!!” In which I reply, “That’s great, Jayden.” I’m completely in my own wonderful world in my head at this point. Then it dawns on me…. WAIT! WHO CAN FLY?!?!?! At this point I’m running out of the kitchen and walk in the living room to find Jayden laying on the ground with his sister in the air being held by his hands and feet. My heart stopped! “DO NOT MOVE, JAYDEN!” “It’s okay, Mom. She’s so strong and she’s a super hero.” Wow. I really have my work cut out for me. It is, however, nice that they actually play together now. I just had to explain that baby does not come off of the ground. Period. End of story. Babies do not fly.

Prayers would be greatly appreciated.

This Week’s Goals

Parenting: Continue with reading at least 20 minutes per day with Jayden.

Marriage: Smile at my husband more often and not criticize.

Household: Follow every one of Kelly’s Missions this week. Work on 2 loads of laundry/day.

Faith: 15 minutes of scripture reading every single night. Kneeling down to pray every single night. Reading 1 bible story with Jayden out of Little Boy’s Bible Stories every night.

Self: Drink at least 6 glasses of water/day. 8 is a little much for me right now, so I want to start off with 6. Take at least 15 minutes in the evenings to pleasure read after kids are tucked into bed.

Never got to say hello – and never said goodbye

Today I feel like sharing a story about our baby that never got to say hello or goodbye. It all started on May 23, 2006. I took a pregnancy test at work and saw 2 lines. I was so happy! My sister was 1 month pregnant and it was so exciting that we were going to be pregnant together. Our babies were going to be best friends. Our due dates were 2 weeks apart and we always joked that we would deliver on the same day. Feeling this baby move inside of me was amazing. With every kick and every flutter I grew more and more attached and my love for this baby kept getting stronger and stronger. Jayden, being an only child for 4 1/2 years was so excited to finally have a sibling. I heard her heart beat and it was strong and it was amazing. I even recorded it w/my phone since Gino couldn’t make it to the appointment.

September 5, 2006 I went in for my regular scheduled prenatal appointment. Keep in mind that the night before as I lay on my bed watching Prison Break I could feel this baby moving all around. September 5, 2006 was a Tuesday. I had an appointment that Friday w/the Ultrasound techs to find out what my baby was and of course to make sure she was growing strong. On this Tuesday I was wearing my green tank top babydoll type maternity shirt from The Gap. I’ll never forget it for some reason. I lay there on the table and the doctor was searching for the baby’s heartbeat. He said, “I think I hear movement in there, but I just can’t catch a heart beat. How about we go over and do a quick ultrasound to check everything.” He left the room and I was so excited! I called my mom and Gino and told them both that I was going to ultrasound and I’d call them as soon as I know the sex. The thought of my baby being dead never crossed my mind. I finally get in and am laying on the table staring up at the screen anxious to see my baby. However, my baby wasn’t moving at all. I looked at the doctor and he actually had tears in his eyes. My heart dropped. I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I called my husband and sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. I had never felt such pain in my life. We had an appointment with RAS, which does high tech ultrasounds to confirm the demise. Demise. What a horrible, ugly word. That’s what the referral paper said on it. Before I left my doctor’s appointment I was told that I have options. I can either have my labor induced or I can be put to sleep and they’d basically going in like a D&C and take my baby out that way. I couldn’t wrap my thoughts around either option.

I came home and my mom had pulled up to my house the same time I did and she just hugged me and we cried. I walked into my house and my husband had made tacos. It was the most awkward, horrible night. We still clung on to some hope that our baby was okay. That the ultrasound machine was just old and crappy and it was wrong. The next morning we woke up and went to our appointment. A really good friend of mine worked there and was staying optimistic, saying that there’s still a chance. As I layed there getting the ultrasound she was in the room, and she walked out with tears in her eyes. At that moment, I knew. My world was shattered. My baby was gone. How could this happen to me? To us? Why would God take my baby away from me.

I made my decision to be put to sleep and have my baby taken out that way. I didn’t want to go through the emotional effects on giving birth to a baby that had no life to it. I didn’t go in until Friday, September 8, 2006. I had to have my baby inside of me all that time from Tuesday-Friday dead. I showed up to where the doctors told me to go, which was right across the street from the hospital. It was the abortion clinic. I walked in and was so disgusted. While I was there wishing with all of my heart that I had my baby, there were girls there killing theirs. While I believe to each their own, I am not for abortion. I hated myself for the decision I had made. I hated that my baby was just going to be thrown away like all of these other babies. When I walked in the nurses took me straight to the back to sit with another nurse. I was a “special case” and was to be kept away from the others who were there willingly. My husband could not stay with me. I decided that I needed to get ahold of a funeral home to come and pick up my baby. I was not about to throw her away. So, I felt a little more peace with that decision. We named Mya Marie and had her cremated. I have a heart urn necklace that I wear close to my heart with some of her ashes in it.

It took me a while to face my sister. I loved her and I was truly happy for her, but I hated that she had her baby and I didn’t have mine. She was still pregnant and I wasn’t. She went on to give birth January 26, 2007 to a healthy, beautiful baby boy who is my favorite nephew.

It’s been 1 year 6 months 1 day since we lost our baby girl and Jayden still talks about his sister Mya. He still prays to Heavenly Father and asks him to watch over her and make sure she doesn’t fall on the clouds. She is a strong part of our family and I love her as much as I love my other 2 living babies.

I’ve learned a strong lesson through the loss of a baby. I was blessed 3 months later with a positive pregnancy test. August 14, 2007 I was blessed with a beautiful baby girl. We named her Ella Marie – Marie is after her big sister that she’ll meet someday in heaven. The lesson that I’ve learned is that sometimes we don’t understand why God does the things he does. We’re not supposed to understand. If I didn’t lose Mya, I wouldn’t have Ella. It makes me happy to know that when I am called to come home to heaven that I will have a precious soul waiting for me. I will finally get to say hello and will never have to say goodbye.

6 Year Old Unhealthy Eater

It’s a backwards edition of Works For Me Wednesday and I get to ask for some advice on something. I’ve actually been thinking about what I’m going to ask for the past week and have had so many ideas come to mind, but I think I’ve decided to stick with some advice on my son. Jayden is 6 years old and we have the worst issue with foods. It’s my fault and I’ll start there. We lived a very busy life up until a year ago and there wasn’t much time for home cooked meals and we’ve lived our lives in the fast lane and spent many nights eating fast food and basically CRAP. I am now a SAHM and have picked up cooking and we actually have home cooked meals almost every night. Jayden, however, does not eat what we eat. His list of foods is as follows:

Sandwiches (on wheat bread)
Chicken Nuggets
Corn Dogs
Top Ramen
Fish Sticks
Tons of fruit (I’m lucky here)

However, he will not eat a veggie if his life depended on it. If I stick something in front of him at the table that he does not eat he actually will throw up. It’s horrible. I know 110% that it is my fault, so I just wanted to cover that, but I want to nip this in the butt and have been trying for a while. I took him to the doctors and they’re going to do some testing on him, but in the meantime how in the world am I going to get this kid of mine to start eating healthy? We just found out my husband has high blood pressure and now we’re even going more healthy in our home and I really want my son to be on board with this. I don’t want to make 2 meals at night, but I don’t want him to throw up at my table. I’m kinda at my witt’s end.

So, my question to you is, what can I do to get him more healthy. Do you have a recipe that you could share that he might like and has hidden veggies in them? HELP!!!

Also, if you wouldn’t mind, if you know anything about how to lower blood pressure please CLICK HERE and comment on my post from yesterday about helping my husband to lower his blood pressure. Thank you so much!!!

To check out other’s participating this week in backward’s WFMW head over to Shannon’s Blog

This Week’s Goals

Parenting: Work with Jayden on his spelling/reading. Read to/with Jayden for at least 20 minutes every day. Get Jayden’s new Routine/Chore chart set up

Marriage: Watch my attitude with my husband, because Lord knows I can get one. I also want to work on looking at the positive things in our marriage instead of the negative.

Household: Finish Jayden’s room (we’re doing major decluttering in there!!) Detail Clean Master Bathroom.

Work: Get filing done. Anything that needs to be filed HAS to be filed by Friday or I’m going to go INSANE!!!!

Faith: I’ve really slacked on any kind of bible study, but I must say that church yesterday was so motivating and I’m going to set a goal for myself to Read both lessons that I will be learning on Sunday and spend 15 minutes every night reading the BOM.

Self: Tuesday & Thursday go walking & Weds & Friday exercise to cardio video – I have too much stuff going on today to exercise.