So please if you have any other tips for me… feel free to leave them in the comments 😉
If you want to learn about other things that work for other’s head over to {Kristen’s Blog} ~ lots of good stuff!!
If you want to learn about other things that work for other’s head over to {Kristen’s Blog} ~ lots of good stuff!!
The most expensive thing you can own is a closed mind.
P.S…. if you are curious what it is that I was open minded about and is changing my life then email me at amandagaribay {at} yahoo {dot} com
One day I read on someone’s blog about Mineral Makeup and decided to give it a try. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE MINERAL MAKEUP!! It has a way of covering things up that normal, cakey, liquid makeup can’t. It has a way of giving a beautiful, natural looking glow to your face that has people stopping and giving you compliments…. and us girls can never have too much of that!
I was given some mineral makeup to review by {Jenni with Affordable Mineral Makeup}. For having such great prices, the quality definitely earned an A+ from me! I love the selection and love even more that there is shimmery stuff!!! I am a firm believer that wearing shimmer sends uplifting vibes into the world…. and we all know we can’t have enough of that!!!!
My favorite thing EVER that she sent to me was the Satin Lip Gloss…. HEAVENLY! I love the feel of satin and on my lips is even better!!
For having such great prices, the quality definitely earned an A+ from me! I love the selection and love even more that there is shimmery stuff!!! I am a firm believer that wearing shimmer sends uplifting vibes into the world…. and we all know we can’t have enough of that!!!!
I LOVE Mineral Makeup, but one thing I don’t like about the stuff is the price. The price can be a killer, but luckily there is some pretty dang good stuff out there…. and AFFORDABLE!!! I’m hinting towards my husband here for my stocking! Maybe you should hint to yours!!
OR you can just head over to {HERE} let me know exactly what you would like to win in a comment here and you can be entered in to win a grab bag of samples from Affordable Mineral Makeup!!
Extra Entries:
Make sure you leave an extra comment for each extra entry you do.
This is what works for me… Mineral Makeup rocks… as does giveaways right? Good luck!!
I will be closing this giveaway Friday, December 18, 2009 @ 11:59pm. That way the winner can get it just in time for Christmas!
For other things that work for others head over to {We are THAT Family}
I have completely neglected Garibay Soup these past few days…. almost a week actually. I took some time away from my blog, twitter (not full on, but tried to keep it on the back burner) and just did things that needed to be done.
My friend Kandi contacted me regarding a business opportunity that she’s been trying to pitch to me for a while. I never have joined, or listened, because LIFE IS BUSY. I don’t have time for another thing, I don’t have time to even think… but she just happened to call me one more time on a day I really needed that call. So, I listened. I listened and had chills as she talked, excitement in my heart, because this is something I could easily do! This is something that my husband and I could do TOGETHER! I took a few days, thought, researched, read success stories, prayed and came to a conclusion… this is the answer I’ve been waiting for! Today I signed up. Today is the first day in this new journey. I will blog about, I will share the things I like, dislike and the success I KNOW I will have.
You are what you think you are, and I think I am filled with success. I think that I can do ANYTHING that my mind gets set to, and if somebody before me pulled it off, guess what… I CAN PULL IT OFF! I’m not even going to get into the amount of $$ my friend has made, because it sounds unrealistic, but the fact is it is realistic. That’s her success story though, and I can create my own where I can tell you… hey I just made $14,000.00 this month and I’m taking a trip to Italy with my family. Yes, it can happen.
I know that many people are very skeptical of any kind of Multi Level Marketing business, but my question to your right now is WHY? Why not take advantage of an amazing thing created for people where they can work right from home and make what executives that spend HOURS UPON HOURS at the office make? I’m going to step out on a limb and try this for you, for me, for my family, for my friends. I will blog about my journey, my successes and how much I think you should join in on this.
To view my new website regarding my new adventure {CLICK HERE}
Remember.. it doesn’t matter what you do. You can be successful at ANYTHING. Don’t listen to people’s negative words about the things that you feel passionate about, just listen to the positive and make YOUR own success story. The success story where you change your family’s life for generations to come.
If you’re interested in keeping tabs on what it is that I’m doing please follow me via {RSS} and {Twitter}. My success story can be your success story contact me if you’re interested in more info on my new journey.
P.S. I’m still sticking with my Wildtree, because WILDTREE ROCKS! If you haven’t tasted it yet, you’re totally missing out… check it out {HERE}
What works for me is taking rein of my life, creating my success story and being positive about EVERYTHING. I’m accepting that there are opportunities that seem too good to be true, but they are true, because IT HAS HAPPENED FOR SOMEONE ELSE, WHY NOT LET IT HAPPEN FOR YOU? My friend, Kandi, is a VERY close family friend who has left her executive job to find success in something so simple, so easy and I’m going to be JUST LIKE HER! Will you?
Head over to {We are THAT Family} for more things that work for hundreds of others.
And come join me on Monday for {Just a Motivating Monday}… an inspirational blog carnival.
To be a good parent we are not always meant to stand as fun. We are not supposed to be the “friend” especially to our teens. We are here to ensure that our children receive structure, rules, morals among many other life tips that we hope they carry on with them.
In between all of these events of training our children up we need to mix in surprises! Surprises that remind them that while we may not always be all about fun, we still have fun in us. Here’s a few tips to excite your kids!
I know that there a million things out there that you could do, but I just wanted to throw a couple of things out there for you so that you can realize that it really is simple to have some fun with your young ones.
Throughout our crazy, busy lives we can sometimes forget about the small little things can make our kids have fun memories of their childhood.
These are my little things that work for me and my kids. There are HUNDREDS of tips from others for a huge variety of different topics. {Kristen} is hosting this fabulous carnival! Go join in the fun!
And come back on Monday for {Just a Motivating Monday} hosted by me! It’s my day where I write an inspiring blog post and have a link up for others to link up their inspiring posts. Even if you have nothing to share I hope you’ll stop by to read what I have to write.
This summer just FLEW right before my eyes. I feel like Jayden just got out of school and in 1 month he’ll be right back in it…. and in 2nd grade! Where oh where did my baby go?
Mornings suck for us. I have a hard time getting up early enough and without structure things for us do not go well. {Kristen}, who hosts Works for Me Wednesday suggested morning cards. My thoughts exactly! I’m big on morning cards and next week’s WFMW post will go into a little more detail about these cards, and not just for your kids ;). So first off I’m seconding what Kristen wrote regarding these nifty things.
My other advice for back to school is the following:
NEVER leave things til morning to prepare, no matter how tired you are, make sure things are set and ready for an easy morning.
2 weeks before school you should put your kids on their school schedule. Make sure that they are going to bed at school time bedtime hours
I suggest getting a workbook for the school year that they’re going into to prepare them for things they’ll be learning… that way they aren’t too lost ~ and even seem a little bit of a smarty pants
Most of all, spend lots and lots of fun times with them before sending them back to school. Plan special little surprises for them like picnics or trips to the zoo…. maybe a camp out in the yard… treasure your last few weeks with them, because this next year they’re going to grow so much. Treasure the time with them.
So, I’m sorry that my back to school tips aren’t the best, but I’m tired, traveling, but wouldn’t miss Works for Me Wednesday for the world. Join me next week to learn about how I have found the solution to organizing my housekeeping, my kids housekeeping and everything else in my home ~ it’s working and I can’t wait to tell you all about it! So make sure you are either following me on {Twitter} or my {RSS Feed} so you don’t miss out on the secret I found. And check back in with me on Monday for my inspirational carnival {Just a Motivating Monday}!