Dear Ella,
Today you’re 9 months old, Ella. I haven’t even had your picture taken professionally 1 time in the 9 months of your life. I must apologize for that right now. Heck, we’ll just say that the 3 month picture of Jayden in angel wings was you… okay? I think you might be the smartest 9 month old in our world as we speak. I’m waiting for you to bust out some algebra problems for me. I tried to teach you sign language and you actually looked at me like I was nutty and spoke the words in clear English. I don’t know many 9 month old babies out there that actually say “Doggy!” when they see a doggy. The words in your vocab that I can bee 100% certain on right now are…. All Done, Kitty (Itty), Doggy, Dada, Mama & Ella. You rock, girlfriend! When I talk you really study my mouth to figure out how you can say what I’m saying. You’re not walking yet. I must say I’m stunned at this. You’ve been standing perfectly and even dancing while standing, yet you refuse to step forward. I guess it would look a little freakishly to see a baby as short as you walking around. You have a total of 4 teeth. On the 8th of this month you had your 2 front, top teeth break through at the exact same time. It was approximately 3:47am – I know this, because you were screaming and therefore, I was up rubbing your gums for you. I know, I’m a 5 star mama!
I have no stats on you yet. You have a doctor’s appointment on the 20th, and I am pleased to say that you will NOT be getting any shots at that appointment. They actually might get to see a smile from you if you have forgotten what happened there last time.