Dear Ella,
Unfortunately in the midst of all the chaos that has been going on I forgot to write to you on your 10 Months and talk about all the things you are doing.
You are such a smart little girl. You have started to imitate people and that has just opened our eyes that you really are learning things ~ your brain is soaking up everything it possibly can.
The walking. You definitely know how to walk, yet you’re still a little scared of it. Sunday at church you actually walked a good distance. Afterwards you clapped, which you always do after you accomplish something, or hear the words YAY. I am excited for you to walk, but there’s no rush. My heart is aching at how quickly your baby years are flying. I love the vibrant personality that shines through more and more every day. There’s no doubt that you’re definitely a Leo.

You finally started sleeping through the night. That happened shortly after you turned 9 months. I just want to say THANK YOU!!!!! You know, your brother actually slept through the night at like 8 weeks. After the 3rd month I kinda gave up, but you have been a beautiful, sleeping angel at night and I am SOOOOOOO THANKFUL!!
I love you, Ella. I truly feel blessed that you were sent to us and are a part of our family.
One more thing to add ~ anytime you hear music you dance. You LOVE to dance.
how cute! i cant believe how much she is growing! these pictures are so precious! you look great! oh ella is so cute!
Aww what a little cutie!
That brought tears to my eyes Amanda. I can say the same things for Mason. He’s just the peachiest of boys in the whole world.
She truly is a gift!!!