This summer just FLEW right before my eyes. I feel like Jayden just got out of school and in 1 month he’ll be right back in it…. and in 2nd grade! Where oh where did my baby go?
Mornings suck for us. I have a hard time getting up early enough and without structure things for us do not go well. {Kristen}, who hosts Works for Me Wednesday suggested morning cards. My thoughts exactly! I’m big on morning cards and next week’s WFMW post will go into a little more detail about these cards, and not just for your kids ;). So first off I’m seconding what Kristen wrote regarding these nifty things.
My other advice for back to school is the following:
NEVER leave things til morning to prepare, no matter how tired you are, make sure things are set and ready for an easy morning.
2 weeks before school you should put your kids on their school schedule. Make sure that they are going to bed at school time bedtime hours
I suggest getting a workbook for the school year that they’re going into to prepare them for things they’ll be learning… that way they aren’t too lost ~ and even seem a little bit of a smarty pants
Most of all, spend lots and lots of fun times with them before sending them back to school. Plan special little surprises for them like picnics or trips to the zoo…. maybe a camp out in the yard… treasure your last few weeks with them, because this next year they’re going to grow so much. Treasure the time with them.
So, I’m sorry that my back to school tips aren’t the best, but I’m tired, traveling, but wouldn’t miss Works for Me Wednesday for the world. Join me next week to learn about how I have found the solution to organizing my housekeeping, my kids housekeeping and everything else in my home ~ it’s working and I can’t wait to tell you all about it! So make sure you are either following me on {Twitter} or my {RSS Feed} so you don’t miss out on the secret I found. And check back in with me on Monday for my inspirational carnival {Just a Motivating Monday}!
Great tips! Classic but important, nonetheless. Especially treasuring those last-minutes times before they go back.
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The tip about going on "school night" bedtime hours is the best. Kids need that two weeks early to get them read, even if they don't think it is "fair."
Hey, they are children……….they'll say nearly anything and hope it works. "Fair", is mild. lolol
I especially like the one about preparing the night before. That makes mornings so much smoother!