-Write a blog post about ANYTHING at all that inspires you, or something you feel will inspire others.
-Please link back to Garibay Soup
-Please snag my Just a Motivating button on your post.
-I hope that we can all go and visit each other’s blogs and read what everyone has linked up ~ I hope that this carnival can bring more traffic for you 🙂 So, spread the comment love!
“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” ~Albert Schweitzer
Success… something that his been so strongly on my mind lately. But what is success? Success to me is something different than success to you, but in the end I think we all believe that we have reached our success once we are happy in our lives, happy with our situations. Yet, I believe that we should continue on.
I am happy, and I feel that I have already met a great deal of success in my life to be at the point I am at today. But I know that there is so much more that I can achieve in life, and so much more happiness to be discovered. So, I continue on in my search for further success.
Life to me is such a journey and learning process. We should never cut ourselves short and settle in life for something that has just became comfortable…. we need to continue to challenge ourselves and be happy. Once you get stuck in a rut, well at least when I get stuck in a rut, I’m not happy. For us to continue to be successful in this life constantly challenge yourself for happiness, which will in turn lead to success.
I just had this discussion last night with some friends. It's so true. If you love what you are doing, it doesn't feel like work. You are more likely to be successful cuz it's fun.