-Write a blog post about ANYTHING at all that inspires you, or something you feel will inspire others.
-Please link back to Garibay Soup
-Please snag my Just a Motivating button on your post.
-I hope that we can all go and visit each other’s blogs and read what everyone has linked up ~ I hope that this carnival can bring more traffic for you 🙂 So, spread the comment love!
I could elaborate on the quote below, but I think that it really says it all. I personally know that I’ve had to step outside of my comfort zone these past few months and I’m growing and gaining in ways I never knew were possible. I hope this quote will inspire you in a way that has for me.
You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.
— Eleanor Roosevelt