The first part of this post really isn’t my Pour Your Heart Out ~ it’s more towards the end. I originally didn’t write this post as a Pour Your Heart Out post, but realized that towards the end that’s kinda what I did 🙂

We’ve set the baptism date {this Saturday, 5:00pm LDS church in Ashland on Clay Street} So, if you didn’t know about it, now you know about it. You can consider this your invitation 🙂
A picture of my favorite LDS Temple in SLC ~ Jayden loved going to this temple
Today Jayden had to go talk with the Bishop like every member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints gets to do before baptism. When we set the appointment I thought to myself… ‘Uh oh! Does Jayden even know what he’s doing?! Why he’s getting baptized?! What the heck this all means?!’ So, we sat down to ask him a few questions to see how much he knew. Even though he goes to church, loves Jesus, loves God knows that the Holy Ghost is a good thing and not a creepy thing…. he really didn’t have a clue.
I’ve tried to explain it to the best of my abilities, and I was very pleased today when he got out of his appointment with the Bishop that Bishop said… “He did great! Answered all the questions I had right.” THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! I really didn’t think he was paying attention to the things I was telling him.
I’m so excited for my handsome, little man.
I look at our lives 5 years ago, when Jayden was only 3 and wow, what a difference. I never would have thought in a million years we’d be where we are at in our lives. I never thought in a million years I’d be back at church let alone bringing my entire family with me. I never thought I’d be planning my son’s baptism. 5 years is a HUGE difference. 5 years ago my marriage was on the rocks, 5 years ago I never thought my family would last…. and now look at us. It makes me smile and makes feel so proud of US, because we did this together ~ and it makes me borderline emotional to think about it. I think that we have the church to thank for where we are at in our lives right now, because it gave us the missing piece in our lives that we never knew we were missing. It’s really funny how that can happen, how you can discover that when you thought your life was complete it really wasn’t. Just another interesting little weirdness about life.

It's really amazing what a difference time can make!
I left a little something for you up on my blog 🙂
Amanda, you rock! I just love you! That is so neat he had his first meeting with the bishop and is getting baptized! My little man will be getting baptized next month. I wish I could come to Jaydens. I'll be there in spirit. So excited for you all!
SLC Temple is my favorite too. It's the temple I was married in. 🙂
YAY!!! Like the bishop would have failed him?? eh?? 🙂
I love this kind of day… fun to be a mom huh?
As for 5 years ago… I swear we all change a ton in 5 years… at least to ourselves right…? Onward and upward, it only gets better from here… 🙂
Congrats to Jayden!
Congrats to all of you!
sister you have sooo much going on in your life how do you handle it all.