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It’s hard to put into words what I experienced this weekend. One thing I wanted to do for Just a Motivating Monday is share some very heart touching quotes that came from the semi-annual conference that the members of the LDS church get to experience.
This weekend the conference seemed to be based on families, parenting, motherhood. Things that I feel I personally needed to be strengthened on. The words that were spoken this weekend spoke straight into my heart.
“The most important work you will ever do are within the walls of your own home.” ~Elder Ballard
“Hold your tongues about things that don’t matter.”
~Elder Ballard
The two above quotes by Elder Ballard really touched me. How many of us sometimes put what’s in our home 2nd? I as a mother needed to hear this ~ what work we put into our families is the most important, and I need to put more effort into ensuring that we are all growing spiritually together. In this life NOTHING should ever be more important than your family, and passing on your faith, wisdom, and knowledge to your children so they can take that with them throughout their lives. It is our divine responsibility to teach our children about Jesus, and the gospel.
The 2nd quote ~ There are so many things that don’t matter, so why do I even talk about them? This quote I REALLY needed to hear, and am so thankful that I did.
“Every person we meet is a VIP to our Heavenly Father.”
~ President Uchtdorf
“A tattered & worn $20 bill is still worth $20.00. ~ I am beat, worn, torn & crumpled, but I still have worth.”
~ President Uchtdorf
“We can speak of love all day long, but until we manifest that love into action, our words are nothing.”
~President Uchtdorf
“Jesus talked the talk and walked the walk, but he walked louder than he talked.”
~ President Uchtdorf
President Uchtdorf is one of my most favorite talkers. I am always pleased at every talk he has given and was definitely not disappointed this time as well. He put in beautiful words how we should love everyone. I think the $20.00 bill analogy was PERFECT. We’ve all been worn and torn but we all still have worth, and to God we are ALL His children and he loves us all. Something I thought long and hard is how would you feel if someone was mean one of your children? It hurts you, right? I think that’s how Heavenly Father feels when we are mean to His children, because that’s what everybody is. We are all important to Him.
I hope this inspired you this Monday to realize that first and foremost, our homes are the center of everything. We need to strengthen our families, and teach our children the things we want them to take into the world with them as they grow. In my case, it’s the gospel of Jesus Christ. To you, it might be different, but it’s our duty as parents to teach our children.
I also hope that these quotes have inspired you to love others. After I watched this conference I realized that there are many people that I stress about and have done so much wrong to me and I’ve realized they are the ones that need my prayers and love the most.
There are so many more quotes and heart touching things that were spoken during the conference and if you would like to hear these talks you can do so {HERE}
Did you already hear the talks? What was one of your favorite quotes?
I enjoyed the same quotes. I didn't think the first was Elder Ballard, but I didn't right it down 🙂
I will have to get something together for tomorrow to share. General Conference is so refreshing!!
"Hold your tongues about things that don't matter." ~Elder Ballard
This was a very good post and that quote is the one that hit home for me. Yesterday I kept thinking about something and I almost opened my mouth to tell my husband. I refrained where I normally would have just blabbed. It's a step in the right direction. Reading this today was an encouragement to me.
Happy Monday!
I loved Ballard and Uchtdorf's talks too! Great words!
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President Uchtdorf is my hero. I knew him when I was in Germany on a mission – he was a Stake President, and was impressive even then. Thanks for posting some of his quotes.