I LOVE PARTIES!!!!! And there’s no better party than the Ultimate Blog Party hosted by 5 Minutes for Mom. Sorry for the novel below, I just want you to get to know ME.
To start out my name is Amanda and you can find me over at Twitter as {@GaribaySoup}
A little about Garibay Soup ~ I just sortof lay it all out on the line here. I blog about personal things, matters of faith, marriage, food, BASICALLY LIFE! I originally started this blog as a way to keep my family updated since we moved away from ALL OF THEM. Now, this blog has nothing to do with them and everything to do with ME. This is my place, my corner in the web. Readers or not, I will always be here ~ but I really really really LOVE all of my readers!
Mondays are an extremely exciting day for me here at Garibay Soup as I host my very own carnival called Just a Motivating Monday. I am an inspiration junkie. I LOVE anything at all that will inspire me, and I love to share inspiring things with my readers. So every Monday you can count on reading something that will inspire you over here at Garibay Soup. And if you’d like to write a post, or share a quote you can join in! For previous Just a Motivating Monday’s {CLICK HERE}
A little about my family ~ I have been married for going on 6 years next month to my best friend. Our marriage is by no means perfect, but we do EVERYTHING in our power to never give up. We have survived things that people get divorced over, and because we stuck through the hard times, we are reaping the benefits now. I love to blog about marriage and read other’s posts about marriage. Marriage to me is the most sacred and wonderful union and I strive to make my marriage perfect ~ as in OUR perfect.
We have 2 beautiful children ~ an 8 year old Son, Jayden & a 2 year old daughter, Ella. Jayden is my shining star and has one of the sweetest souls that anyone who has ever met has come in contact with. He has Sensory Processing Disorder and we’re in the process of all the diagnosis stuff. Ella is our vibrant h3ll raiser princess who has completely changed my life. She has taught me about the importance of life and how precious life is. She was diagnosed with a heart condition called Wolfe Parkinson White Syndrome when she was 7 weeks old, and a month before she turned 2 she overdosed on her heart medication….. scariest moment of my life. I thank God every day that she’s still here with us and growing into the beautiful little girl that she is. You can read more about her heart condition and about her overdose {HERE}
ME… you want to know about me??? I’m a child of God, and every day my faith in the Church of {Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints} grows stronger and stronger. I am not perfect, but I strive to be. I am obsessed with self help/self motivating books that better who I am as a person. This is something new to me, but I love who I am turning into. I am the type of friend that once you are my friend I would move mountains for you, but it takes me a while to let people too close to my heart. I LOVE the blog world, because there’s always somebody that can relate to you and I have by far found the most amazing support system I’ve ever had. I love photography and have another blog for my photography journey you can see that {HERE} My family means more to me than anything in this world, and at the end of the day the only thing that matters is them and their safety, happiness and love.
If you come over unannounced to my house, there’s going to be toys scattered from wall to wall and you might see a few crumbs on the floor ~ but we are one of the happiest families out there. And to me, that’s all that matters.
I work at home. I am so so so fortunate to be a part of a company where I get paid when people pay their cell phone bills, their cable bills, their internet bills, their home phone bills, and I get to offer them breakthrough VOIP Video phone technology that is AWESOME! Oh, did I mention that this year I’ll be getting paid every, single time people pay their power bill??? And my friends and family love me to absolute death because I save them $$$ on all of these services ~ we ALL love to save money, right? Yes, I am very fortunate. If you’re curious let me know and I’ll give you more details.
I hope you enjoy your look around and I can’t wait to come and check out your blog!!
And if you aren’t a part of the party you absolutely SHOULD BE! There’s some amazing prizes and my most favorite top prizes are 1. Toshiba Satellite L505D-ES5025 2. A Rocking Horse To Love and then everything else they have to offer is AMAZING!!! I’d be thrilled winning about ANYTHING.

I love your blog and love you so so so much! You are just like family to me and I thank God for you every day. You are an amazing person, mom, wife and friend and I am so thankful that you introduced me to the blog world. I love it.
Muuuaaahhhh! Love you girl!
Great party post!! Very informative girl. Way to join the Party!!
I honestly almost cried a few times reading your post and your descriptions of your children.
Your Monday meme sounds wonderful.
Thank you for joining the party!
Talk later
I made it, you twittered your party post was up and I promised to come running with bells on… Did you hear the bells? 😉
I adore your unabashed love of family how you seem to throw your arms around life and get to the business of living!
My goodness how your post made me smile and cry.
Okay I so need to check out your Monday meme/carnival…what a wonderful way to begin the week. Could'nt we all do with a little inspiration in our lives.
I am so glad to have found your corner of the bloggy world… You can bet I will be back! 🙂
Happy UBP10! Party on …
*jingle, clank, ring* 😉 (that's me walking away with my bells on)
You do have beautiful children! 🙂 It's nice to meet you – enjoy the party!
Thank you for stopping by my blog for the Party! 🙂
I can't imagine how scary having your little one go through all of that would be.
You have a beautiful family!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your followers' comments have such great things to say about you! I'm definitely going to stick around.
~Amber @ The Mom Road
Enjoy the party! Thank you so much for stopping by! I love your intro…I can feel the love that you have for your family! <3 Have a great weekend!
cute blog I am visiting you back from the UBP =) Happy Weekend
Stopping by from UBP10! Hope you are having fun! Come check out my blog.
Hi there! Just popping in from the UBP to be your newest Google Follower! Hooray! Hope you have a great weekend! Swing by my blog when you get a chance!
Bridgette Groschen
The Groschen Goblins
Hello! Just stopping in for the party! I love your blog and your children are adorable. It is so nice to meet you. Stop by my blog anytime. I love visiters!
Stopping by from UBP because I have a dear friend named Garibay. So your blog caught my eye.
I can't wait to read more about your adventures, Amanda! I'm your newest follower.